B2.1 and B2.2 Classroom Package

Kursarrangør: Inlearn Norway AS
Sted: Spaces Kvadraturen
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Daytime or evening two or five days a week
Varighet: 40 timer
Pris: 6.550
Neste kurs: 30.09.2024 | Vis alle kursdatoer

The B2 level Norwegian course offers a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Norwegian life and culture, tailored for advanced students. Key areas of study include:

- Norway's Geography: Understanding Norway's unique northern position, its cities, districts, and the shift in energy from oil to hydroelectric power.

- Daily Life: Insights into the Norwegian lifestyle, including social media's role, information accuracy, and leisure activities.

- Multicultural Society: The history of the Sami people, immigration patterns, and experiences of first-generation Norwegians.

- Education System: Norway's educational philosophy, political perspectives on education, and teaching methods.

- Working Life: Insights into the Norwegian work culture, including job interview processes, workplace expectations, and labor laws.

- Climate and Environment: Discussions on environmental challenges, renewable energy, and individual environmental responsibility.

- Health: The government's role in healthcare, public health debates, and mental health issues.

This course provides students with a deep understanding of Norway's societal, cultural, and political landscapes, enhancing their advanced proficiency in the Norwegian language.

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