B2.3 Norwegian Classroom course

Kursarrangør: Inlearn Norway AS
Sted: Spaces Kvadraturen
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Daytime or evening two or five days a week
Varighet: 20 timer
Pris: 3.690

The third module of the B2 level Norwegian course for advanced students covers:

- Norwegian History: From the Viking Age, the Black Death, to the union with Sweden and Norway's path to independence.

- Nation-Building: Includes national romanticism, the evolution of Norwegian written languages, and Nynorsk's importance.

- Norwegian Artists: Focuses on Edvard Munch, Knut Hamsun's 'Ringen', and Gustav Vigeland.

This module enhances your understanding of Norway's rich history and culture, while advancing your Norwegian language skills.

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