Norwegian intensive advanced intermendiate level B2 - Weekend

Kursarrangør: Speak Norsk AS
Sted: Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Rådhusgata 26, 0151 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Friday 17:00 - 20:50 and Saturday 12:00 -1 5:50
Varighet: 6 weekends
Pris: 8.999

Perfect your Norwegian skills through this all-inclusive, advanced-level program, which will equip you with the skills to communicate fluently and flexibly at a level approaching that of mother-tongue speakers.

Advanced Intermediate Intensive:
During this level, you will master foundational grammar (both in speech and in writing) and become able to employ a variety of complex sentence structures in order to express yourself appropriately given a broad range of both social and professional contexts. At the end of this level, you will be considered fluent and can conduct yourself with fluency and confidence in all settings.

By the end of this course, you will:
• Perfect your written grammatical skills in professional communication
• Greatly elevate your chances of being able to excel in Norwegian-language professional environments
• Polish your usage of colloquialisms/expressions across both written and spoken mediums
• Smoothe out your everyday colloquial written/spoken discourse enable you to sound as close to native as possible

Course content examples:
1. Special and concentrated focus on prepositions: time, location, agreement
2. Proper/colloquial/common usage of correct sentence structure as applied to different contexts
3. Focus on the meanings and proper usage of Norwegian-language expressions in both speaking and writing
4. Particular attention towards the long-form written text, with proper application of grammar and Norwegian-language phrasing

Note: Full course overview with all grammatical content will be provided to students on the first day of class.

• All materials
• Individualized attention from your teacher
• Guidance from a grammar specialist
• Curriculum-aligned assignments and exercises to reinforce content learned in the classes