Vi provide norwegian grammar course at intermediate level B2 (part 1). Increase your vocabulary and develop your writing skills so you can communicate any message. Prepare for your Norskprøven.
If you know some norwegian and want to improve your grammar skills to intermediate level, these courses will help you on your learning journey. After attending our courses and doing the activities, you will see a great difference in your grammar and writing. Our grammar courses are designed to take your norwegian language skills to the next stage with high-quality lessons and other activities.
About grammar course B2:
The Grammar course B2 is designed to tackle grammatical issues that usually cause difficulties for students at a high level. For example:
• The difference between “skal” and “vil” in the future tense
• Conditional “hvis” sentences
• The use of prepositions
The course will also help you master the stylistic nuances in Norwegian. Through various techniques you will improve your grammatical skills. The techniques include:
• Exercises
• Group work
• Written assignments
Target group:
You need to practice norwegian well and be, at a minimum, at high intermediate B2 level according to the CEFR.
• Intermediate level B2 (part 1)
Course certificate:
At the end of the grammar course, if you complete 80% or more of the course’s content, you will receive an official digital course certificate.