B2.2 Norwegian Classroom course

Kursarrangør: Inlearn Norway AS
Sted: Spaces Kvadraturen
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Daytime or evening two or five days a week
Varighet: 20 timer
Pris: 3.690

The second module of the B2 level Norwegian course, designed for advanced students, offers an in-depth exploration of complex topics:

- Work Life: Covering aspects like job interviews, what employers seek in applications, workplace efficiency, the Working Environment Act, and the balance between flexibility and security in Norwegian work culture.

- Climate and Environment: Discussing issues such as congestion charges, the impact of superstorms, the transition to renewable energy, and individual contributions to environmental conservation.

- Health: Exploring the state's role in healthcare, vaccination debates, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the interplay of climate and health, and mental health challenges.

This advanced course also sharpens your Norwegian grammar skills, focusing on nuanced aspects like diverse pronoun usage and sophisticated sentence construction.

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