With our complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package, speaking and expressing yourself in Norwegian will become easier day by day. ?(Norskprøve A2-B1 preparation course with A0, A1 and A2 levels package)
Special about this course
• Daily feedback from our teachers through the comment section - ask any questions you might have!
• Send in your audios, texts, and other assignments for personalized correction and assignments
• It includes teachers' guidance throughout the entire duration - practice, learn and strengthen your knowledge while being in touch with our teachers and letting them assist you with their tips and advice!
Course description
Ever wondered what it takes to finally start learning Norwegian? Speak Norsk offers you the full package to get you started!
With our complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package, speaking and expressing yourself in Norwegian will become easier day by day. The course consists of a thorough and practical introduction to the language, giving you the chance to learn and practice everything from pronunciation, basic vocabulary to complex grammar structures in written texts, as well as to use the Norwegian language in everyday situations.
The aim is that students quickly gain confidence using the language, through consistent practice and feedback from our teachers.
What is included in the course?
• A0 level - basic introductory level to Norwegian language (pre-recorded lessons)
• A1 level (A1.1 and A1.2) - grammar, conversation, writing, and pronunciation lessons and exercises (pre-recorded lessons)
• A2 level (A2.1 and A2.2) - grammar, conversation, writing, and pronunciation lessons and exercises (pre-recorded lessons)
• Practical and useful information about the Norskprøve test (general info, tips, and tricks, examples)
• Over 200 exercises for each level and quizzes for all 4 parts in the test: reading, listening, writing, oral presentation
• Lots of examples for each type of exercise you will meet in the test. Get inspired and prepare well!
• Opportunity to develop your conversation skills
• Opportunity to develop and train your skills to solve the exam tasks effectively and in good time
• Focus on both written and oral part with the help of grammar review, correction of texts, vocabulary lists, and conversation structures
• Daily feedback from our teacher Maria through the online platform. Get answers to all your questions through the comment section - send in your text, audio, and our teachers will correct it and send you their feedback.
What you will learn in the course levels?
Students will be able to understand simple, standard speech that is carefully articulated and to recognize familiar words and basic phrases. All through the course, they will learn how to communicate in simple to more advanced routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. In terms of writing, the completion of the A0 + A1 + A2 course package enables students with the skills to write short texts, using simple connectors, in present, future, or past time, describing plans, their likes or dislikes.
What you will learn through our Norskprøve course?
• How to talk continuously and fluently in Norwegian
• How to pronounce the language sounds correctly
• Develop and widen your vocabulary with more synonyms, idioms, etc.
• Master beginner and intermediate grammar in Norwegian
• Learn the main and most applied rules for punctuation
• Perfect your writing skills - learn how to create coherent, structured, and easy to follow texts.
Who is this course for?
The complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package is aimed at students who would like to take the Norwegian test at A2/B1 level and who wish to learn the basics of Norwegian for social and professional purposes.
Course books and materials
All e-books and materials needed for the course are included in the price and are available on the online platform.
It takes approximately between 3 to 8 months to complete the package, depending on your daily availability and progress.
Payment options
Instant access to the course upon completing the payment. Start learning today!
7.999 kr
6 months access (one-time payment)
Recommended by teachers!
8.599 kr
Best deal! (8 months access, one-time payment)