Norskkurs - Norwegian course

Her finner du en oversikt over Norskkurs. Finn et kurs nær deg. Søk gratis i Norges største og mest komplette kursoversikt.

50 timer samfunnskunnskap (fast-track) - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettkurs (fast-track) i 50 timer samfunnskunnskap som er det mest fleksible og brukervennlige kurset med 50 timer samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere. Du lærer om norsk kultur, om arbeidslivet i Norge, skolesystemet, helsevesenet og mange, mange flere emner.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 50 timer / 2 uker 4.500 kr

Business Norwegian - Online

Business Norwegian is a course that combines live-lessons and digital learning resources in Norwegian language and culture curated for the business sector.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Ta kontakt kr

Forberedelse til Norskprøven - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i forberedelse til Norskprøven. I dette kurset vil du øve deg både til den muntlige og den skriftlige delen av prøven, med tilbakemelding fra lærer. Oppgavene er inspirert av den digitale norskprøven fra Kompetanse Norge.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 eller 10 timer individuell veiled... fra 3.300 kr

Forberedelseskurs til skrivedelen i Test i norsk - høyere nivå

Vi tilbyr forberedelseskurs til Test i norsk på høyere nivå (Bergenstesten). Dette er et 2-dagers skrivekurs for deg som er på nivå B2 / C1 i norsk og ønsker å ta Bergenstesten. Det er totalt 9 klasseromstimer fordelt på 2 dager og 6 timer selvstudium.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen 9 timer 5.900 kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 9 timer 5.900 kr
Stavanger Stavanger 9 timer 5.900 kr

Free Introduction Course in Norwegian - online

Free online Introduction Course in Norwegian. Join our free, fun and educational introduction course to kick-start your Norwegian learning! You´ll get access to a series of 8 video lectures online. You will learn to use basic common words.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 video lectures online Gratis kr

Helsenorsk elementært nivå A2 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i helsenorsk på elementært nivå A2. Kurset tar opp et vidt spekter av emner innen helse. Kurset passer for voksne innvandrere med helsefaglig bakgrunn eller unge som ønsker å kvalifisere seg for å jobbe i helsesektoren i Norge.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 måneder 4.890 kr

Helsenorsk mellomnivå B1 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i helsenorsk på Mellomnivå B1. Kurset tar opp et vidt spekter av emner innen helse. Kurset passer for voksne innvandrere med helsefaglig bakgrunn eller unge som ønsker å kvalifisere seg for å jobbe i helsesektoren i Norge.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 måneder 9.980 kr

Helsenorsk øvre mellomnivå B2 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i helsenorsk på øvre mellomnivå B2. Kurset tar opp et vidt spekter av emner innen helse. Kurset passer for voksne innvandrere med helsefaglig bakgrunn eller unge som ønsker å kvalifisere seg for å jobbe i helsesektoren i Norge.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 måneder 9.980 kr

Master the Stavanger dialect mellomnivå B1 - online

Have you ever struggled with the local dialect in Stavanger? Or have you been frustrated about the gap between what you learn in the classroom and what you hear people say? This online course will help you understand the street language and normal conversation in the Stavanger dialect.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Gratis kr

Norskkurs avansert nivå C1

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1. Dette kurset er for deg som har fullført norskkurs på nivå B2 og snakker mer eller mindre flytende norsk med stort sett riktig grammatikk, men mangler ord og selvtillit.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen 4 måneder fra 2.390 pr mnd kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 4 måneder fra 2.390 pr mnd kr
Stavanger Stavanger 4 måneder fra 2.390 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs avansert nivå C1 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert språkkurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1. Dette kurset er for deg som har fullført norskkurs på nivå B2 og snakker mer eller mindre flytende norsk med stort sett riktig grammatikk, men mangler ord og selvtillit.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 måneder fra 2.690 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs for nybegynnere nivå A1

The A1 course is the beginning of your journey to learn Norwegian. You will be able to use the most common words and everyday phrases, as well as getting a technical understanding of the language. This level is the first building block towards mastering the Norwegian language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen Expected duration is 2 months 5.980 kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum Expected duration is 2 months 5.980 kr
Sandnes Sandnes Expected duration is 2 months fra 1.890 pr mnd kr
Stavanger Stavanger Expected duration is 2 months 5.980 kr

Norskkurs for nybegynnere nivå A1 - A2, nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettkurs i norsk for nybegynnere nivå A1 - A2. Du lærer å forstå, lese, skrive og snakke norsk. Du lærer også om det norske samfunnet. Kurset bygger på «Læreplan i norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne» og fører fram til de nasjonale norskprøvene, Norskprøve A1 / A2 og Norskprøve A2 / B1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 måneder 4.990 kr

Norskkurs for nybegynnere nivå A1 - nettkurs

The A1 course is the beginning of your journey to learn Norwegian. You will be able to use the most common words and everyday phrases, as well as getting a technical understanding of the language. This level is the first building block towards mastering the Norwegian language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 måneder fra 2.690 pr month kr

Norskkurs grunnleggende nivå A2

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på grunnleggende nivå A2 som gir deg større ordforråd og en bedre forståelse av språket. Du vil fortsette å jobbe med grammatikk og tekniske sider av språket.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen Forventet varighet er 2 måneder fra 1.890 pr mnd kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum Forventet varighet er 2 måneder fra 1.890 pr mnd kr
Sandnes Sandnes Forventet varighet er 2 måneder fra 1.890 pr mnd kr
Stavanger Stavanger Forventet varighet er 2 måneder fra 1.890 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs grunnleggende nivå A2 - nettkurs

Norskkurs nivå A2 vil gi deg større ordforråd og en bedre forståelse av språket. Du vil fortsette å jobbe med grammatikk og tekniske sider av språket, samt lære hvordan du kan kombinere flere ord for å danne bedre setninger og kommunisere med norsktalende i dagligdagse situasjoner.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 måneder fra 2.690 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs mellomnivå B1 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert språkkurs i norsk på mellomnivå B1. På dette kurset gir vi deg nøklene til å mestre det norske språket. Du vil jobbe med oppgaver, grammatikk og tekniske aspekter ved språket, for å forbedre dine muntlige ferdigheter samt lytte- og leseforståelse.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 uker fra 2.690 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs mellomnivå nivå B1

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på mellomnivå nivå B1. På dette kurset gir vi deg nøklene til å mestre det norske språket. Du vil jobbe med oppgaver, grammatikk og tekniske aspekter ved språket, for å forbedre dine muntlige ferdigheter samt lytte- og leseforståelse.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen 3 måneder ta kontakt kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum Forventet varighet er 16 uker fra 1.890 pr mnd kr
Stavanger Stavanger 3 måneder Ta kontakt kr

Norskkurs øvre mellomnivå B2

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på øvre mellomnivå B2. B2-kurset fokuserer på å videreutvikle forståelsen av det norske språket. Du vil forstå den tekniske delen av språket bedre, og du vil lære å takle vanlige språksituasjoner i Norge på en trygg og selvstendig måte.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen 4 måneder 7.900 kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 4 måneder 7.900 kr
Stavanger Stavanger 4 måneder 7.900 kr

Norskkurs øvre mellomnivå B2 - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert språkkurs i norsk på øvre mellomnivå B2. B2-kurset fokuserer på å videreutvikle forståelsen av det norske språket. Du vil forstå den tekniske delen av språket bedre, og du vil lære å takle vanlige språksituasjoner i Norge på en trygg og selvstendig måte.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 måneder fra 2.690 pr mnd kr

Norskkurs øvre mellomnivå nivå B1 - B2, nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert språkkurs i norsk på øvre mellomnivå B1 - B2. Nettkurset i norsk som andrespråk er et kursprogram for deg som ønsker en fleksibel og rimelig måte å lære norsk på. Du får ubegrenset tilgang til læringsverktøyet og deltar i et virtuelt klasserom med kursholder hver dag.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 måneder 5.490 kr

Privatundervisning i norsk

Vi tilbyr privatundervisning i norsk. Med privattimer er dine mål våre mål, og vi jobber sammen for å nå dem! Du vil få din egen, personlige instruktør som vil skape et kurs tilpasset dine behov, utfordringer og interesser, noe som gjør det mulig å nå lenger og lengre!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen 1 time fra 750 kr
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 1 time fra 726 kr
Stavanger Stavanger 1 time fra 750 kr

Samtale & uttaletrening i norsk - mellomnivå B1

Vi tilbyr samtale & uttaletrening i norsk på mellomnivå B1. Et samtalekurs designet for å forbedre dine muntlige ferdigheter både grundig og raskt! Dette kurset vil bli ledet av en erfaren kursholder som har solid erfaring i å undervise i samtale- og uttaletrening.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Bergen Bergen

Norwegian advanced level C1 - online (16 sessions)

We provide 16 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 weeks (16 sessions / 32 hours) 6.590 kr

Norwegian advanced level C1 - online (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+1) 2 weeks (4 sessions 8 hours)12.11.2024 (+1) 2.262 kr

Norwegian advanced level C1 - online (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 4 weeks (8 sessions / 16 hours)12.11.2024 4.066 kr

Norwegian advanced level C1 (16 sessions - whole level)

We provide 16 sessions (whole level) norwegian course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 10 weeks (16 sessions / 48 hours) 7.563 kr

Norwegian advanced level C1 (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+2) 2 - 4 weeks (4 sessions / 12 hours)...18.11.2024 (+2) 2.904 kr

Norwegian advanced level C1 (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (8 sessions / 24 hours)...02.12.2024 4.828 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - intensive

We offer norwegian intensive course at level A0 - A1. This is the first of two beginner level norwegian language courses at Alfaskolen and is perfect for new beginners. In a short time, you will develop basic norwegian language skills and get an introduction to norwegian culture and life in Norway.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+19) 4 - 6 weeks (48 hours)11.11.2024 (+19) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - intensive (saturdays)

We offer norwegian intensive course at level A0 - A1. This is the first of two beginner level norwegian language courses at Alfaskolen and is perfect for new beginners. In a short time, you will develop basic norwegian language skills and get an introduction to norwegian culture and life in Norway.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 4 months (48 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - intensive online

We offer norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 06.01.2025 (+7) 4 - 5 weeks (32 hours)06.01.2025 (+7) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at level A0 - A1. This is the first of two beginner-level norwegian language courses at Alfaskolen and is perfect for new beginners. In a short time, you will develop basic norwegian language skills and get an introduction to norwegian culture and life in Norway.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+12) 2 months (48 hours)02.12.2024 (+12) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A0 - A1 in the evening. This is the first of two beginner-level norwegian language courses at Alfaskolen and is perfect for new beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+25) 2 months (48 hours)19.11.2024 (+25) 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 2 months (48 hours) 02.12.2024 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 2 months (48 hours) 07.01.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.01.2025 2 months (48 hours) 21.01.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.02.2025 2 months (48 hours) 03.02.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.02.2025 2 months (48 hours) 17.02.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 2 months (48 hours) 04.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 2 months (48 hours) 18.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 2 months (48 hours) 31.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.04.2025 2 months (48 hours) 28.04.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.05.2025 2 months (48 hours) 06.05.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.05.2025 2 months (48 hours) 20.05.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.06.2025 2 months (48 hours) 02.06.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.06.2025 2 months (48 hours) 16.06.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.07.2025 2 months (48 hours) 01.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.07.2025 2 months (48 hours) 15.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.07.2025 2 months (48 hours) 28.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 2 months (48 hours) 11.08.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 2 months (48 hours) 26.08.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 2 months (48 hours) 09.09.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 2 months (48 hours) 22.09.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 2 months (48 hours) 06.10.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 2 months (48 hours) 21.10.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 2 months (48 hours) 04.11.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 2 months (48 hours) 17.11.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 2 months (48 hours) 01.12.2025 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - standard online

We offer norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 25.11.2024 (+5) 2 months (32 hours)25.11.2024 (+5) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A1 - standard online (evening)

We offer norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+7) 2 months (32 hours)12.11.2024 (+7) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A0 - A2. This is our most popular beginner-level full package norwegian language course. Our norwegian course for beginners is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+19) 2 months (96 hours)11.11.2024 (+19) 13.195 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A0 - A2. This is our most popular beginner-level full package norwegian language course. Our norwegian course for beginners is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 9 months (96 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 13.195 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - intensive online

Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Our A0 - A2 full-package best-deal norwegian online course for beginners consists of 24h access to e-learning program and meetings in a virtual classroom with a real teacher in Zoom.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 06.01.2025 (+7) 2 months (64 hours)06.01.2025 (+7) 10.885 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A0 - A2. This is our most popular beginner-level full package norwegian language course. Our norwegian course for beginners is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+12) 4 months (96 hours)02.12.2024 (+12) 13.195 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A0 - A2 in the evening. This is our most popular beginner-level full package norwegian language course. With this course, you complete the whole beginner level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+25) 4 months (96 hours)19.11.2024 (+25) 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 months (96 hours) 02.12.2024 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 4 months (96 hours) 07.01.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.01.2025 4 months (96 hours) 21.01.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.02.2025 4 months (96 hours) 03.02.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.02.2025 4 months (96 hours) 17.02.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 months (96 hours) 04.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 months (96 hours) 18.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 months (96 hours) 31.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.04.2025 4 months (96 hours) 28.04.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.05.2025 4 months (96 hours) 06.05.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.05.2025 4 months (96 hours) 20.05.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.06.2025 4 months (96 hours) 02.06.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.06.2025 4 months (96 hours) 16.06.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.07.2025 4 months (96 hours) 01.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.07.2025 4 months (96 hours) 15.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.07.2025 4 months (96 hours) 28.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 4 months (96 hours) 11.08.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 months (96 hours) 26.08.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 months (96 hours) 09.09.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 months (96 hours) 22.09.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 4 months (96 hours) 06.10.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 months (96 hours) 21.10.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 months (96 hours) 04.11.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 months (96 hours) 17.11.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 4 months (96 hours) 01.12.2025 13.195 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - A2 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A2. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+12) 4 - 5 months (64 hours)12.11.2024 (+12) 10.885 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A0. This is the first beginner-level intensive norwegian language course at Alfaskolen, and is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+21) 2 - 8 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+21) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 06.01.2025 (+7) 2 weeks (16 hours)06.01.2025 (+7) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A0. This is the first beginner-level standard norwegian language course at Alfaskolen, and is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)02.12.2024 (+12) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A0 in the evening. This is the first beginner-level standard norwegian language course at Alfaskolen, and is perfect for those who do not have any or very little previous knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+25) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+25) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 28.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 06.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 28.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 11.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 06.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.12.2025 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 21.01.2025 (+4) 4 weeks (16 hours)21.01.2025 (+4) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A0 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0 in the evening. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+8) 4 - 5 weeks (16 hours)12.11.2024 (+8) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A1. This second beginner-level norwegian language course continues from A0 norwegian course for beginners and is perfect for those who have basic knowledge of norwegian or wish to further extend their knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+19) 2 - 3 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+19) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A1 on saturdays. This second beginner-level norwegian language course continues from A0 norwegian course for beginners and is perfect for those who have basic knowledge of norwegian or wish to further extend their knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 07.12.2024 (+2) 2 - 3 months (24 hours)07.12.2024 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - intensive online

We provide norwegian online course at beginner level A1. Join part 2 of basic norwegian beginner level A1 online course. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+8) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+8) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A1. This second beginner-level norwegian language course continues from A0 norwegian course for beginners and is perfect for those who have basic knowledge of norwegian or wish to further extend their knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 03.12.2024 (+13) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)03.12.2024 (+13) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A1 in the evening. This second beginner-level norwegian language course continues from A0 norwegian course for beginners and is perfect for those who have basic knowledge of norwegian or wish to further extend their knowledge of norwegian.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+27) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+27) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 05.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 05.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 19.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 19.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 29.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 29.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 25.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 08.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.01.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.02.2025 (+4) 4 - 5 weeks (16 hours)18.02.2025 (+4) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A1 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1 in the evening. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+10) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)12.11.2024 (+10) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+21) 4 - 6 weeks (48 hours)11.11.2024 (+21) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2 on saturdays. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 15.02.2025 (+2) 4 months (48 hours)15.02.2025 (+2) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 02.12.2024 (+8) 4 - 6 weeks (32 hours)02.12.2024 (+8) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+14) 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours)02.12.2024 (+14) 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A2 in the evening. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+29) 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours)19.11.2024 (+29) 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 02.12.2024 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2024 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 16.12.2024 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.01.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 14.01.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.01.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 28.01.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 10.02.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 04.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 18.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 31.03.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.04.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 23.04.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.05.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 08.05.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.05.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 22.05.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.06.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 04.06.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.06.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 25.06.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.07.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 03.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.07.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 17.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 30.07.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 30.07.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 11.08.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 26.08.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 09.09.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 22.09.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 06.10.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 21.10.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 04.11.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 17.11.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 01.12.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2025 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 16.12.2025 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2026 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 13.01.2026 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.01.2026 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 26.01.2026 6.848 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.02.2026 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours) 09.02.2026 6.848 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+6) 8 - 10 weeks (32 hours)12.11.2024 (+6) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2 in the evening. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+10) 8 - 10 weeks (32 hours)18.11.2024 (+10) 6.034 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2.1. This course continues from beginner-level norwegian course A1. The course is for those who can express themselves in a simple way using present and past tense.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+21) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+21) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2.1. This course continues from beginner-level norwegian course A1. The course is for those who can express themselves in a simple way using present and past tense.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 15.02.2025 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)15.02.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic Norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s Norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 02.12.2024 (+8) 2 - 4 weeks02.12.2024 (+8) 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.02.2025 2 - 4 weeks 03.02.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 24.02.2025 2 - 4 weeks 24.02.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 17.03.2025 2 - 4 weeks 17.03.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 07.04.2025 2 - 4 weeks 07.04.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 27.05.2025 2 - 4 weeks 27.05.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.06.2025 2 - 4 weeks 11.06.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 25.06.2025 2 - 4 weeks 25.06.2025 3.625 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 21.07.2025 2 - 4 weeks 21.07.2025 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A2.1. This course continues from beginner-level norwegian course A1. The course is for those who can express themselves in a simple way using present and past tense.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+14) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)02.12.2024 (+14) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - standard (evening)

We provide standard norwegian course at beginner level A2.1 in the evening. This course continues from beginner-level norwegian course A1. The course is for those who can express themselves in a simple way using present and past tense.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+29) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+29) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 28.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 08.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 25.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 30.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 30.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 11.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 06.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.02.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12.11.2024 (+6) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)12.11.2024 (+6) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.1 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1 in the evening. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+10) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+10) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2.2. This is the last beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+21) 2 - 3 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+21) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at beginner level A2.2. This is the last beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.04.2025 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)12.04.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+9) 2 - 4 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+9) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A2.2. This is the last beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 26.11.2024 (+14) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)26.11.2024 (+14) 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at beginner level A2.2. This is the last beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+31) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+31) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.11.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.11.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 11.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 25.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 24.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 24.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 08.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.02.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.02.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.03.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.03.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - standard online

We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 10.12.2024 (+6) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)10.12.2024 (+6) 3.625 kr

Norwegian beginner level A2.2 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2 in the evening. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.12.2024 (+11) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)03.12.2024 (+11) 3.625 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B1 (16 sessions)

We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B1. Our conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 8 weeks (32 hours / 16 sessions)07.01.2025 7.986 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B1 (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B1. Our conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+1) 2 weeks (8 hours / 4 sessions)12.11.2024 (+1) 2.410 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B1 (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B1. Our conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 4 weeks (16 hours / 8 sessions)12.11.2024 4.356 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B2 - C1 (16 sessions)

We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Our Conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 8 weeks (16 sessions 32 hours) 7.986 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B2 - C1 (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Our Conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+3) 2 weeks (4 sessions / 8 hours)11.11.2024 (+3) 2.410 kr

Norwegian conversation - intermediate level B2 - C1 (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Our Conversation course offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak norwegian clearly and effectively.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+1) 4 weeks (8 sessions / 16 hours)11.11.2024 (+1) 4.356 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 (16 sessions)

We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 8 weeks (16 sessions / 32 hours)07.01.2025 7.986 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+1) 2 weeks (4 sessions / 8 hours)12.11.2024 (+1) 2.410 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 4 weeks (8 sessions / 16 hours)12.11.2024 4.356 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 online (16 sessions)

We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 weeks (16 sessions / 32 hours) 6.653 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 online (4 sessions)

We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 (+1) 2 weeks (4 sessions / 8 hours)19.11.2024 (+1) 2.092 kr

Norwegian conversation course level A2 - B1 online (8 sessions)

We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 4 weeks (8 sessions / 16 hours)19.11.2024 3.746 kr

Norwegian conversation intermediate level B2-C1 online 16 session

We provide 16 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 weeks (16 sessions 32 hours) 6.653 kr

Norwegian conversation intermediate level B2-C1 online 4 sessions

We provide 4 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 (+1) 2 weeks (4 sessions 8 hours)19.11.2024 (+1) 2.092 kr

Norwegian conversation intermediate level B2-C1 online 8 sessions

We provide 8 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 4 weeks (8 sessions 16 hours)19.11.2024 3.746 kr

Norwegian exam preparation course - advanced level C1

We provide norwegian exam preparation course at advanced level C1.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 24.03.2025 6 - 8 weeks (48 hours)24.03.2025 6.907 kr

Norwegian exam preparation course - level A1 - A2

We provide norwegian exam preparation course level A1 - A2. Are you planning to take norskprøve level A1 - A2? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses on A2-level before taking this course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2025 (+1) 6 weeks (48 hours)13.01.2025 (+1) 6.907 kr

Norwegian exam preparation course - level A1 - A2 - online

We provide norwegian exam preparation online course level A1 - A2. Are you planning to take norskprøve level A1 - A2? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses on A2-level before taking this course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 6 weeks (48 hours) 6.907 kr

Norwegian exam preparation course - level A2 - B1

We provide norwegian exam preparation course level A2 - B1. Are you planning to take Norskprøve A2 - B1? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses on B1-level before taking this course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 14.01.2025 (+1) 6 weeks (48 hours)14.01.2025 (+1) 6.907 kr

Norwegian exam preparation course - level B1 - B2

We provide norwegian exam preparation course level B1 - B2. Are you planning to take Norskprøve B1 - B2? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses B2-1, B2-2 and B2-3 or equivalent before taking this course.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 14.01.2025 (+1) 6 weeks (48 hours)14.01.2025 (+1) 6.907 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B1

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B1. Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 8 weeks (48 hours) 8.237 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B1 (part 1)

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B1 (part 1). Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 4 weeks (24 hours) 4.435 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B1 (part 2)

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B1 (part 2). Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 4 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 4.435 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B2

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B2. Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 8 weeks (48 hours) 8.237 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B2 (part 1)

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B2 (part 1). Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 4 weeks (24 hours) 4.435 kr

Norwegian grammar course - intermediate level B2 (part 2)

Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B2 (part 2). Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 4 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 4.435 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2. This is our best deal for the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+18) 2 months (96 hours)11.11.2024 (+18) 13.195 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2 on saturdays. This is our best deal for the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 8 months (96 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 13.195 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 10.02.2025 (+3) 8 weeks (64 hours)10.02.2025 (+3) 10.885 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2. This is our best deal for the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+10) 4 - 5 months (96 hours)19.11.2024 (+10) 13.195 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2 in the evening. This is our best deal for the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+13) 4 - 5 months (96 hours)12.11.2024 (+13) 13.195 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2 - standard online

We offer norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+8) 4 - 5 months (64 hours)18.11.2024 (+8) 10.885 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.1. This is the first high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will be very fluent and versatile in expressing yourself.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+18) 2 - 3 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+18) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.1 on saturdays. This is the first high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will be very fluent and versatile in expressing yourself.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 8 weeks (24 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate - level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 10.02.2025 (+3) 2 weeks (16 hours)10.02.2025 (+3) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.1. This is the first high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will be very fluent and versatile in expressing yourself.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+10) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+10) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.1 in the evening. This is the first high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. You will be very fluent and versatile in expressing yourself.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+13) 4 - 5 weeks (24 hours)12.11.2024 (+13) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+8) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+8) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+18) 4 - 6 weeks (48 hours)11.11.2024 (+18) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 10.02.2025 (+3) 4 - 6 weeks (32 hours)10.02.2025 (+3) 6.034 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 intensive saturdays

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 on saturdays. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 4 months (48 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+10) 2 months (32 hours)19.11.2024 (+10) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 in the evening. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+12) 2 months (48 hours)12.11.2024 (+12) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2 standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+8) 2 months (32 hours)18.11.2024 (+8) 6.034 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.2. This is the second high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+18) 2 - 3 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+18) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.2 in saturdays. This is the second high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 07.12.2024 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)07.12.2024 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced Norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 24.02.2025 (+3) 2 - 4 weeks (16 hours)24.02.2025 (+3) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.2. This is the second high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+11) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+11) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.2 in the evening. This is the second high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 10.12.2024 (+13) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)10.12.2024 (+13) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.2 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.12.2024 (+9) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)03.12.2024 (+9) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.3. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.3 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+20) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+20) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.3 on saturdays. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.3 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 15.02.2025 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)15.02.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+4) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+4) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.3. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.3 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+12) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.3 in the evening. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.3 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+15) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+15) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)19.11.2024 (+12) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+19) 4 - 8 weeks (48 hours)11.11.2024 (+19) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+4) 4 - 5 weeks (32 hours)18.11.2024 (+4) 6.034 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 intensive saturdays

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 on saturdays. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 15.02.2025 (+2) 4 months (48 hours)15.02.2025 (+2) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+12) 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours)19.11.2024 (+12) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 in the evening. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+15) 8 - 10 weeks (48 hours)18.11.2024 (+15) 6.848 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4 standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 19.11.2024 (+12) 8 - 10 weeks (32 hours)19.11.2024 (+12) 6.034 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 24 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+21) 2 - 3 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+21) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at high intermediate level B2.4 on saturdays. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 24 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.04.2025 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)12.04.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 02.12.2024 (+4) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)02.12.2024 (+4) 3.625 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.4. This course is included in our Unlimited Norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.4 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 17.12.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)17.12.2024 (+12) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at high intermediate level B2.4 in the evening. This course is included in our Unlimited Norwegian lessons offer. With this course, you will complete part B2.4 of the B2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+16) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)02.12.2024 (+16) 4.356 kr

Norwegian high intermediate level B2.4 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 17.12.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)17.12.2024 (+12) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+18) 8 weeks (96 hours)11.11.2024 (+18) 13.195 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1 on saturdays. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 8 months (96 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 13.195 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1 + virtual classroom. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+6) 2 months (64 hours)11.11.2024 (+6) 10.885 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+11) 4 - 5 months (96 hours)12.11.2024 (+11) 13.195 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1 in the evening. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+25) 4 - 5 months (96 hours)19.11.2024 (+25) 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 02.12.2024 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 07.01.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.01.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 21.01.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.02.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 03.02.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.02.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 17.02.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 04.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 18.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 31.03.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 22.04.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.05.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 06.05.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.05.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 20.05.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.06.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 02.06.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.06.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 16.06.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.07.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 01.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.07.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 15.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.07.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 28.07.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.08.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 12.08.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 26.08.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 09.09.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 22.09.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 06.10.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 21.10.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 04.11.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 17.11.2025 13.195 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2025 4 - 5 months (96 hours) 02.12.2025 13.195 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 27.01.2025 (+3) 4 months (64 hours)27.01.2025 (+3) 10.885 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1 in the evening. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+8) 4 months (64 hours)11.11.2024 (+8) 10.885 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.1. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+18) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+18) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.1 on saturdays. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.01.2025 (+1) 2 months (24 hours)25.01.2025 (+1) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+6) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)11.11.2024 (+6) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.1. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.11.2024 (+11) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)12.11.2024 (+11) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.1 in the evening. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+25) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+25) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 06.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 28.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 06.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 06.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2025 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 27.01.2025 (+3) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)27.01.2025 (+3) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.1 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1 in the evening. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+8) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)11.11.2024 (+8) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.2. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+18) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+18) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.2 on saturdays. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 07.12.2024 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)07.12.2024 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 25.11.2024 (+6) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)25.11.2024 (+6) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.2. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 10.12.2024 (+11) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)10.12.2024 (+11) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.2 in the evening. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+27) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+27) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 05.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 05.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 19.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 19.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 29.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 29.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 25.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.2 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 26.11.2024 (+13) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)26.11.2024 (+13) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.3. This third intermediate-level language course continues from B1.2 norwegian course. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+20) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)11.11.2024 (+20) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.3. This third intermediate-level language course continues from B1.2 norwegian course. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 15.02.2025 (+2) 8 weeks (24 hours)15.02.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - intensive online

We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 09.12.2024 (+6) 2 - 3 weeks (16 hours)09.12.2024 (+6) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.3. This third intermediate-level language course continues from B1.2 norwegian course. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+12) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+12) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.3 in the evening. This third intermediate-level language course continues from B1.2 course. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 19.11.2024 (+29) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)19.11.2024 (+29) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 28.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 28.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 08.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 24.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 24.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 03.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 03.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 30.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 30.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 11.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 09.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 09.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 16.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 16.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.02.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+5) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+5) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.3 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+10) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+10) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - intensive

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.4. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+20) 2 - 4 weeks (24 hours)25.11.2024 (+20) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - intensive (saturdays)

We provide norwegian intensive course at intermediate level B1.4 on saturdays. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12.04.2025 (+2) 2 months (24 hours)12.04.2025 (+2) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - intensive online

We provide intensive standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18.11.2024 (+7) 2 - 4 weeks (16 hours)18.11.2024 (+7) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - standard

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.4. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 26.11.2024 (+13) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)26.11.2024 (+13) 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - standard (evening)

We provide norwegian standard course at intermediate level B1.4 in the evening. Our norwegian intermediate course is the ideal complement for anyone who already has basic knowledge of norwegian, corresponding to A2 level. With our course, you learn new vocabulary quickly and successfully.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+31) 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours)18.11.2024 (+31) 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 26.11.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 26.11.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 17.12.2024 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 17.12.2024 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 13.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 13.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.01.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.01.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 11.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 11.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 25.02.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 25.02.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.03.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.03.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 01.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 01.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.04.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.04.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 21.05.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 21.05.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 24.06.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 24.06.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 22.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 22.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 31.07.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 31.07.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 14.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 14.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.08.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.08.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 08.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 08.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.09.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.09.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 07.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 07.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 20.10.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 20.10.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 04.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 04.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 18.11.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 02.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 15.12.2025 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 15.12.2025 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 12.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 12.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 27.01.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 27.01.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.02.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 23.02.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 23.02.2026 4.356 kr
Oslo, Sentrum 10.03.2026 4 - 6 weeks (24 hours) 10.03.2026 4.356 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - standard online

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+7) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)11.11.2024 (+7) 3.625 kr

Norwegian intermediate level B1.4 - standard online (evening)

We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4 in the evening. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.12.2024 (+11) 4 - 6 weeks (16 hours)03.12.2024 (+11) 3.625 kr

Norsk intensivkurs - nybegynner nivå A1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr intensivkurs i norsk på nybegynner nivå A1 for voksne. På bare 1 uke skal du lære noen grunnleggende setninger som du kan raskt få bruk for. Hvis du allerede snakker litt norsk, og trenger bare å friske opp dine språkferdigheter, kan du velge mellom flere nivåer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 1 uker 1.500 kr

Norsk privatundervisning ( voksne)

Vi tilbyr privatundervisning i norsk for voksne. På privattimene hos oss velger du intensiviteten på kurset selv, og hvordan du vil lære er helt opp til deg. Alle våre lærerne i norsk har norsk som sitt morsmål.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 1 time 400 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - avansert nivå C1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr kurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 5 uker 1.500 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - høyere avansert nivå C2 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på høyere avansert nivå C2 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 10 uker 3.000 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - høyere mellomnivå B2 (ungdom)

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på høyere mellomnivå B2 for ungdom. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 1 dag i uka over 10 uker 3.000 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - høyere mellomnivå B2 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på høyere mellomnivå B2 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 5 uker 1.500 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - konversasjon - avansert nivå C1

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 5 uker 1.500 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - mellomnivå B1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på mellomnivå B1 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen, også på lørdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 1 dag i uka over 10 uker 3.000 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - nybegynner nivå A1 (ungdom)

Vi tilbyr semesterkurs i norsk på nybegynner nivå A1 for ungdom. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 1 dag i uka over 10 uker 3.000 kr

Norsk semesterkurs - nybegynner nivå A1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nybegynner nivå A1 for voksne. Dette er det beste kurset for å lære norsk hvis du ikke har mye tid for å følge et kurs. Vi har kurs på formiddagen eller ettermiddagen mandag og torsdag.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 1.500 kr

Norsk semi-intensivkurs - elementert nivå A1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr semi-intensivkurs i norsk på elementært nivå A1 for voksne. På bare 2 uker skal du lære noen grunnleggende setninger som du kan raskt få bruk for. Hvis du allerede snakker litt norsk, og trenger bare å friske opp dine språkferdigheter, kan du velge mellom flere nivåer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 3 uker 1.500 kr

Norskkurs - avansert nivå C1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr intensivkurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1, nesten morsmål for voksne på mandager eller torsdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 5 dager 1.500 kr

Norskkurs intensivkurs - avansert nivå C1 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr intensivkurs i norsk på avansert nivå C1 for voksne. På bare 1 uke skal du lære noen grunnleggende setninger som du kan raskt få bruk for. Hvis du allerede snakker litt norsk, og trenger bare å friske opp dine språkferdigheter, kan du velge mellom flere nivåer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Frogner Oslo, Frogner 5 dager 1.500 kr

Norskkurs intensivkurs - høyere mellomnivå B2 (voksne)

Vi tilbyr intensivkurs i norsk på høyere mellomnivå B2 for voksne på mandager og torsdager.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Bislett Oslo, Bislett 5 dager 1.500 kr

Norskkurs nivå A1/A2

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nivå A1/A2. Er du voksen og har behov for å lære norsk? Norskkurs A1/A2 gir deg grunnleggende ferdigheter i norsk. Du vil lære enkle uttrykk, setninger og korte tekster om kjente og hverdagslige temaer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Tønsberg Tønsberg 42 timer

Norskkurs nivå A2

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nivå A2. Norskkurs A2 er et nybegynnerkurs for deg som allerede kan noe norsk. Kurset skal gjøre deg tryggere i grunnleggende setningsstruktur, grammatikk og vokabular, og du skal lære å snakke, skrive og lese om hverdagslige, kjente temaer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Tønsberg Tønsberg 42 timer fra 4.590 kr

Norskkurs nivå A2/B1

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nivå A2/B1. Kurset er for deg som vil utvide dine norskkunnskaper og er på vei til å bli en selvstendig språkbruker. Kurset skal forberede deg til norskprøven A2-B1, og vi skal blant annet jobbe med mer komplekse setninger og tekster, og flere temaer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Tønsberg Tønsberg

Norskkurs - litt øvet nivå A2 del 1

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på litt øvet nivå A2 del 1. I kurset følger vi læreplanen i norsk for voksne innvandrere. Du lærer å snakke om enkle temaer som norsk geografi og arbeidslivet i Norge, også i fortid, får et utvidet vokabular og kjennskap til norske uttrykk, samt innføring i mer kompliser

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 4.900 kr

Norskkurs - nybegynner nivå A1 del 1

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk for nybegynnere nivå A1 del 1. Det forventes at deltakerne gjør lekser mellom kursdagene og aktivt utsetter seg for norsktrening på andre arenaer, for eksempel gjennom å se norsk TV, høre norsk musikk og delta på språkkafé.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 4.900 kr

Norskkurs nivå B1 - for jobbsøkere

Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nivå B1 for jobbsøkere. I kurset følger vi læreplanen i norsk for voksne innvandrere. Du lærer å diskutere og snakke om dagligdagse temaer som samliv og ekteskap, bolig og økonomi, norsk arbeidsliv, å søke jobb, næringer i Norge og kulturell kunnskap.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 12 uker Gratis kr

A1 Full Level Norwegian Classroom Course

In the A1 level Norwegian course is ideal for beginner students who already started learning the basics of the Norwegian language. In this course you can expect to learn how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+4) 40 timer11.11.2024 (+4) 10.460 kr

A1 Full Level Norwegian Online Course

The A1 level Norwegian course is perfect for beginners who have started learning Norwegian basics. In this course, you´ll learn to:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 32 timer 5.480 kr

A1.1 Norwegian Classroom Course – Absolute Beginner

The first module of the Norwegian course for level A1 is ideal for students who are looking to start learning Norwegian. In this course you can expect to learn how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+4) 20 timer11.11.2024 (+4) 3.690 kr

A1.1 Norwegian Online Course – Absolute Beginner

The first part of the Norwegian class for beginners (level A1) is perfect for those who want to begin learning Norwegian online. In your online live course, you´ll learn to:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 timer 2.990 kr

A1.2 Norwegian Classroom Course – Beginner

The second module of the A1 level Norwegian course is ideal for beginner students who already started learning the basics of the Norwegian language. In this course you can expect to learn how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+6) 20 timer18.11.2024 (+6) 3.690 kr

A1.2 Norwegian Online Course – Beginner

The second part of the beginner´s Norwegian online course (level A1) is great for students who have already begun learning Norwegian basics. In this part, you´ll learn to:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 timer 2.990 kr

A1-A2 Full Levels - Online Norwegian Course - Evening

This online course not only prepares you to handle various conversational topics but also provides a deeper understanding of Norwegian culture and society. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you will quickly move from knowing basic phrases to engaging in meaningful dialogues.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 64 timer 10.460 kr

B1 Level Course – Classroom Full Level

In the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary. In this course, students will improve how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 80 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 12.800 kr

B1 Level Course – Online Full Level

In the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary. In this course, students will improve how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 64 timer 10.460 kr

B1.1 and B1.2 Norwegian Online

In the first and second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 32 timer 5.480 kr

B1.1 and B1.2 Package Classroom

In the first and second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 40 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 6.550 kr

B1.1 Norwegian classroom course

In the first module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 20 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 3.690 kr

B1.1 Norwegian online course

In the first module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 timer 2.990 kr

B1.2 Norwegian classroom course

In the second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to build up their Norwegian communication skills with more complex interactions. In the lessons the students will learn more about how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+2) 20 timer02.12.2024 (+2) 3.690 kr

B1.2 Norwegian online course

In the second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to build up their Norwegian communication skills with more complex interactions. In the lessons the students will learn more about how:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 timer 2.990 kr

B1.3 and B1.4 Norwegian Online

In the third and forth modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 32 timer 5.480 kr

B1.3 and B1.4 Package Classroom

In the third and forth modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+4) 40 timer11.11.2024 (+4) 6.550 kr

B1.3 Norwegian classroom course

In the third modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+1) 20 timer11.11.2024 (+1) 3.690 kr

B1.3 Norwegian online course

In the third modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 16 timer 2.990 kr

B1.4 Norwegian classroom course

In the last module of the B1 intermediate level students will learn more about Norwegian society, while consolidating and improving their communication in Norwegian. In the course students will discuss topics such as:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+5) 20 timer18.11.2024 (+5) 3.690 kr

B1.4 Norwegian online course

In the last module of the B1 intermediate level students will learn more about Norwegian society, while consolidating and improving their communication in Norwegian. In the course students will discuss topics such as:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 11.11.2024 (+1) 16 timer11.11.2024 (+1) 2.990 kr
Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.12.2024 16 timer 03.12.2024 2.990 kr

B2 Level Course – Classroom Full Level

The advanced B2 level Norwegian classroom course covers:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 80 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 12.800 kr

B2.1 and B2.2 Classroom Package

The B2 level Norwegian course offers a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Norwegian life and culture, tailored for advanced students. Key areas of study include:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 40 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 6.550 kr

B2.1 Norwegian classroom course

The first module of the B2 level Norwegian course is an ideal starting point for students how completed the level B1. In this advanced course, you´ll explore a variety of topics including:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 25.11.2024 (+2) 20 timer25.11.2024 (+2) 3.690 kr

B2.2 Norwegian Classroom course

The second module of the B2 level Norwegian course, designed for advanced students, offers an in-depth exploration of complex topics:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 02.12.2024 (+2) 20 timer02.12.2024 (+2) 3.690 kr

B2.3 and B2.4 Classroom Package

The second part of the B2 level Norwegian course offers a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Norwegian life and culture, tailored for advanced students. Key areas of study include:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+4) 40 timer11.11.2024 (+4) 6.550 kr

B2.3 Norwegian Classroom course

The third module of the B2 level Norwegian course for advanced students covers:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 11.11.2024 (+4) 20 timer11.11.2024 (+4) 3.690 kr

B2.4 Norwegian classroom course

The fourth and final module of the B2 level Norwegian course for advanced students focuses on:

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 18.11.2024 (+5) 20 timer18.11.2024 (+5) 3.690 kr

Corporate Norwegian language for companies

No matter if the goal is to improve the communication skills for daily life at work, to interact with new customers or to improve the quality of interaction between teams: our language experts will plan your course ahead and our experienced teachers will deliver classes to make sure everyone excels.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum

Norwegian A0 level online course with teacher guidance

Speak Norsk´s A0 level online course represents the first step in your journey of mastering Norwegian language. With the help of your most-popular teachers, you will learn the basics of grammar vocabulary.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie one month 1.999 kr

Norwegian A0+A1+A2 level online course package - teacher guidance

The ultimate new beginner deal A0+A1+A2 level online course package is focused on helping them reach a basic understanding of the language for general use. (includes A0, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 months From 7.500 kr

Norwegian A1 level online course with teacher guidance

Education is the only investment you can never lose!A1 level online course at Speak Norsk will get you started on the way of learning Norwegian confidently and at your own pace and according to your availability!(includes A1.1 and A1.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2-3 months From 3.999 kr

Norwegian A1+A2 level online course package with teacher guidance

The perfect package for new beginners who would like to get started with their Norwegian learning!(includes A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 months From 6.999 kr

Norwegian A2 level online course with teacher guidance

A2 level online course is the final part of our beginner package and will guide you further in your ability to converse in Norwegian through our vast collection of foundational grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing lessons. (includes A2.1 and A2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2-3 months From 3.999 kr

Norwegian A2+B1 level online course package with teacher guidance

The A2 + B1 course package is a continuation of the learning program for those interested in becoming fluent speakers in Norwegian.(includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1 and B1.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4-5 months From 6.999 kr

Norwegian A2+B1+B2 level online course package - teacher guidance

The A2+B1+B2 level online course package is designed for YOU who have previously completed the new beginner level A1 and want to continue your journey of learning the language in-depth and become fluent speakers in the process. (The package includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 6-8 months From 9.999 kr

Norwegian advanced beginner intensive level A2 - Evening

Full intensive package of A2 (incl. part 1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Progress to an intermediate level of Norwegian quickly through this fast-track course, which will elevate your abilities to understand and use Norwegian in your work, social, and everyday lives.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian advanced beginner intensive level A2 - Weekend

Full intensive package of A2 (incl. part 1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Progress to an intermediate level of Norwegian quickly through this fast-track course, which will elevate your abilities to understand and use Norwegian in your work, social, and everyday lives.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 weekends 8.999 kr

Norwegian advanced beginner intensive level A2 - Daytime

Full intensive package of A2 (incl. part 1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Progress to an intermediate level of Norwegian quickly through this fast-track course, which will elevate your abilities to understand and use Norwegian in your work, social, and everyday lives.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian B1 online course with teacher guidance

B1 level online course by Speak Norsk is a combination of interactive conversation, pronunciation, writing and in-depth grammar lessons that will make you fully dive into the Norwegian culture (includes B1.1 and B1.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2-3 months From 3.999 kr

Norwegian B1+B2 level online course package with teacher guidance

The B1 + B2 online level course package is a comprehensive Norwegian learning program through which beginner speakers can take their skills to the next level - intermediate to fluent.(includes B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4-5 months From 6.999 kr

Norwegian B2 + C1 online course package with teacher guidance

From intermediate to fluent with our all-inclusive B2+C1 course package!(includes B2.1, B2.2, C1.1 and C1.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 months From 8.999 kr

Norwegian B2 online course with teacher guidance

Speak Norsk´s online B2 level online course is the ultimate programme when it comes to boosting your Norwegian learning and reach fluency. (includes B2.1 and B2.2)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2-3 months From 3.999 kr

Norwegian B2-C1 online writing course with teacher guidance

Express yourself with confidence in Norwegian! Want to transform your writing from dull to exciting and craft perfectly structured sentences and texts that will impress any native speaker?

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 months From 2.999 kr

Norwegian Bergenstest preparation course with teacher guidance

Dreaming of passing Bergentest? (written and oral test) With Speak Norsk, it has never been easier! Learn and practice together with our teachers for Bergenstest and reach a professional level in Norwegian!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1-2 months From 2.999 kr

Norwegian Complete Bergenstest package with teacher guidance

Complete Bergenstest package (preparation course with C1.1 and C1.2 levels package) with teacher guidance. The C1 course will emerge the student into the more complex parts of the language - from political debates, understanding of dialects to formal and poetic writing.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 6 months From 7.999 kr

Norwegian Complete online Norskprøve A2-B1 with teacher guidance

With our complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package, speaking and expressing yourself in Norwegian will become easier day by day. ?(Norskprøve A2-B1 preparation course with A0, A1 and A2 levels package)

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie between 3 to 8 months From 7.999 kr

Norwegian Complete online Norskprøve B1-B2 with teacher guidance

The complete Norskprøve B1-B2: preparation course with B1-B2 levels package was carefully for those who want to reach a more independent level in Norwegian, both in speech and in writing.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie between 3 to 8 months From 7.999 kr

Norwegian intensive advanced intermendiate level B2 - Weekend

Perfect your Norwegian skills through this all-inclusive, advanced-level program, which will equip you with the skills to communicate fluently and flexibly at a level approaching that of mother-tongue speakers.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 weekends 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive advanced intermendiate, level B2 - Daytime

Perfect your Norwegian skills through this all-inclusive, advanced-level program, which will equip you with the skills to communicate fluently and flexibly at a level approaching that of mother-tongue speakers.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive advanced intermendiate, level B2 - Evening

Perfect your Norwegian skills through this all-inclusive, advanced-level program, which will equip you with the skills to communicate fluently and flexibly at a level approaching that of mother-tongue speakers.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive beginner course, level A1 - Daytime

Full intensive package of A1 (incl.1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Over the course of this complete beginners program, participants will learn to speak, write, and understand basic Norwegian, gaining the skills and confidence to communicate simply in day-to-d-day life

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive beginner course, level A1 - Evening

Full intensive package of A1 (incl.1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Over the course of this complete beginners program, participants will learn to speak, write, and understand basic Norwegian, gaining the skills and confidence to communicate simply in day-to-d-day life

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive beginner course, level A1 - Weekend

Full intensive package of A1 (incl.1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Over the course of this complete beginners program, participants will learn to speak, write, and understand basic Norwegian, gaining the skills and confidence to communicate simply in day-to-d-day life

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 weekends 8.999 kr

Norwegian intensive intermendiate course, level B1 - Evening

This comprehensive course will bring you from level zero to level functional & confident. By the end of this course, you will be able to communicate both verbally and in writing with broad knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, reaching an intermediate level in the language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intermediate intensive course level B1 - Daytime

This comprehensive course will bring you from level zero to level functional & confident. By the end of this course, you will be able to communicate both verbally and in writing with broad knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, reaching an intermediate level in the language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 uker 8.999 kr

Norwegian intermediate intensive course level B1 - Weekend

This comprehensive course will bring you from level zero to level functional & confident. By the end of this course, you will be able to communicate both verbally and in writing with broad knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, reaching an intermediate level in the language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 6 weekends 8.999 kr

Norwegian Norskprøve A2-B1 and B1-B2 online preparation

Norwegian Norskprøve Online Norskprøve A2-B1 and B1-B2 preparation course package with teacher guidance. In this course, you will be using our Norskprøve preparation e-books, written by teacher Maria. All e-books are included in the package.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3-4 months From 4.999 kr

Norwegian One Year Program (A0-C1) with teacher guidance

One-Year Program is an all-inclusive intensive online course comprising all levels in Norwegian, from A0 basic to C1 proficient. It aims to give students the Norwegian language proficiency required for adjusting to social, cultural, and professional life in Norway.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 år From 14.999 kr

Norwegian Online Norwegian business course with teacher guidance

Online Norwegian language course to build up your business Norwegian communication skillllls. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business Norwegian and prepare you to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1-2 months From 2.999 kr

Norwegian The Native Master Online Course with teacher guidance

The ultimate course to start speaking like a native. We created the one-of-a-kind and first on the Norwegian market native course for speaking and writing, designed to teach you how to immerse yourself in the authentic Norwegian language and culture.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 months From 2.999 kr

Norwegian Unlimited Norwegian Courses: All levels from A0 to C1

Unlimited Norwegian Courses: All levels from A0 to C1 (includes Norskprøve and Bergenstest preparation and all other upcoming courses) with teacher guidance

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 12-18 months From 34.999 kr

Norwegian Viking Offer (A0 to B2) with teacher guidance

Viking Offer (A0 to B2) Complete Norwegian Package from beginner to advanced with teacher guidance. Learning Norwegian has never been easier with our most-popular, all-inclusive Viking package.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 9 months From 9.999 kr

Norwegian Viking Offer for Beginners Plus (A0-B2) with teacher

Norwegian Viking Offer for Beginners Plus (A0-B2) with teacher guidance. One of its kind, the Viking Offer Plus includes all Speak Norsk courses ever released that will prepare you to fully emerge into the Norwegian way of life!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8-12 months From 14.999 kr

Norwegian Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1) Plus

Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1) Plus with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE and Bergentest preparation course package that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time! .

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 6-12 months From 14.999 kr

Norwegian Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1)) with teacher

Norwegian Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1)) with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time!.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 6-12 months From 9.999 kr

Social studies course (Samfunnskunnskap) online + citizenship

Online social studies course (Samfunnskunnskap) + citizenship (Statsborgersprøven) with teacher guidance. This course is all you need to prepare for social studies or citizenship test, required to apply for either permanent residency or citizenship.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 month From 2.999 kr

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