Norwegian intensive beginner course, level A1 - Daytime

Kursarrangør: Speak Norsk AS
Sted: Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Rådhusgata 26, 0151 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Monday and Wednesday, kl 09:00 - 12:50
Varighet: 6 uker
Pris: 8.999

Full intensive package of A1 (incl.1 and part 2) grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing. Over the course of this complete beginners program, participants will learn to speak, write, and understand basic Norwegian, gaining the skills and confidence to communicate simply in day-to-d-day life

Develop the basic grammatical foundation in norwegian necessary for everyday written and spoken communication. By the end of this course, students will be able to have basic, coherent conversations with native speakers and to communicate in writing simply yet accurately.

This course is good for you because it will:
• Jump-start your daily communication skills across a variety of platforms: school, work, in restaurants / cafes, at shops / stores / markets.
• Lay the foundation for professional discourse with current/future employers by focusing on necessary, basic grammar and important vocabulary.
• Dramatically boost your skill and confidence in everyday dialogue with family, friends, colleagues and complete strangers.
• Motivate you to continue your norwegian learning after you realize the progress you have gained in such a short time!

Course content examples:
• Pronouns (subject, object, & non-personal forms)
• Noun forms (plural / singular, masculine / feminine / neutral)
• Adjectives (in definite and indefinite form)
• Possessive forms
• Usage of the present, future and imperative forms
• Proper usage of commonly -used terms with similar meanings (kjenne vs. vite, synes vs. tror, noe vs. noen)
• Introduction to usage and forms of common verbs in past tense

Education director note:
Full course overview with all grammatical content will be provided to students on the first day of class.

• All materials
• Individualized attention from your teacher
• Guidance from a grammar specialist
• Curriculum-aligned assignments and exercises to reinforce content learned in the classes