Business intelligence er ment for å skaffe bedre beslutningsgrunnlag. Dette handler om å skaffe relevant data presentert på best mulig effektiv måte. For å få til dette er man avhengig av en god It-strategi. Kursmulighetene er mange. Ta kontakt med oss hvis du ikke finner noe som passer deg her.
Vi tilbyr anvendt kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring som nettkurs. Lær deg hands on hvordan kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring brukes i praksis. I dette nettbaserte emnet vil dyktige fagfolk lære deg teori og arbeidsmetodikk for å jobbe med kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om data og teknologi til forretningsbruk. I dette emnet lærer du om data i betydningen digital informasjon, og du lærer om teknologier som muliggjør og bidrar til den digitale transformasjonen samfunn og arbeidsliv står oppe i.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om databaser. Du er omgitt av data hver dag. I dette nettbaserte emnet lærer du å jobbe med data og databaser. Data er overalt, og mye av dataene lagres i databaser. Hvis du skal jobbe med informasjonsteknologi, er sjansen stor for at du vil jobbe med databaser.
Emnet vil gi en innføring i fagområdet ved at hver modul vil gi en innføring i en ny metode for å demonstrere utvalget av metoder. Til sammen vil studenten ha ferdigheter til å anvende disse metodene på teoretisk relevante problemer innen logistikk og verdikjedeledelse.
Goals: Explain what is SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform Manage content and objects in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform Organize objects Secure users and groups Manage and secure applications Distribute content to users
We provide online course about BOE320 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: Administering Servers. Course based on software release: SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2.
This 5 day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to create SAP BusinessObjects universes using the SAP BusinessObjects Design Tool.
We provide online course about BOW310 SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence: Report Design. Goals: Manage personal and corporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it - design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your analysis with other users.
We provide online course about BW310H SAP BW powered by SAP HANA: Enterprise Data Warehousing. This course will prepare you to work with Data Warehousing Workbench and SAP HANA Studio to set up different data models.
We provide online course about BW405 SAP BW/4HANA Query Design and Analysis. This course provides an overview of SAP BW4/HANA, and gives you the knowledge to create query definitions using the eclipsed based BW Query Designer in SAP HANA Studio, and to make them available for analysis.
We provide online course about BW410 SAP BW/4HANA Data Warehousing. The course introduces the BW/4HANA Data Warehousing. InfoProviders like Advanced DSO, Open ODS View and CompositeProvider are explained and created.
We provide online course about BW430 SAP BW/4HANA Modeling. This course is designed for users with some experience in BW/4HANA or for users who have visited BW410 and know the BW/4HANA terms and basic data warehousing tasks.
We provide online course via SAP about DBW462 Data Warehousing with SAP BW/4HANA - Delta from SAP BW 7.5 classic to SAP BW/4HANA. This course enables experienced SAP BW users, developers as well as administrators to run and work with SAP BW/4HANA.
We provide online course about E2E040 Manage digital transformation with SAP Solution Manager. This course will provide you with an overview of the key value chains and the underlying Application Lifecycle processes of the SAP Solution Manager platform.
We provide online course about GRC100 Principles of SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance. This course provides foundation knowledge for SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) 12.0.
We provide online course about GRC300 Access Control Implementation and Configuration. In this course, you will get deep Implementation and Configuration knowledge about SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance Access Control.
We provide a blended virtual course about ISTQB Foundation. The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day.
Vi tilbyr kurs i ITIL® 4 Foundation som e-læring. Målet med kurset er å gi deg en forståelse for filosofien bak ITIL®. Kurset gir innføring i basis konseptet, prinsippene, prosessene og funksjonene som er definert som beste praksis. Kurset forbereder deg til sertifiseringseksamen på Foundation-nivå.
Vi tilbyr kurs om ITIL® 4 Foundation. Kurset gir deg en grunnleggende innføring i ITIL® beste praksis rammeverket versjon 4. Kurset gir innføring i basis konseptet, prinsippene, prosessene og funksjonene som er definert som beste praksis.
This course is an introduction to ABAP programming on any ABAP platform.
This course follows on from the Basic ABAP Programming course. In it, you will use analysis and test tools to investigate ABAP code.
We provide online course about SM250 IT Service Management Configuration. Goals: Describe the idea of Application Lifecycle Management and how IT Service Management is integrated in this process.
We provide online course via SAP about UX410 Developing SAP Fiori UIs. This course will prepare you to: Describe design guidelines for SAP Fiori - Develop UIs according to SAP Fiori App Types - Develop custom SAP Fiori UIs using HANA Cloud Platform - Web IDE, and SAPUI5 - Enhance SAP Fiori UIs.
Vi provide online course about certified tester ISTQB AI testing. Learn different ways of using AI to support testing and how to apply AI to testing tasks and quality management. There are many similarities between Artificial Intelligence and human intelligence for one simple reason.
We provide online classroom about ISTQB Advanced Level / Test Automation Engineer. Included in course: Personal, electronic copy of all training materials, coaching and training by industry professional, online exam at your preferred time.
We provide virtual course about Applied Domain-Driven Design in .NET. What is Domain Driven Design (DDD) really about? How might Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) help us to build better software.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i Behandling og sikring av data. Alle som tar i bruk datamaskiner og smarttelefoner kan bli utsatt for et dataangrep.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i innføring i datasikkerhet. Vi lever i en digital tidsalder der potensielle trusler lurer i skyggene. Fra datamaskiner til smarttelefoner, ingen er immune mot risikoen for et dataangrep.
This course provides the foundations of knowledge, principles and practices from a technical perspective needed to engineer a successful DevOps solution. This course positions learners to successfully complete the DevOps Engineering Foundation exam.
The DevsecOps Practitioner course introduces more advanced ways to explore DevSecOps in your organization. Each section covers practical maturity guides, and then discusses how people, process and technology can be combined to improve outcomes.
This course provides IT leaders, practitioners, support staff and staff interfacing with the organisation’s digital and information systems functions with a practical understanding of the key concepts.