I kategorien ledelse og strategi finner du alle typer lederkurs innen lederutviklingskurs, endringsledelse, prosjektledelse, etikk og bedriftskultur med mer. Du finner også kurs for kvalitetssikring, selskapsrett og styrearbeid. Dersom du ønsker å starte din egen bedrift vil det være lurt å ta et gründer og etableringskurs. Finner du ikke kurset du leter etter her, finner du det kanskje i kategorien HR og personal eller Markedsføring og salg. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis du ønsker at vi skal finne et kurs for deg.
Forbered deg på fremtidens arbeidsliv! Vil du jobbe med HR, personal og ledelse? Da er bachelorgraden i organisasjonspsykologi ved ONH riktig for deg! Studiet har oppstart både høsten og våren. Se mer informasjon om nettstudier her.
Vi tilbyr lederkurs. Ta ditt lederskap til nye høyder - og transformer din arbeidsplass! Bli en leder folk har lyst til å følge. -Are you ready to transform your workplace and create positive results for employees, leader and organization alike?
Motiverte og engasjerte ansatte er kjernen i enhver vellykket organisasjon. Vårt kurs i motivasjon og engasjement hjelper de ansatte med å finne sin indre motivasjon og øke deres engasjement på arbeidsplassen.
Leadership might feel like a struggle between guiding employees, keeping your customers happy and understanding your competitors. At the same time you must solve the challenges that may arise, whether it is high electricity prices, new government regulations or an epidemic.
Bachelor i HR, ledelse og organisasjonspsykologi gir deg et solid fundament til å jobbe med HR- og personalfaglige oppgaver i et arbeidsliv som stadig endrer seg. Dette er også nyttig for ledere som ønsker å oppdatere sin fagkunnskap innen strategi, arbeidsrett, ledelse og HMS.
Forbered deg på fremtidens arbeidsliv. Et godt miljø på arbeidsplassen og en arbeidsgiver som tar sine medarbeidere på alvor er faktorer som gjør at folk blir i jobbene sine. Vil du jobbe med HR, personal og ledelse? Da er bachelorgraden i organisasjonspsykologi ved ONH riktig for deg.
Er du opptatt av endring i organisasjoner, og at bedrifter tilpasser seg det grønne skiftet? Årsstudiet i endringsledelse, strategi og etikk gir deg en grundig innføring i hvordan du kan lede mennesker i endringsprosesser.
Er du interessert i HR, organisasjon og ledelse, og ønsker å lære mer om hvordan mennesker og organisasjoner fungerer? Med et årsstudium i HR og ledelse lærer du om sentrale temaer og prosesser som er relevante for arbeidslivet, som er viktig for arbeidstakere og for organisasjoners suksess
Er du interessert i HR og ledelse, og har lyst til å lære mer om temaer som arbeidsmiljø, prestasjoner, lederutvikling og fremtidens arbeidsliv? Et årsstudium i HR, ledelse og organisasjonspsykologi gir deg kunnskap om viktige temaer som er særlig relevante for arbeidslivet.
Dette studiet gir deg innsikt i hvordan mennesker reagerer på og håndterer overveldende hendelser, og hvordan best forstå og bistå i oppfølgingen i etterkant. Studiet gir deg også en mulighet til å få innblikk i psykologien som fagområde, hvordan øke kommunikasjonsferdigheter i hjelperelasjoner.
Er du interessert i å lære om hvordan verden henger sammen, hvilken rolle menneskerettighetene utgjør, og sammenhengen mellom nettopp politikk og menneskerettigheter? Da er årsstudium i menneskerettigheter og internasjonal politikk studiet for deg!
Utforsk spennende temaer innen offentlig styring og ledelse med vårt årsstudium i offentlig administrasjon. Bli rustet til å møte dagens utfordringer innen offentlig administrasjon med kunnskap og ferdigheter tilegnet gjennom dette årsstudiet.
Er du interessert i organisasjon og ledelse? Med et årsstudium i organisasjonspsykologi lærer du om de psykologiske prosessene som påvirker oss i arbeidslivet, noe som er viktig for oss som arbeidstakere og ikke minst for organisasjoners suksess.
Med et årsstudium i personalledelse lærer du om sentrale temaer som er relevante for arbeidslivet, og hvordan man går frem for å håndtere oppgaver som både påvirker arbeidstakere og organisasjonen.
Årsstudium i prosjektledelse gir en grundig innføring i prosjekt som arbeidsform og hvordan å lede mennesker i prosjekt som arena.
Årsstudium i prosjektledelse og digitalisering gir deg en grundig innføring i moderne metoder for prosjektledelse, prosjektøkonomi og digital teknologi. Utforsk prosjektarbeid som en dynamisk arbeidsform og lær hvordan du effektivt leder mennesker i den digitale tidsalderen.
Et årsstudium i økonomi, bærekraft og ledelse passer for deg som vil ha en grunnleggende innføring i økonomi og verdifull kunnskap om bærekraft og ledelse i bedrifter. Studiet dekker fagområder som bedriftsøkonomi, organisasjon og ledelse, etikk og bærekraft, markedsføring og digital ledelse.
We offer course about Agile Project Management - Foundation. Agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development are becoming increasingly mainstream.
Vi offer coure about Agile Project Management - Foundation And Practitioner. Agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development are becoming increasingly mainstream.
This course covers how to operate in such an Agile fashion within an overall project framework. It is based on the DSDM Agile Project Framework. This is an APMG accredited course.
AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools Course Overview This IBM AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools training course is designed to give delegates practical experience using a range of AIX tools to manipulate text and incorporate them into AIX shell scripts.
AIX Korn Shell Programming Course Overview IBM AIX Korn Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in developing and writing shell scripts.
AIX Shell Programming Course Overview This IBM AIX Korn Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience using a range of AIX tools to manipulate text and incorporate them into AIX shell scripts.
Angular Development Course Overview The Angular Development course focuses on using modern Angular to develop Single-Page Applications (SPAs).
This 3-day BCS Foundation course covers the range of concepts, approaches and techniques that are applicable to Business Analysis. Candidates are required to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of these aspects of Business Analysis.
Analyze your business today and map the path to tomorrow. In this course, you´ll learn to model business processes as they are currently enacted, assess the quality of those business processes, and collaborate with the stakeholders to identify improvements.
Scrum is an agile framework for maximising the value of product development. This may take the form of a project but Scrum is designed to be applicable to both project and non-project environments.
This 2-day course highlights the concepts, models and key definitions of the COBIT framework and helps prepare learners to take the COBIT 2019 Foundation Exam.
This course provides the foundations of knowledge, principles and practices from a technical perspective needed to engineer a successful DevOps solution. This course positions learners to successfully complete the DevOps Engineering Foundation exam.
The DevOps Foundation course provides a baseline understanding of key DevOps terminology to ensure everyone is talking the same language and highlights the benefits of DevOps to support organizational success.
The DevOps Leader course is a unique and practical experience for participants who want to take a transformational leadership approach and make an impact within their organization by implementing DevOps.
This course explains how DevOps security practices differ from other approaches then delivers the education needed to apply changes to your organization. Participants learn the purpose, benefits, concepts, vocabulary and applications of DevSecOps. Most importantly, students learn how DevSecOps roles
The DevsecOps Practitioner course introduces more advanced ways to explore DevSecOps in your organization. Each section covers practical maturity guides, and then discusses how people, process and technology can be combined to improve outcomes.
In this course, you´ll learn how to bring people together to create an optimal employee experience that enables your organization to improve productivity, develop empathetic leadership, and transform how employees feel about their work.
This course provides an introduction to Agile Service Management, the application and integration of agile thinking into service management processes. Agile thinking improves IT’s effectiveness and efficiency and enables IT to continue to deliver value in the face of changing requirements.
This two-day course introduces Agile values, principles, mindset and techniques of leading Agile methods including Scrum, Kanban Lean and XP.
The ICAgile Product Management course is one of two knowledge-based certifications on ICAgile´s Product Management Track that will equip you with the skills you need to ensure that your products remain in the sustain mode
ICAgile Project And Delivery Management (ICP-APM) is one of two knowledge-based certifications on the Delivery Management track.
During this four-day course, attendees will learn how to lead a Lean-Agile transformation by leveraging the practices and principles of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) to achieve Business Agility in the Digital Age
This 2-day ISO 22301 Foundation training course is designed to help participants understand the fundamental concepts and principles of a business continuity management system (BCMS) based on ISO 22301.
Given the increasing number of disruptions and the unpredictability of disasters of any kind (natural, occupational, information security), organizations nowadays are aiming at getting certified against ISO 22301 in order to show commitment toward business continuity
No two disasters in the world cause equal damage. Between the unpredictability of natural disasters, information security breaches, and incidents of different nature, preparedness can make you stand out in the crowd and predict the future of your business.
The ISO 31000 Foundation training course presents the basic principles and approaches of managing risks and opportunities based on the guidelines of ISO 31000.
The ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager training course helps participants develop their competences to support an organization create and protect value by managing risks, making decisions, and improving performance using the ISO 31000 guidelines.
ISO 9001 Foundations is a two-day training courses which focuses on the concepts of quality and quality management, and provides an overall explanation of ISO 9001 requirements for a quality management system (QMS).
The PECB ISO 9001 Lead Auditor training course enables you to develop the necessary competence to perform quality management system (QMS) audits by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures, and techniques.
The PECB ISO 9001 Lead Implementer is a five-day training course that aims to help you develop the competence necessary to establish, implement, operate, maintain, and continually improve a QMS.
We offer course about ITIL® 4 - Create, deliver, support - includes exam. The course is based on the ITIL 4 best practice service value system featured in the latest 2019 guidelines. This course includes a web proctored exam.
This course provides those IT leaders, practitioners and support staff who already hold the ITIL 4 Foundation qualification with an understanding of all types of engagement and interactions between a service provider.
This course provides IT leaders, practitioners, support staff and staff interfacing with the organisation’s digital and information systems functions with a practical understanding of the key concepts.
This course provides those IT leaders, practitioners and support staff who already hold the ITIL v3 foundation certificate with a quick and easy way to upgrade to the ITIL4 foundation.
This course provides an understanding of the ways in which digital organizations and digital operating models function in high velocity environments, focusing on rapid delivery of products & services to obtain maximum value.
ITIL4 Strategic Leader (ITIL SL) is a stream of two modules that are part of ITIL 4, the next evolution of ITIL. ITIL SL recognizes the value of ITIL, not just for IT operations, but for all digitally-enabled services.
This module focuses on providing the candidates with the understanding of the key concepts, principles, value and challenges of the Business Relationship Management practice.
The ITIL 4 IT Asset Management module is structured and aligned around the ITIL framework and the ITIL Practice Guides.The examination is intended to assess whether the candidate can demonstrate understanding and application of the concepts covered in the ITIL 4 IT Asset Management publication.
This 3-day ITIL® 4 Specialist: Acquiring & Managing Cloud Services training provides a vendor-neutral, user-centric guidance on developing a practical understanding of how cloud procurement and technology can integrate with and support broader business strategy and functions.
Key concepts, principles, value and challenges of ITIL 4´s five management practices, namely, the ITIL 4 Incident Management Practice, the ITIL 4 Service Desk Practice, the ITIL 4 Service Request Management Practice,the ITIL 4 Monitoring and Event Management Practice,and the ITIL 4 Problem Managemen
This 3-day course compiles for the candidates the understanding of the key concepts, principles, value and challenges of ITIL 4´s five management practices
This course provides IT leaders, practitioners and support staff with the practical skills necessary to create a ‘learning and improving´ IT organization, with a strong and effective strategic direction.
Learn how to build and support efficient Agile teams and programs using SAFe. During the two-day Leading SAFe® course, attendees will gain the knowledge necessary to lead a Lean-Agile enterprise by leveraging the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe).
This course provides participants with a thorough understanding of the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) programme management methodology, providing the skills needed to confidently use MSP to manage programmes in line with strategic aims of a business and its day to day running.
MSP® is a best-practice guide from the Home Office, describing a structured approach for managing programmes. It has been developed using the collective expertise and practical experience of some of the leading practitioners in the field.
This course teaches you the administrative skills needed to install, configure, manage, and upgrade three different Nutanix storage solution products: Nutanix Files, Nutanix Volumes and Nutanix Objects.
This course teaches you the skills needed to install, configure, and operate Nutanix Era for the purpose of managing databases. The installation and management of databases themselves is not part of this course.
If you already have experience with administering a Nutanix environment, this course will extend, deepen, and broaden your knowledge as you grow in your career as a Nutanix administrator.
The Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Fundamentals course introduces you to the products, capabilities, and technologies that serve as the foundation of Nutanix´s Hybrid Cloud solution.
The introduction of PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation will enable everyone to benefit from guidance on delivering, managing or working within agile projects and project teams, without the need for any prior knowledge of PRINCE2®.
This five-day course is a combination of the PRINCE2 Agile Foundation and PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner courses and provides both exams. It provides delegates with a thorough understanding of the PRINCE2 Agile® methodology.
This course covers the qualification from AXELOS which represents an extension to PRINCE2®. The course is equally divided between practical exercises and theory as it examines how to use PRINCE2® in an agile context.
The purpose of the PRINCE2® 7th Edition Foundation training program is to equip participants with a fundamental grasp of modern project management, by diving deep into the PRINCE2® project management method.
In this dynamic and intensive program, you will embark on a transformative journey that covers the essential principles, practices, and techniques of PRINCE2® 7th Edition.
The aim of this training is to provide delegates with a fundamental understanding of the PRINCE2® project management method and to help delegates prepare for the PRINCE2® Foundation examination - web proctored exam voucher included in course fee.
The primary objective of this practical training is to equip delegates with an extensive knowledge base and hands-on comprehension of the PRINCE2® 7th edition project management method.
Develop the skillsets needed to guide the delivery of value in a Lean enterprise by becoming a SAFe® 5 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM).
Applying the Scrum Master role within a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) enterprise with SAFe® 4 Scrum Master Certification. Based on version 4.6 of SAFe. In this two-day course, attendees will gain an understanding of the role of a Scrum Master in a SAFe enterprise.
Are you the (future) Product Owner of a Scrum project? Or are you otherwise directly or indirectly involved in a Scrum process from a business perspective? Do you already have (some) experience in working as a Scrum Product Owner, but are you not yet certified? Then this training is suitable for you
This certification course covers themes such as: potential benefits as well as the challenges and risks of implementing SIAM®.
The EXIN SIAM™ Professional certification tests a candidate´s knowledge and skills of the activities in the four stages of the SIAM roadmap. A candidate who successfully completes the EXIN SIAM™ Professional can analyze, plan, build and inspect a multi-service provider environment.
This Statistics course aims to address the growing need for a practical and systematic introduction to statistics at work.
This TOGAF® EA Training Foundation Course introduces the latest version of TOGAF and will help you to prepare to take The Open Group´s examination leading to the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Foundation qualification.
This TOGAF® EA Training Practitioner Course is based on the latest version of TOGAF and will help you to prepare to take The Open Group´s examination leading to the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner qualification.
This TOGAF® EA Training Bridge Course is based on the latest version of TOGAF and will help you to prepare to take the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Bridge exam leading to the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner qualification.
This TOGAF® EA Training – Foundation & Practitioner Combined Course is based on the latest version of TOGAF and will help you to prepare to take The Open Group´s Combined Part 1/2 examination leading to the TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture Practitioner qualification.
We offer course about TOGAF® for practitioners - level 1 & 2. TOGAF® V9.2 is the foremost generic framework in the field of Enterprise Architecture (EA).
TOGAF® V9.2 Level 1 certification training course introduces the latest version of TOGAF® and will help you to prepare to take The Open Group´s examination leading to the TOGAF® 9 Foundation qualification.
Vi offer course about Nutanix Advanced Administration and Performance. If you are an experienced Nutanix administrator, this course will serve as a deep dive that gives you a rich, nuanced understanding of the Nutanix platform, and will help you get the most out of your Nutanix solutions.
Nettkurs - Målsetting med kurset er at du skal få en grunninnføring for å bli i stand til å etablere, implementere og vedlikeholde et ledelsessystem for arbeidsmiljø i henhold til NS- ISO 45001:2023 Ledelsessystemer for arbeidsmiljø - krav og veiledning om bruk.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om ledelsessystem for kvalitet med NS-EN ISO 9001:2015. Målsettingen med kurset er at du skal få en grunninnføring for å bli i stand til å etablere, implementere og vedlikeholde et ledelsessystem for kvalitet.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om ledelsessystem for miljø med NS-EN ISO 14001:2015. Målsettingen med kurset er at du skal få en grunninnføring for å bli i stand til å etablere, implementere og vedlikeholde et ledelsessystem for miljø.
Vi tilbyr mikrokurs i NS-EN ISO 14001:2015 Ledelsessystem for miljø som nettkurs. Mikrokurs fra Veritech AS er den meste effektive måten å få kunnskap om standarden på. Ta kurset på din telefon og PC i det tempo som passer deg.
Vi tilbyr mikrokurs i NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 Ledelsessystem for kvalitet som nettkurs. Mikrokurs fra Veritech AS er den meste effektive måten å få kunnskap om standarden på. Ta kurset på din telefon og PC i det tempo som passer deg.
Vi tilbyr kurs om NS-EN ISO 14001:2015 Ledelsessystemer for miljø - krav og veiledning om bruk for bedrifter. Veritech AS tilbyr konsulenttjenester og rådgiving spesielt innen de internasjonale systemstandardene for ledelsessystemer.
Vi tilbyr kurs om NS-EN ISO 45001:2023 ledelsessystem for arbeidsmiljø for bedrifter. Veritech AS tilbyr konsulenttjenester og rådgiving spesielt innen de internasjonale systemstandardene for ledelsessystemer.
Vi tilbyr kurs om NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 Ledelsessystemer for kvalitet - krav for bedrifter. Veritech AS tilbyr konsulenttjenester og rådgiving spesielt innen de internasjonale systemstandardene for ledelsessystemer.
Vi tilbyr kurs om NS-ISO 31000:2018 risikostyring - retningslinjer for bedrifter. Veritech AS tilbyr konsulenttjenester og rådgiving spesielt innen de internasjonale systemstandardene for ledelsessystemer.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om revisjon med NS-EN ISO 19011:2018. Målsettingen med kurset er at du skal få en grunninnføring i ISO 19011:2018 for å bli i stand til å utarbeide et revisjonsprogram samt planlegge, gjennomføre, avslutte og rapportere revisjoner av ledelsessystemer.
Vi tilbyr kurs om digital strategi som webinar. Lær deg elementene i en god strategi på nett. En digital strategi er en langsiktig plan som gir økt verdi både for virksomheten og kunden ved hjelp av digitale kanaler.
Vi tilbyr webinar om forretningsutvikling og Design Thinking, lær å lage knallgode kundeopplevelser. Verden er i endring. Det snakkes om den fjerde industrielle revolusjon og stadig flere ledere etterspør innovasjon og ny konkurransekraft. Men hva betyr det? Hvor skal vi begynne?