B2 Level Course – Classroom Full Level

Kursarrangør: Inlearn Norway AS
Sted: Spaces Kvadraturen
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Daytime or evening two or five days a week
Varighet: 80 timer
Pris: 12.800

The advanced B2 level Norwegian classroom course covers:

- Norway in Depth: Explore Norway's geography, history from the Viking Age to independence, and its diverse society including the Sami people and immigration trends.

- Society and Lifestyle: Delve into the Norwegian way of life, covering daily routines, the education system, and the work environment, including aspects like job interviews and workplace culture.

- Environment and Health: Discuss Norway's approach to climate and environmental challenges, renewable energy, healthcare debates, and mental health issues.

- Culture and Politics: Study Norway's nation-building through language and arts, analyze the political landscape, and examine Norway's role in international relations and global organizations like the UN and NATO.

This course offers a rich understanding of Norwegian culture, society, and language for advanced learners.

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