B2.1 Norwegian classroom course

Kursarrangør: Inlearn Norway AS
Sted: Spaces Kvadraturen
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Tollbugata 8, 0152 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Daytime or evening two or five days a week
Varighet: 20 timer
Pris: 3.690

The first module of the B2 level Norwegian course is an ideal starting point for students how completed the level B1. In this advanced course, you´ll explore a variety of topics including:

- Norway's Geography: Learn about Norway's remote northern location, its cities and towns, districts, hydroelectric power, and the decline of oil production;
- Daily Life: Understand how Norwegians live, busy day-to-day life, the role of social media, assessing information accuracy, organized leisure time, and children's activities;
- A Multicultural Society: Delve into the history of the Sami people, their past suppression and current rights, early and present-day immigration, labor immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, and the experience of being a first-generation Norwegian;
- Education System: Discover Norway's approach to education for all, political parties' views on education, choices between studying and working, and various teaching methods.

In addition to these cultural and societal insights, you'll also review and consolidate Norwegian grammar. This includes different types of pronouns, mastering verbs in all the tenses, constructing more complex sentences effectively, and using words to connect your ideas seamlessly.

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