Her finner du en oversikt over Norskkurs. Finn et kurs nær deg. Søk gratis i Norges største og mest komplette kursoversikt.
Comienza a aprender noruego con nuestro curso A0 para principiantes. Disfruta de horarios flexibles y lecciones atractivas a tu propio ritmo. Construye una base sólida en habilidades de comunicación cotidiana y da tu primer paso hacia hablar noruego con confianza.
Aprende noruego en línea: Clases flexibles A1 ofrece una manera conveniente para que los principiantes comiencen su viaje lingüístico con horarios flexibles y lecciones atractivas. Estudia a tu propio ritmo y construye confianza en la comunicación cotidiana.
Aprende noruego en línea: Clases flexibles A2 ofrece una forma conveniente de mejorar tus habilidades lingüísticas. Disfruta de lecciones interesantes y un horario flexible para estudiar a tu propio ritmo, ¡aumentando tu confianza en el noruego cotidiano!
¡Mejora tu noruego con nuestras clases en línea de nivel B1! Estas lecciones flexibles potenciarán tus habilidades de conversación y comprensión para diálogos complejos, con actividades atractivas y ejercicios prácticos que te prepararán para situaciones de la vida real.
¡Mejora tu noruego con nuestras clases en línea de nivel B2! Estas lecciones flexibles te ayudarán a hablar con fluidez y entender conversaciones avanzadas. Participa en ejercicios prácticos y prepárate para situaciones de la vida real, ¡expresándote con confianza!
¡Mejora tus habilidades en noruego con nuestras clases en línea adaptables de nivel C1! Logra fluidez, participa en conversaciones complejas y articula tus pensamientos con confianza a través de nuestros ejercicios prácticos completos.
Presso la NLS Norwegian Language School, offriamo tutoraggio personalizzato in norvegese 1 a 1, adattato ai tuoi obiettivi. I nostri istruttori dedicati offrono lezioni flessibili e feedback immediato per un progresso più rapido in un ambiente confortevole.
Business Norwegian A1 teaches essential workplace language and cultural tips for beginners. Gain confidence in basic conversations, emails, and professional settings!
Business Norwegian A2 teaches essential workplace language and cultural insights for advanced beginners. Build confidence in handling everyday conversations, emails, and professional interactions!
Join NLS Norwegian Language School for our Advanced Norwegian Course for business professionals. Enhance your language skills with advanced vocabulary and complex structures.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we are excited to offer a beginner-level Norwegian course designed for business professionals. This course focuses on essential vocabulary and phrases used in the workplace, helping you communicate effectively in a professional setting.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we´re excited to offer an intermediate course for business professionals. This course builds on foundational skills, focusing on advanced vocabulary for effective workplace communication. Join us to elevate your Norwegian proficiency in professional settings!
En la Escuela de Idiomas Noruegos NLS, ofrecemos tutorías personalizadas de noruego 1 a 1 adaptadas a tus necesidades. Nuestros instructores dedicados, lecciones flexibles y retroalimentación inmediata aseguran un progreso más rápido y conocimientos culturales en un ambiente de aprendizaje cómodo.
Préparez-vous à l´examen norvégien à l´École de Langue Norvégienne NLS avec des cours particuliers pour les niveaux A1-A2, B1-B2 et C1. Profitez d´un enseignement d´expert, de tests pratiques et de retours personnalisés pour améliorer vos compétences en lecture, écriture, écoute et expression orale.
Hos NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi 1-til-1 privatundervisning i norsk for elever på barneskolen, ungdomsskolen og videregående skole. Våre fleksible leksjoner er skreddersydd for dine behov, med fokus på rask fremgang og kulturell forståelse. Start reisen mot språksuksess i dag!
Bij NLS Norwegian Language School bieden we persoonlijke 1-op-1 Noorse bijlessen die zijn afgestemd op jouw behoeften. Met toegewijde instructeurs, flexibele lessen en directe feedback bevorderen onze privé-sessies snellere vooruitgang en culturele inzichten in een comfortabele leeromgeving.
Norsk for Helsearbeidere A1 Lær grunnleggende norsk for arbeid i helsesektoren med fokus på viktige ord, setninger og pasientkommunikasjon. Våre fleksible kurs tilpasses dine behov, enten du velger online eller klasseromsundervisning. Start reisen mot trygg kommunikasjon i norsk helsevesen i dag!
Lær norsk skreddersydd for helsearbeidere gjennom én-til-én-undervisning. Fokuser på jobbrelatert språk, medisinsk terminologi og norsk kultur. Fleksible timer som passer din timeplan, både online og fysisk!
Forbedre dine norskkunnskaper for helsearbeid med fokus på kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen, medisinske termer og kulturell forståelse. Fleksible kurs er tilgjengelige på nett eller personlig for å tilpasse seg timeplanen din. Bygg selvtillit og lykkes i din norske helsekarriere!
Forbedre dine norskkunnskaper for helsearbeid med fokus på kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen, medisinske begreper og kulturell forståelse. Fleksible kurs er tilgjengelige på nettet eller personlig for å passe inn i timeplanen din. Bygg selvtillit og lykkes i din norske helsekarriere!
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School anerkjenner vi den viktige rollen effektiv kommunikasjon spiller innen helsesektoren. Vårt kurs i Norsk for helsearbeidere: A1–B2-nivå er utformet for å veilede deg gjennom din språklæringsreise, fra grunnleggende norsk til avansert ferdighet.
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School er vi glade for å tilby et A1-nivå kurs i norsk, spesielt designet for næringslivet. Kurset fokuserer på grunnleggende ordforråd og enkle fraser som brukes i profesjonelle sammenhenger. Det er tilpasset nybegynnere som ønsker å kommunisere effektivt i næringslivet
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi et A2-nivå kurs i norsk, skreddersydd for næringslivet. Kurset utvider ditt ordforråd og gir deg ferdigheter til å kommunisere selvsikkert i profesjonelle sammenhenger. Perfekt for deg som vil ta neste steg etter A1!
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi et B1-nivå kurs i norsk, skreddersydd for næringslivet. Kurset styrker din språklige trygghet og gir deg avanserte ferdigheter til å kommunisere effektivt i profesjonelle sammenhenger. Perfekt for deg som vil bygge videre på A2!
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi et B2-nivå kurs i norsk, spesielt designet for næringslivet. Kurset gir deg ekspertferdigheter i norsk og hjelper deg med å kommunisere profesjonelt og presist i komplekse arbeidssituasjoner. Perfekt for deg som vil bygge videre på B1!
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi et C1-nivå kurs i norsk, spesialtilpasset for næringslivet. Kurset gir deg avanserte ferdigheter i å mestre nyanser og kompleksitet i norsk språk, og hjelper deg med å kommunisere strategisk og overbevisende i profesjonelle og krevende arbeidssituasjoner.
Lær avansert norsk og bransjespesifikk terminologi, inkludert finans og forretningskommunikasjon, for å styrke din profesjonelle rolle i Norge. Våre skreddersydde kurs gir deg ferdighetene du trenger for å mestre komplekse forretningsinteraksjoner og bygge sterke profesjonelle relasjoner.
Ved NLS Norsk Språkskole er vi glade for å kunne tilby et mellomnivåkurs for næringslivsfolk. Dette kurset bygger på grunnleggende ferdigheter og fokuserer på avansert ordforråd for effektiv kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen. Bli med oss for å heve din norskspråklige kompetanse.
Ved NLS Norwegian Language School er vi glade for å kunne tilby et nybegynnerkurs i norsk, designet for forretningsfolk. Dette kurset fokuserer på essensielt ordforråd og fraser som brukes på arbeidsplassen, og hjelper deg med å kommunisere effektivt i en profesjonell setting.
Join Norwegian - small group classes in the classroom in Oslo or online. All levels: A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer: A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Join Norsk - small group classes in classrooms in Oslo, Akershus or online. All levels. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Join Norwegian - small group classes in the classroom in Oslo or online. All levels. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Join Norwegian - small group classes in classrooms in Oslo, Akershus or online. All levels. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo, Akershus eller online. Alle nivåer. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Join Norsk - small group classes in classrooms in Oslo or online. All levels. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Á NLS Norsku tungumálaskólanum bjóðum við persónulegar 1-í-1 norskunámskeið sem eru sniðin að þínum sérstökum þörfum og markmiðum. Með sérmenntuðum kennurum, sveigjanlegum tímum og strax endurgjöf tryggjum við að einkatímar okkar skili hraðari framförum, menningarlegum innsýnum og þægilegu námsumhve
Forbered deg til Norskprøven hos NLS Norwegian Language School, som tilbyr private klasser på nivåene A1-A2, B1-B2 og C1. Vårt kurs inkluderer ekspertinstruksjon, øvingsprøver og individuell tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å mestre lesing, skriving, lytting og muntlig kommunikasjon.
Prepare for the Norwegian exam at NLS Norwegian Language School, which offers private classes at levels A1-A2, B1-B2, and C1. Our course includes expert instruction, practice tests, and individualized feedback to help you master reading, writing, listening, and oral communication.
Bereiten Sie sich auf die norwegische Prüfung an der NLS Norwegischen Sprachschule mit Privatunterricht auf den Stufen A1-A2, B1-B2 und C1 vor. Unser Kurs bietet fachkundige Anleitung, Übungstests und personalisiertes Feedback, um Ihre Lese-, Schreib-, Hör- und Sprechfähigkeiten zu verbessern.
Bereid je voor op het Noorse examen aan de NLS Norwegian Language School met privélessen voor de niveaus A1-A2, B1-B2 en C1. Onze cursus biedt deskundige instructie, oefenexamens en persoonlijke feedback om je lees-, schrijf-, luister- en spreekvaardigheden te verbeteren.
Forbered deg til Norskprøven hos NLS Norwegian Language School, som tilbyr opplæring på nivåene A1-A2, B1-B2 og C1. Kurset vårt består av ekspertinstruksjon, øvingsprøver og individuell tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å mestre lesing, skriving, lytting og muntlig kommunikasjon.
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norskprøven Reading Test with confidence at NLS Norwegian Language School! Our specialized private classes provide expert instruction, tailored practice exercises, and personalized feedback to help you sharpen your reading skills and succeed in the exam.
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norskprøven Reading Test at NLS Norwegian Language School! Our private classes offer expert guidance, practice exercises, and personalized feedback to enhance your reading skills and boost your confidence for the exam.
Prepare for the B1 Norskprøven Reading Test at NLS Norwegian Language School! Our private classes offer expert guidance, practice exercises, and personalized feedback to enhance your reading skills and boost your confidence for the exam.
Prepare for the B2 Norskprøven Reading Test at NLS Norwegian Language School! Our private classes offer expert guidance, practice exercises, and personalized feedback to enhance your reading skills and boost your confidence for the exam.
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norskprøven Writing Test at NLS Norwegian Language School. Our private classes provide expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in writing. You’ll receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the A1-A2 exam.
Prepare for the B1 Norskprøven Writing Test at NLS Norwegian Language School. Our private classes offer expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in writing. You´ll receive focused support to strengthen your skills and boost your confidence for the B1 exam.
Our B2 Norskprøven Writing Test Preparation Course offers personalized one-on-one classes with expert guidance, practice tests, and tailored feedback. Strengthen your writing skills and boost your confidence to succeed in the B2 exam, whether for academic, professional, or personal goals.
Forbered deg til A1-A2 Norskprøven Lyttetest hos NLS Norwegian Language School! Våre private klasser gir deg veiledning fra eksperter, øvelser og personlig tilbakemelding for å forbedre dine lytteferdigheter og øke selvtilliten din til eksamen.
Prepare for the Norskprøven at NLS Norwegian Language School, covering A1-A2, B1-B2, and C1 levels. Our course includes expert instruction, mock tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
NLS Norveççe Dil Okulu´nda, bireysel ihtiyaçlariniza ve hedeflerinize özel, kisisellestirilmis 1´e 1 Norveççe dersleri sunuyoruz. Özverili egitmenlerle, esnek derslerle ve anlik geri bildirimle, özel seanslarimiz daha hizli ilerleme, kültürel içgörüler ve rahat bir ögrenme ortami sagliyor.
This engaging B2 Norwegian course takes your skills to the next level, allowing for more in-depth conversations. It empowers you to express yourself confidently in both everyday and more complex situations, enhancing your fluency and comprehension across a variety of contexts.
This C1 Norwegian course elevates your language proficiency, enabling you to engage in nuanced and sophisticated conversations. It equips you with the tools to articulate your thoughts confidently in both everyday interactions and intricate scenarios, significantly enriching your fluency
This immersive Norwegian intensive course at the A0-A1 level, is ideal for absolute beginners. Whether you´re just starting your language journey or adapting to life in Norway, this course is designed to quickly develop your Norwegian communication skills.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we recognize the critical role of effective communication in healthcare. Our Norwegian for Health Workers: A1–B2 Levels course is designed to guide you through your language-learning journey, from the basics of Norwegian to advanced proficiency.
Norwegian for Healthcare Workers A1 At NLS Norwegian Language School, we help healthcare workers learn Norwegian at the A1 level. This course is perfect for beginners who want to communicate in simple Norwegian at work. We understand your busy schedule and make lessons easy to follow and useful.
Improve your Norwegian skills for healthcare work with a focus on workplace communication, medical terms, and cultural understanding. Flexible classes are available online or in person to fit your schedule. Build confidence and succeed in your Norwegian healthcare career!
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we provide personalized 1-on-1 Norwegian lessons for all school levels. Our flexible lessons are tailored to your needs, focusing on rapid progress and cultural understanding. Start your language journey today!
Expert one-on-one tutoring in Norwegian for students at all levels. Our experienced tutors provide personalized support in grammar, writing, and exam preparation, with flexible in-person or online sessions. We´re here to help you succeed in your Norwegian language studies.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we offer personalized 1-on-1 Norwegian tutoring tailored to your specific needs and goals. With dedicated instructors, flexible lessons, and immediate feedback, our private sessions ensure faster progress, cultural insights, and a comfortable learning environment.
Prepare for the B1 Norwegian exam oral section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personal feedback to help you excel in Norwegian speaking. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the B1 exam.
Prepare for the B2 Norwegian exam oral section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personal feedback to help you excel in Norwegian speaking. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the B2 exam.
An der NLS Norwegischen Sprachschule bieten wir personalisierten Einzelunterricht in Norwegisch mit engagierten Lehrern, die flexible Stunden und sofortiges Feedback für schnellen Fortschritt und kulturelle Einblicke bieten.
W NLS Norwegian Language School oferujemy spersonalizowane lekcje norweskiego w formie 1 na 1 z dedykowanymi instruktorami, elastycznymi zajeciami oraz natychmiastowym feedbackiem, co przyspiesza postepy i wnosi wglad w kulture w komfortowym srodowisku nauki.
Bij NLS Noorse Taal School bieden we gepersonaliseerde 1-op-1 Noorse tutoring aan die is afgestemd op uw doelen. Onze toegewijde instructeurs bieden flexibele lessen en directe feedback voor sneller vooruitgang en culturele inzichten in een comfortabele omgeving.
Vi tilbyr språkundervisning for dyktige medarbeidere. Har du noen dyktige ansatte som ville bli enda bedre medarbeidere hvis de fikk lære bedre norsk.
Dette kurset er for deg som kan lite eller ingen norsk fra før. Målet er å lære grunnleggende norsk slik at du kan forstå og bruke vanlige ord og uttrykk i hverdagen. Du vil også lære å delta i enkle samtaler hvis personen du snakker med, snakker sakte og tydelig.
Speak Norsk´s A0 level online course represents the first step in your journey of mastering Norwegian language. With the help of your most-popular teachers, you will learn the basics of grammar vocabulary.
The ultimate new beginner deal A0+A1+A2 level online course package is focused on helping them reach a basic understanding of the language for general use. (includes A0, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)
Education is the only investment you can never lose!A1 level online course at Speak Norsk will get you started on the way of learning Norwegian confidently and at your own pace and according to your availability!(includes A1.1 and A1.2)
The perfect package for new beginners who would like to get started with their Norwegian learning!(includes A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)
A2 level online course is the final part of our beginner package and will guide you further in your ability to converse in Norwegian through our vast collection of foundational grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing lessons. (includes A2.1 and A2.2)
The A2 + B1 course package is a continuation of the learning program for those interested in becoming fluent speakers in Norwegian.(includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1 and B1.2)
The A2+B1+B2 level online course package is designed for YOU who have previously completed the new beginner level A1 and want to continue your journey of learning the language in-depth and become fluent speakers in the process. (The package includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)
B1 level online course by Speak Norsk is a combination of interactive conversation, pronunciation, writing and in-depth grammar lessons that will make you fully dive into the Norwegian culture (includes B1.1 and B1.2)
The B1 + B2 online level course package is a comprehensive Norwegian learning program through which beginner speakers can take their skills to the next level - intermediate to fluent.(includes B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)
From intermediate to fluent with our all-inclusive B2+C1 course package!(includes B2.1, B2.2, C1.1 and C1.2)
Speak Norsk´s online B2 level online course is the ultimate programme when it comes to boosting your Norwegian learning and reach fluency. (includes B2.1 and B2.2)
Express yourself with confidence in Norwegian! Want to transform your writing from dull to exciting and craft perfectly structured sentences and texts that will impress any native speaker?
Dreaming of passing Bergentest? (written and oral test) With Speak Norsk, it has never been easier! Learn and practice together with our teachers for Bergenstest and reach a professional level in Norwegian!
Complete Bergenstest package (preparation course with C1.1 and C1.2 levels package) with teacher guidance. The C1 course will emerge the student into the more complex parts of the language - from political debates, understanding of dialects to formal and poetic writing.
With our complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package, speaking and expressing yourself in Norwegian will become easier day by day. ?(Norskprøve A2-B1 preparation course with A0, A1 and A2 levels package)
The complete Norskprøve B1-B2: preparation course with B1-B2 levels package was carefully for those who want to reach a more independent level in Norwegian, both in speech and in writing.
Norwegian Norskprøve Online Norskprøve A2-B1 and B1-B2 preparation course package with teacher guidance. In this course, you will be using our Norskprøve preparation e-books, written by teacher Maria. All e-books are included in the package.
One-Year Program is an all-inclusive intensive online course comprising all levels in Norwegian, from A0 basic to C1 proficient. It aims to give students the Norwegian language proficiency required for adjusting to social, cultural, and professional life in Norway.
Online Norwegian language course to build up your business Norwegian communication skillllls. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business Norwegian and prepare you to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill!
The ultimate course to start speaking like a native. We created the one-of-a-kind and first on the Norwegian market native course for speaking and writing, designed to teach you how to immerse yourself in the authentic Norwegian language and culture.
Unlimited Norwegian Courses: All levels from A0 to C1 (includes Norskprøve and Bergenstest preparation and all other upcoming courses) with teacher guidance
Viking Offer (A0 to B2) Complete Norwegian Package from beginner to advanced with teacher guidance. Learning Norwegian has never been easier with our most-popular, all-inclusive Viking package.
Norwegian Viking Offer for Beginners Plus (A0-B2) with teacher guidance. One of its kind, the Viking Offer Plus includes all Speak Norsk courses ever released that will prepare you to fully emerge into the Norwegian way of life!
Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1) Plus with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE and Bergentest preparation course package that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time! .
Norwegian Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1)) with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time!.
Online social studies course (Samfunnskunnskap) + citizenship (Statsborgersprøven) with teacher guidance. This course is all you need to prepare for social studies or citizenship test, required to apply for either permanent residency or citizenship.
NLS Norweska Szkola Jezykowa oferuje kurs norweskiego na poziomie podstawowym dla profesjonalistów biznesowych, koncentrujac sie na niezbednym slownictwie i zwrotach zwiazanych z miejscem pracy, które sa kluczowe dla efektywnej komunikacji.
NLS Norweska Szkola Jezykowa oferuje kurs na poziomie sredniozaawansowanym dla profesjonalistów biznesowych, koncentrujac sie na zaawansowanym slownictwie potrzebnym do efektywnej komunikacji w miejscu pracy. Dolacz do nas, aby poprawic swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego w kontekscie zawodowym!
The Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals course is an online program designed to teach key aspects of Business Norwegian. It offers a diverse range of materials and subjects, along with opportunities for online interaction with a Norwegian instructor.
Il corso "Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals" è un programma online progettato per insegnare gli aspetti chiave del norvegese commerciale. Offre una vasta gamma di materiali e argomenti, insieme a opportunità di interazione online con un istruttore norvegese.
Der Kurs "Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals" ist ein Online-Programm, das wesentliche Konzepte des Business Norwegisch vermittelt. Er bietet vielfältige Materialien und Möglichkeiten zur Interaktion mit einem norwegischen Dozenten.
The course is designed for adult immigrants in Norway that wants to take the Samfunnskunnskapsprøven - Civics Test. It is mandatory for non-EU/EFTA applicants seeking permanent residency in Norway and provides insight into Norwegian society and social conditions.
Preparati per il Norskprøven presso la NLS Norwegian Language School, coprendo i livelli A1-A2, B1-B2 e C1. Il nostro corso include istruzione esperta, prove pratiche e feedback personalizzato per aiutarti ad eccellere nella lettura, scrittura, ascolto e conversazione.
Unisciti ai Corsi Invernali della NLS Norwegian Language School per un´esperienza immersiva! Adatti a tutti i livelli (A1 a C2), queste lezioni intensive migliorano rapidamente le tue competenze in norvegese.
Questo corso intensivo immersivo di norvegese livello A0-A1 è ideale per principianti assoluti. Che tu stia appena iniziando il tuo percorso linguistico o adattandoti alla vita in Norvegia, questo corso è progettato per sviluppare rapidamente le tue abilità comunicative in norvegese.
Preparati per l´esame norvegese presso la NLS Norwegian Language School con corsi privati a livelli A1-A2, B1-B2 e C1. Il nostro corso offre istruzione esperta, test pratici e feedback personalizzato per migliorare le tue abilità di lettura, scrittura, ascolto e conversazione.
I nostri corsi intensivi invernali presso la NLS Norwegian Language School di Oslo sono perfetti per principianti ai livelli A0 e A1. Migliora le tue competenze in norvegese rapidamente mentre vivi l´inverno norvegese!
I nostri corsi intensivi invernali presso la NLS Norwegian Language School di Oslo sono perfetti per gli studenti di livello A2 e B1. Sviluppa rapidamente ed efficacemente le tue competenze in norvegese esistenti mentre vivi l´atmosfera unica dell´inverno norvegese!
I nostri corsi intensivi invernali presso la NLS Norwegian Language School di Oslo sono ideali per gli studenti ai livelli di competenza A2 e B1. Migliora rapidamente e in modo efficace le tue attuali competenze nella lingua norvegese, immergendoti nell´atmosfera unica di un inverno norvegese!
Ce cours de norvégien C1 améliore vos compétences linguistiques pour des conversations nuancées, vous préparant à exprimer vos pensées avec confiance dans des situations quotidiennes et complexes, améliorant ainsi votre fluidité.
Ce cours intensif immersif de norvégien de niveau A0-A1 est idéal pour les débutants absolus. Que vous commenciez tout juste à apprendre la langue ou que vous vous adaptiez à la vie en Norvège, ce cours est conçu pour améliorer rapidement vos compétences en communication en norvégien.
Ce cours immersif de norvégien de niveau A2 est parfait pour approfondir vos connaissances fondamentales. Il améliore rapidement vos compétences en| communication, vous aidant à vous engager dans des conversations quotidiennes et à gérer des situations plus complexes avec assurance.
Nos cours intensifs d´hiver à l´école de langue norvégienne NLS à Oslo sont parfaits pour les débutants aux niveaux A0 et A1. Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en norvégien tout en vivant l´hiver norvégien !
Nos cours intensifs d´hiver à l´École de Langue Norvégienne NLS à Oslo sont parfaits pour les apprenants de niveaux A2 et B1. Améliorez rapidement et efficacement vos compétences en norvégien tout en découvrant l´atmosphère unique de l´hiver norvégien !
Nos cours intensifs d´hiver à l´école de langue norvégienne NLS à Oslo sont idéaux pour les apprenants aux niveaux de compétence A2 et B1. Améliorez rapidement et efficacement vos compétences linguistiques en norvégien, tout en vous immergeant dans l´ambiance unique d´un hiver norvégien !
Rejoignez nos cours d´hiver norvégien à l´École de Langue Norvégienne NLS pour une expérience d´apprentissage immersive ! Adaptés à tous les niveaux, des débutants (A1) aux avancés (C2), ces cours intensifs sont une manière rapide et efficace d´améliorer vos compétences en norvégien.
À l´École de langue norvégienne NLS, nous proposons des cours particuliers de norvégien en tête-à-tête avec des instructeurs dévoués, des leçons flexibles et des retours immédiats pour un apprentissage plus rapide et des aperçus culturels dans un cadre confortable.
Nuestros cursos intensivos de invierno en la Escuela de Idioma Noruego NLS en Oslo son perfectos para principiantes en los niveles A0 y A1. ¡Mejora tus habilidades en noruego rápidamente mientras experimentas el invierno noruego!
Nuestros cursos intensivos de invierno en NLS Norwegian Language School en Oslo son perfectos para estudiantes en los niveles A2 y B1. ¡Desarrolla tus habilidades en noruego de manera rápida y eficiente mientras experimentas la atmósfera única del invierno noruego!
Nuestros cursos intensivos de invierno en NLS Norwegian Language School en Oslo son ideales para estudiantes con niveles de competencia A2 y B1. Mejora tus habilidades actuales en el idioma noruego de manera rápida y efectiva, ¡todo mientras te sumerges en la atmósfera distintiva de un invierno noru
Este curso de noruego C1 mejora tus habilidades lingüísticas para conversaciones matizadas, preparándote para expresar tus pensamientos con confianza en situaciones cotidianas y complejas, mejorando así tu fluidez.
Este curso intensivo y immersivo de noruego en el nivel A0-A1 es ideal para principiantes absolutos. Ya sea que estés comenzando tu viaje lingüístico o adaptándote a la vida en Noruega, este curso está diseñado para desarrollar rápidamente tus habilidades de comunicación en noruego.
Nuestro Curso de Preparación para el Examen de Ciudadanía Noruega te ayuda a tener éxito con ejercicios prácticos que reflejan el examen real sobre cultura, geografía e historia. Con la guía de expertos, dominarás el temario y ganarás confianza para aprobar el Examen de Ciudadanía.
Prepárate para el examen oral A1-A2 de noruego. Nuestras clases privadas te ofrecen orientación experta, pruebas de práctica y retroalimentación personalizada para ayudarte a sobresalir en el noruego oral. Recibirás apoyo enfocado para desarrollar tus habilidades y confianza para el examen A1-A2.
Prepárate para el examen oral de noruego B1. Nuestras clases privadas te ofrecen orientación experta, exámenes prácticos y retroalimentación personalizada para ayudarte a sobresalir en noruego oral. Recibirás apoyo enfocado para desarrollar tus habilidades y confianza para el examen B1.
¿Deseas mejorar tus conocimientos de noruego mientras disfrutas del sol de verano? Nuestros cursos intensivos de noruego de verano están diseñados para todos los niveles, desde principiantes absolutos (A1) hasta avanzados (C2).
El curso Intensivo Noruego para la Integración Laboral ayuda a los profesionales a adquirir rápidamente habilidades lingüísticas y culturales esenciales para tener éxito en el entorno laboral noruego. Disponible de forma presencial o en línea.
Prepárate para el examen noruego en NLS con clases particulares para los niveles A1-A2, B1-B2 y C1. Nuestro curso incluye instrucción experta, exámenes de práctica y retroalimentación personalizada para mejorar tus habilidades de lectura, escritura, escucha y conversación.
¡Únete a los Cursos de Invierno de la Escuela de Lenguaje Noruego NLS para una experiencia inmersiva! Aptos para todos los niveles (A1 a C2), estos cursos intensivos mejoran eficazmente tus habilidades en noruego.
Donnez un coup d´envoi à votre norvégien avec notre cours Quickstart Norwegian for Beginners ! Parfait pour les débutants, il met l´accent sur la communication pratique pour la vie quotidienne. Rejoignez-nous à Oslo ou en ligne et commencez à développer vos compétences linguistiques dès aujourd´hui.
Kurset "Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals" er et nettbasert program med med lærerveiledning er utformet for å lære viktige aspekter av forretningsnorsk. Det tilbyr et variert utvalg av materiell og emner, samt muligheter for online interaksjon med en norsk instruktør.
NLS Norwegische Sprachschule bietet einen Anfängerkurs in Norwegisch für Berufstätige an, der sich auf wichtige Arbeitsplatzvokabeln und Phrasen für eine effektive Kommunikation konzentriert.
¡Comienza a hablar noruego rápidamente con nuestro curso Rápido de Noruego para Principiantes! Ideal para principiantes absolutos, este curso se centra en la comunicación práctica para la vida diaria. Asiste en persona en Oslo o en línea y desarrolla tus habilidades lingüísticas desde el primer día.
Pradekite mokytis norvegu kalbos su musu A0 kursu pradedantiesiems. Megaukites lanksciu tvarkarašciu ir idomiomis pamokomis savo tempu. Sukurkite tvirta pagrinda kasdieniu bendravimo igudžiu srityje ir ženkite pirma žingsni link pasitikejimo kalbant norvegiškai!
Oferujemy intensywne letnie kursy norweskiego w Oslo, szczególnie dla poczatkujacych na poziomach A0 i A1. Idealne dla tych, którzy chca nauczyc sie norweskiego od podstaw!
Oferujemy intensywne letnie kursy norweskiego w Oslo na poziomach B2 i C1. Ten kurs pomoze Ci udoskonalic zaawansowane umiejetnosci norweskiego, koncentrujac sie na plynnosci i poprawnosci jezykowej w sytuacjach zawodowych i codziennych.
Oferujemy intensywne letnie kursy norweskiego w Oslo dla osób na poziomie A2 i B1. Kurs pomaga rozwijac podstawowe umiejetnosci jezykowe, koncentrujac sie na praktycznym uzyciu jezyka w codziennym zyciu.
Ten kurs norweskiego na poziomie C1 rozwija Twoje umiejetnosci jezykowe, umozliwiajac prowadzenie subtelnych rozmów i pewne wyrazanie sie w codziennych oraz skomplikowanych sytuacjach, znaczaco poprawiajac Twoja plynnosc jezykowa.
Ten immersyjny kurs norweskiego na poziomie A0-A1 jest idealny dla absolutnych poczatkujacych i zostal zaprojektowany, aby szybko poprawic Twoje umiejetnosci komunikacyjne w zyciu w Norwegii.
Ten kurs norweskiego C1 poprawia Twoje umiejetnosci jezykowe w zakresie zlozonych rozmów, przygotowujac Cie do wyrazania swoich mysli z pewnoscia w codziennych i skomplikowanych sytuacjach, co zwieksza Twoja plynnosc.
Przygotuj sie do egzaminu norweskiego w NLS Norwegian Language School, która oferuje prywatne zajecia na poziomach A1-A2, B1-B2 i C1. Nasz kurs obejmuje profesjonalne nauczanie, testy praktyczne oraz indywidualne opinie, które pomoga Ci opanowac czytanie, pisanie, sluchanie i komunikacje ustna.
Nasz kurs przygotowawczy do testu na obywatelstwo norweskie pomaga Ci odniesc sukces dzieki cwiczeniom praktycznym odzwierciedlajacym rzeczywisty test z kultury, geografii i historii. Dzieki profesjonalnemu wsparciu opanujesz program nauczania i zyskasz pewnosc siebie, aby zdac test na obywatelstwo.
Nasze intensywne kursy zimowe w NLS Norweskiej Szkole Jezykowej w Oslo sa idealne dla uczniów na poziomie A2 i B1. Szybko i efektywnie rozwijaj swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego, jednoczesnie doswiadczajac unikalnej atmosfery norweskiej zimy!
Nasze intensywne kursy zimowe w Norwegian Language School w Oslo sa idealne dla uczniów na poziomie A2 i B1. Szybko i skutecznie poprawiaj swoje umiejetnosci jezykowe w norweskim, jednoczesnie zanurzajac sie w wyjatkowej atmosferze norweskiej zimy!
Dolacz do naszych zimowych kursów norweskiego w NLS Norwegian Language School i doswiadcz immersyjnego procesu nauki! Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów, od poczatkujacych (A1) do zaawansowanych (C2), te intensywne kursy to szybki i skuteczny sposób na poprawe umiejetnosci jezykowych w norweskim.
Begin learning Norwegian with our A0 course for absolute beginners. Enjoy flexible scheduling and engaging lessons that fit your lifestyle. Study at your own pace and build a strong foundation in everyday communication skills. Join us and take the first step to speaking Norwegian confidently!
Learn Norwegian Online: Flexible Classes A1 offers a convenient way to start your Norwegian language journey. Tailored for beginners, this course provides flexible scheduling and engaging lessons to fit your lifestyle. Study at your own pace and gain confidence in everyday communication.
Learn Norwegian Online: Flexible Classes A2 provides an easy way for learners to improve their language skills. With fun lessons and a schedule that fits your life, you can study at your own pace. Build your confidence in speaking and understanding Norwegian for everyday use!
Take your Norwegian skills to the next level with our B1 online classes! Designed to help you speak confidently and understand more complex conversations, these flexible lessons fit your schedule and pace. With engaging activities and practical exercises, you´ll be prepared for real-life situations
Enhance your Norwegian with our B2 online classes! These flexible lessons help you speak fluently and understand advanced conversations. Engage in practical exercises and be ready for real-life situations, expressing yourself confidently!
Enhance your Norwegian skills with our adaptable C1 online classes! Achieve fluency, engage in complex conversations, and articulate your thoughts with confidence through our comprehensive practical exercises.
Begynn å lære norsk med vårt A0-kurs for helt nybegynnere. Nyt fleksible timeplaner og engasjerende undervisning som passer din livsstil. Studer i ditt eget tempo og bygg et solid grunnlag i hverdagskommunikasjon. Bli med oss og ta det første steget mot å snakke norsk med selvtillit!
Lær Norsk Online: Fleksible Klasser A1 tilbyr en praktisk måte å starte din reise i det norske språket. Tilpasset for nybegynnere, gir dette kurset fleksibel timeplan og engasjerende timer som passer din livsstil. Studer i ditt eget tempo og få selvtillit i hverdagskommunikasjon.
Forbedre norskkunnskapene dine med våre nettbaserte B1-kurs! Utformet for å styrke din evne til å snakke flytende og forstå komplekse samtaler, passer disse fleksible leksjonene til timeplanen din. Nyt engasjerende aktiviteter og praktiske øvelser som forbereder deg på hverdagslige situasjoner.
Forbedre norsken din med våre B2-nettkurs! Disse fleksible timene hjelper deg med å snakke flytende og forstå avanserte samtaler. Delta i praktiske øvelser og vær klar for virkelige situasjoner, slik at du kan uttrykke deg med selvtillit!
Forbedre dine norskkunnskaper med våre tilpassbare C1 nettklasser! Oppnå flyt, delta i komplekse samtaler, og uttrykk tankene dine med selvtillit gjennom våre omfattende praktiske øvelser.
Lær norsk på nett: Fleksible kurs A2 gir en enkel måte for lærende å forbedre språkferdighetene sine. Med morsomme timer og en timeplan som passer inn i livet ditt, kan du studere i ditt eget tempo. Bygg selvtilliten din i å snakke og forstå norsk til daglig bruk!
Pagerinkite savo norvegu kalba su musu B2 lygiui skirtomis internetinemis pamokomis! Šios lankscios pamokos padeda sklandžiai kalbeti ir suprasti pažangius pokalbius. Dalyvaukite praktinese užduotyse ir bukite pasirenge realioms situacijoms, išreikšdami save pasitikedami!
Kelkites savo norvegu kalbos igudžius su musu B1 internetiniais kursais! Šie lanksciai pritaikyti užsiemimai pades jums pasitiketi savimi ir geriau suprasti sudetingas diskusijas, prisitaikydami prie jusu tvarkarašcio. Užsiimkite praktiniais pratimais, kad pasiruoštumete realioms situacijoms.
Mokykites norvegu kalbos internetu: lankscios A1 klases siulo pradedantiesiems patogu buda pradeti savo kalbos kelione su idomiomis pamokomis ir lankscia tvarka. Mokykites savo tempu ir ugdykite pasitikejima kasdieniame bendravime.
Tobulinkite savo norvegu kalbos igudžius su musu pritaikomomis C1 lygio internetinemis pamokomis! Pasiekite sklanduma, dalyvaukite sudetingose diskusijose ir drasiai išreikškite savo mintis per musu išsamius praktinius užsiemimus.
Mokykites norvegu kalbos internetu: lankscios A2 lygio pamokos siulo lengvas ir smagias pamokas, kurios prisitaiko prie jusu grafiko. Mokykites savo tempu ir stiprinkite pasitikejima kalbant bei suprantant norvegu kalba kasdieniniam naudojimui!
Zwieksz swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego dzieki naszym zajeciom online na poziomie B1! Zwieksz pewnosc siebie i zrozumienie w zlozonych rozmowach dzieki elastycznym lekcjom. Ciesz sie angazujacymi aktywnosciami i praktycznymi cwiczeniami w sytuacjach z zycia codziennego.
Zwieksz swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego dzieki naszym elastycznym zajeciom online na poziomie C1! Osiagnij plynnosc, angazuj sie w zlozone rozmowy i wyrazaj swoje mysli z pewnoscia dzieki naszym kompleksowym cwiczeniom praktycznym.
Onze intensieve wintercursussen aan de NLS Norwegian Language School in Oslo zijn perfect voor beginners op de niveaus A0 en A1. Verbeter snel je Noorse vaardigheden terwijl je de Noorse winter beleeft!
Wil je je Noorse vaardigheden verbeteren terwijl je van de zomerse zon geniet? Onze intensieve zomercursussen Noors zijn ontworpen voor alle niveaus, van complete beginners (A1) tot gevorderden (C2).
Sluit je aan bij onze Noorse Wintercursussen aan de NLS Noorse Taal School voor een meeslepende leerervaring! Geschikt voor alle niveaus, van beginners (A1) tot gevorderden (C2), zijn deze intensieve cursussen een snelle en effectieve manier om je Noorse vaardigheden te verbeteren.
Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Norsk intensivkurs for arbeidsintegrering hjelper fagfolk med å raskt tilegne seg viktige språklige og kulturmessige ferdigheter for å oppnå suksess i det norske arbeidsmarkedet. Tilgjengelig i klasserommet eller online.
Ønsker du å forbedre norskkunnskapene dine mens du nyter sommersolen? Våre intensive norsk sommerkurs er laget for alle nivåer, fra helt nybegynnere (A1) til viderekomne (C2).
Vi tilbyr intensive norsk sommerkurs i Oslo, spesielt for nybegynnere på A0 og A1-nivå. Perfekt for deg som ønsker å lære norsk fra grunnen av!
Vi tilbyr intensive norsk sommerkurs i Oslo for deg på A2 og B1-nivå. Kurset hjelper deg å bygge videre på grunnleggende norskkunnskaper, med fokus på praktisk bruk av språket i hverdagen.
Vi tilbyr intensive norsk sommerkurs i Oslo for deg på B2 og C1-nivå. Dette kurset hjelper deg å finpusse dine avanserte norskkunnskaper, med fokus på flytende og korrekt språkbruk i både profesjonelle og hverdagslige situasjoner.
Bli med på våre vinterkurs i norsk ved NLS Norwegian Language School for en immersiv læringsopplevelse! Egnet for alle nivåer, fra nybegynnere (A1) til avanserte (C2), er disse intensive kursene en rask og effektiv måte å forbedre norskkunnskapene dine på.
Våre intensive vinterkurs ved NLS Norwegian Language School i Oslo er perfekte for nybegynnere på A0 og A1-nivå. Forbedre norskkunnskapene dine raskt mens du opplever den norske vinteren!
Våre intensive vinterkurs ved NLS Norwegian Language School i Oslo er perfekte for deg på A2 og B1-nivå. Forbedre norskkunnskapene dine raskt og effektivt, samtidig som du opplever den unike atmosfæren av en norsk vinter!
Våre intensive vinterkurs ved NLS Norwegian Language School i Oslo er perfekte for deg på B2 og C1-nivå. Forbedre dine avanserte norskkunnskaper raskt og effektivt, samtidig som du opplever den unike atmosfæren av en norsk vinter!
We offer classes both in a physical classroom and online. Instead of having to show up at a specific location, our online courses gives you a lot more flexibility.
Dette immersive A2-norskkurset er ideelt for å bygge videre på grunnleggende ferdigheter. Det forbedrer raskt kommunikasjonsevner, noe som hjelper deg med å delta i hverdagslige samtaler og håndtere mer komplekse situasjoner med selvtillit.
Forbered deg til A1-A2 Norskprøven lesedel. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk lesenivå. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til A1-A2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B1 Norskprøven lesedel. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk lesenivå. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B1-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B2 Norskprøven lesedel. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk lesenivå. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B1 Norskprøven lyttedel. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk lytting. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B1-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B2 Norskprøven lyttedel. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk lytting. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til A1-A2 Norskprøven muntlig. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk muntlig. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til A1-A2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B1 Norskprøven muntlig. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk muntlig. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B1-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B2 Norskprøven muntlig. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i norsk muntlig. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til A1-A2 Norskprøven skriveprøve ved NLS Norsk Språkskole. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i skriving. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til A1-A2-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B1 Norskprøven skriveprøve ved NLS Norsk Språkskole. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å utmerke deg i skriving. Du vil få fokusert støtte for å bygge opp ferdighetene og selvtilliten din til B1-eksamen.
Forbered deg til B2 Norskprøven skriveprøve med vårt skreddersydde kurs. Våre private timer gir deg ekspertveiledning, øvingstester og personlig tilbakemelding for å hjelpe deg med å prestere på høyt nivå i skrivedelen. Du vil få målrettet støtte for å utvikle dine skriveferdigheter.
Préparez-vous pour le Norskprøven à l´École de Langue Norvégienne NLS, couvrant les niveaux A1-A2, B1-B2 et C1. Notre cours inclut un enseignement expert, des tests blancs et des retours personnalisés pour vous aider à exceller en lecture, écriture, écoute et expression orale.
Bereid je voor op de Norskprøven bij NLS Norwegian Language School, met niveaus A1-A2, B1-B2 en C1. Onze cursus omvat deskundige instructie, proefexamens en persoonlijke feedback om je te helpen excelleren in lezen, schrijven, luisteren en spreken.
Bereiten Sie sich auf die Norskprøven an der NLS Norwegian Language School vor, die die Niveaus A1-A2, B1-B2 und C1 abdeckt. Unser Kurs beinhaltet fachkundige Anleitung, Übungstests und individuelles Feedback, um Ihnen zu helfen, im Lesen, Schreiben, Hören und Sprechen erfolgreich zu sein.
Przygotuj sie do Norskprøven w NLS Norwegian Language School, obejmujacym poziomy A1-A2, B1-B2 i C1. Nasz kurs obejmuje fachowe nauczanie, testy próbne oraz spersonalizowana informacje zwrotna, aby pomóc Ci osiagnac sukces w czytaniu, pisaniu, sluchaniu i mówieniu.
NLS Norveç Dil Okulu´nda A1-A2, B1-B2 ve C1 seviyelerini kapsayan Norskprøven´e hazirlanin. Kursumuz, okuma, yazma, dinleme ve konusma becerilerinizi gelistirmenize yardimci olmak için uzman egitmenlik, deneme sinavlari ve kisisellestirilmis geri bildirim içermektedir.
Forbered deg til B1 Norskprøven Lyttetest hos NLS Norwegian Language School! Våre private klasser gir deg veiledning fra eksperter, øvelser og personlig tilbakemelding for å forbedre dine leseferdigheter og øke selvtilliten din til Norskprøven B1.
Forbered deg til B2 Norskprøven Lyttetest hos NLS Norwegian Language School! Våre private klasser gir deg veiledning fra eksperter, øvelser og personlig tilbakemelding for å forbedre dine leseferdigheter og øke selvtilliten din til Norskprøven B2.
Viltu bæta norsku kunnáttuna þína á meðan þú nýtur sólarinnar á sumrin? Intensífu norsku sumarkennslurnar okkar eru hannaðar fyrir öll stig, frá algjörum byrjendum (A1) til lengra kominna (C2).
El curso "Noruego Empresarial: Noruego para Profesionales" es un programa en línea diseñado para enseñar los aspectos clave del noruego empresarial. Ofrece una variedad diversa de materiales y temas, junto con oportunidades para la interacción en línea con un instructor noruego.
Norveç Dil Okulu´ndaki Norveç Kis Kurslarimiza katilarak immersive bir ögrenme deneyimi yasayin! Baslangiç seviyesinden (A1) ileri seviyeye (C2) kadar her seviyeye uygun olan bu yogun kurslar, Norveççe becerilerinizi hizla ve etkili bir sekilde gelistirmenin harika bir yoludur.
NLS Norveç Dili Okulu´ndaki kis kurslarimiza katilin ve kapsayici bir ögrenme deneyimi yasayin! Yeni baslayanlardan (A1) ileri seviye (C2) ögrencilerine kadar her seviye için uygun olan bu yogun kurslar, Norveççe bilginizi hizli ve etkili bir sekilde gelistirmek için mükemmel bir yoldur.
Bu etkileyici A2 Norveççe kursu, temellerinizi gelistirmek için idealdir. Hizla iletisim becerilerinizi artirarak, günlük konusmalara katilmaniza ve daha karmasik durumlarla güvenle basa çikmaniza yardimci olur.
Bu kapsamli Norveççe yogun kurs, A0-A1 seviyesinde olup, tamamen yeni baslayanlar için idealdir. Dil yolculugunuza yeni basliyor ya da Norveç´teki yasama uyum saglamaya çalisiyorsaniz, bu kurs Norveççe iletisim becerilerinizi hizla gelistirmeniz için tasarlanmistir.
Bu ilgi çekici B2 Norveççe kursu, becerilerinizi bir üst seviyeye tasiyarak daha derinlemesine konusmalar yapmaniza olanak tanir. Kendinizi hem günlük hem de daha karmasik durumlarda güvenle ifade etmenizi saglar, farkli baglamlarda akiciliginizi ve anlama yetinizi artirir.
Bu kapsamli B1 Norveççe kursu, temel bilgilerin ötesine geçerek becerilerinizi gelistirmektedir ve daha ayrintili konusmalar yapmaniza olanak tanir. Günlük ve karmasik durumlarda kendinize güvenle iletisim kurmaniza yardimci olur, farkli baglamlarda daha fazla akicilik ve anlama becerisi kazanmanizi
Unisciti alla NLS Norwegian Language School per il nostro Corso di Norvegese Avanzato per professionisti del settore. Migliora le tue competenze linguistiche con vocaboli avanzati e strutture complesse.
Le cours "Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals" est un programme en ligne conçu pour enseigner les aspects clés du norvégien des affaires. Il propose une gamme diversifiée de matériaux et de sujets, ainsi que des opportunités d´interaction en ligne avec un instructeur norvégien.
Musu intensyvus žiemos kursai NLS Norvegu kalbos mokykloje Osle yra puikus pradedantiesiems A0 ir A1 lygiuose. Greitai tobulinkite savo norvegu kalbos igudžius, megaudamiesi norvegiška žiema!
Šis ieklaujošais norvegu intensivas macibu kursa A0-A1 limeni ir ideals absolutiem iesacejiem. Neatkarigi no ta, vai jus tikko sakat savu valodas celojumu vai pielagojaties dzivei Norvegija, šis kurss ir izstradats, lai atri attistitu jusu norvegu komunikacijas prasmes.
Pievienojieties musu Norvegijas Ziemas kursiem NLS Norvegu valodas skola, lai piedzivotu pilnigu macibu pieredzi! Kursi ir piemeroti visiem limeniem, sakot no iesacejiem (A1) lidz progresiviem (C2). Šie intensivie kursi ir atrs un efektivs veids, ka uzlabot jusu norvegu valodas prasmes.
Musu intensivie ziemas kursi NLS Norvegu valodas skola Oslo ir ideali piemeroti iesacejiem A0 un A1 limeni. Uzlabojiet savas norvegu valodas prasmes atri, izmantojot Norvegijas ziemu!
Musu intensivie ziemas kursi NLS Norvegu valodas skola Osla ir ideali piemeroti A2 un B1 limena apmacamajiem. Atri un efektivi attistiet savas esošas norvegu valodas prasmes, vienlaikus izbaudot unikalo Norvegijas ziemas atmosferu!
Musu intensivie ziemas kursi NLS Norvegu valodas skola Oslo ir ideali piemeroti A2 un B1 valodas prasmju limenu apguejiem. Atri un efektivi uzlabojiet savas esošas norvegu valodas prasmes, vienlaikus iegrimstot unikalaja Norvegijas ziemas atmosfera!
Musu intensyvus žiemos kursai NLS Norvegu kalbos mokykloje Oslu yra puikus pradedantiesiems A0 ir A1 lygiuose. Greitai tobulinkite savo norvegu kalbos igudžius, patirdami norvegiška žiema!
Musu intensyvus žiemos kursai NLS Norvegu kalbos mokykloje Osle yra puikus pradedantiesiems A0 ir A1 lygiuose. Greitai patobulinkite savo norvegu kalbos igudžius ir patirkite norvegiška žiema!
Intensyvus žiemos kursai NLS Norvegu kalbos mokykloje Osle puikiai tinka A2 ir B1 lygio mokiniams. Greitai ir efektyviai tobulinkite savo esamas norvegu kalbos žinias, megaudamiesi unikaliu norvegu žiemos atmosfera!
Musu intensyvus žiemos kursai NLS Norvegu kalbos mokykloje Oslas yra idealus A2 ir B1 kalbos lygio mokiniams. Greitai ir efektyviai tobulinkite savo dabartines norvegu kalbos igudžius, o tuo paciu ir pasinerkite i išskirtine norvegu žiemos atmosfera!
Elevate your Norwegian to near-native fluency with our C1 course at NLS Norwegian Language School in Oslo. Master complex grammar, vocabulary, and cultural nuances for confident communication in any setting.
Our Norwegian Citizenship Test Preparation Course helps you succeed with practice exercises mirroring the real test on culture, geography, and history. With expert guidance, you´ll master the syllabus and gain confidence to pass the Citizenship Test.
This immersive A2 Norwegian course is ideal for building on your basics. It quickly enhances communication skills, helping you engage in everyday conversations and handle more complex situations confidently.
This immersive B1 Norwegian course advances your skills beyond the basics, enabling more detailed conversations. It helps you communicate confidently in everyday and complex situations, building greater fluency and comprehension across diverse contexts.
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norwegian exam listening section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in Norwegian listening. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the A1-A2 exam.
Prepare for the B1 Norwegian exam listening section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in Norwegian listening. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the B1 exam.
Prepare for the B2 Norwegian exam listening section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in Norwegian listening. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the B2 exam.
Prepare for the B1 Norwegian exam reading section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in your Norwegian reading level. You will receive focused support to develop your skills and confidence for the B1 exam.
Prepare for the B2 Norwegian exam reading section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in your Norwegian reading level. You will receive focused support to develop your skills and confidence for the B2 exam.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we are pleased to offer a beginner course in Norwegian, designed for business professionals. This course focuses on essential vocabulary and phrases used in the workplace, helping you communicate effectively in a professional setting.
The Norwegian Intensive for Workplace Integration course helps professionals quickly gain essential language and cultural skills for success in the Norwegian workplace. Available in-classroom or online.
We offer intensive Norwegian summer courses in Oslo, especially for beginners at A0 and A1 levels. Perfect for those who want to learn Norwegian from the ground up!
We offer intensive Norwegian summer courses in Oslo for those at A2 and B1 levels. The course helps you build on basic Norwegian skills, with a focus on the practical use of the language in everyday life.
We offer intensive Norwegian summer courses in Oslo for you at the B2 and C1 levels. This course helps you refine your advanced Norwegian skills, focusing on fluent and correct language use in both professional and everyday situations.
Looking to improve your Norwegian language skills while soaking up the summer sun? Our intensive Norwegian Summer Courses are designed for all levels, from complete beginners (A1) to advanced learners (C2).
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norwegian test reading section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personalized feedback to help you excel in your Norwegian reading level. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the A1-A2 exam.
Prepare for the A1-A2 Norwegian exam oral section. Our private lessons provide you with expert guidance, practice tests, and personal feedback to help you excel in Norwegian speaking. You will receive focused support to build your skills and confidence for the A1-A2 exam.
Our intensive winter courses at NLS Norwegian Language School in Oslo are perfect for beginners at A0 and A1 levels. Improve your Norwegian skills quickly while experiencing the Norwegian winter!
Our intensive winter courses at NLS Norwegian Language School in Oslo are perfect for learners at A2 and B1 levels. Build on your existing Norwegian skills quickly and efficiently while experiencing the unique atmosphere of the Norwegian winter!
Our intensive winter courses at NLS Norwegian Language School in Oslo are ideal for learners at the A2 and B1 proficiency levels. Enhance your current Norwegian language skills swiftly and effectively, all while immersing yourself in the distinctive ambiance of a Norwegian winter!
Join our Norwegian Winter Courses at NLS Norwegian Language School for an immersive learning experience! Suitable for all levels, from beginners (A1) to advanced (C2), these intensive courses are a fast and effective way to boost your Norwegian skills.
The Norwegian: Social Studies course is designed for adult immigrants who have recently arrived in Norway or have lived in Norway for a maximum of five years. The course is available in both Norwegian and English.
Dieser immersive A2 Norwegischkurs ist ideal, um auf Ihren Grundlagen aufzubauen. Er verbessert schnell die Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und hilft Ihnen, sich an alltäglichen Gesprächen zu beteiligen und komplexere Situationen selbstbewusst zu bewältigen.
Möchten Sie Ihre Norwegischkenntnisse verbessern, während Sie die Sommersonne genießen? Unsere intensiven Norwegisch-Sommerkursen sind für alle Niveaus konzipiert, von kompletten Anfängern (A1) bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Lernenden (C2).
Nehmen Sie an unseren norwegischen Winterkursen an der NLS Sprachschule teil, um ein intensives Lernerlebnis zu genießen! Diese intensiven Kurse sind für alle Niveaus geeignet (A1 bis C2) und verbessern schnell Ihre Norwegischkenntnisse.
Dieser ansprechende B2 Norwegischkurs hebt Ihre Fähigkeiten auf die nächste Stufe und ermöglicht tiefere Gespräche. Er befähigt Sie, sich in alltäglichen und komplexeren Situationen selbstbewusst auszudrücken und verbessert Ihre Sprachgewandtheit und Ihr Verständnis in verschiedenen Kontexten.
Dieser intensive norwegische Kurs auf dem Niveau A0-A1 ist ideal für absolute Anfänger. Egal, ob Sie gerade Ihre Sprachreise beginnen oder sich an das Leben in Norwegen gewöhnen, dieser Kurs ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihre norwegischen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten schnell zu entwickeln.
Dieser immersive B1-Norwegischkurs verbessert Ihre Fähigkeiten über die Grundlagen hinaus und ermöglicht eine sichere Kommunikation in alltäglichen sowie komplexen Situationen, während er die Flüssigkeit und das Verständnis verbessert.
Dolacz do NLS Norweskiej Szkoly Jezykowej na naszym kursie dla sredniozaawansowanych, zaprojektowanym dla profesjonalistów biznesowych. Zwieksz swoja komunikacje w miejscu pracy, poszerzajac slownictwo i podnoszac swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego!
Kurs "Business Norwegian: Norwegian for Professionals" to program online, który zostal zaprojektowany w celu nauki kluczowych aspektów jezyka norweskiego w kontekscie biznesowym. Oferuje róznorodne materialy i tematy, a takze mozliwosci interakcji online z norweskim instruktorem.
Norweski intensywny kurs integracji w miejscu pracy pomaga profesjonalistom szybko zdobyc niezbedne umiejetnosci jezykowe i kulturowe, które sa kluczowe do osiagniecia sukcesu w norweskim srodowisku pracy. Kurs dostepny jest w formie stacjonarnej lub online.
Ten immersyjny kurs norweskiego na poziomie B1 rozwija twoje umiejetnosci wykraczajace poza podstawy, umozliwiajac bardziej szczególowe rozmowy. Pomaga ci pewnie komunikowac sie w codziennych i skomplikowanych sytuacjach, budujac wieksza plynnosc i zrozumienie w róznych kontekstach.
Ten atrakcyjny kurs norweskiego na poziomie B2 przenosi Twoje umiejetnosci na wyzszy poziom, umozliwiajac bardziej szczególowe rozmowy. Daje Ci pewnosc wyrazania siebie zarówno w sytuacjach codziennych, jak i bardziej zlozonych, zwiekszajac plynnosc i zrozumienie w róznych kontekstach.
Nasze intensywne kursy zimowe w NLS Norwegian Language School w Oslo sa idealne dla poczatkujacych na poziomach A0 i A1. Popraw swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego szybko, cieszac sie norweska zima!
Nasze intensywne kursy zimowe w NLS Szkole Jezyka Norweskiego w Oslo sa idealne dla osób na poziomie A2 i B1. Szybko i efektywnie rozwijaj swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego, jednoczesnie doswiadczajac unikalnej atmosfery norweskiej zimy!
Nasze intensywne kursy zimowe w NLS Norwegian Language School w Oslo sa idealne dla uczniów na poziomach A2 i B1. Szybko i skutecznie popraw swoje umiejetnosci jezykowe w norweskim, jednoczesnie zanurzajac sie w wyjatkowej atmosferze norweskiej zimy!
Chcesz poprawic swoje umiejetnosci jezykowe w norweskim, cieszac sie letnim sloncem? Nasze intensywne Kursy Letnie w Norweskim sa zaprojektowane dla wszystkich poziomów, od kompletnych poczatkujacych (A1) do zaawansowanych uczniów (C2).
Dolacz do naszych kursów zimowych w jezyku norweskim w Szkole Jezykowej NLS, aby przezyc wciagajace doswiadczenie! Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów zaawansowania, od poczatkujacych (A1) do zaawansowanych (C2), te intensywne kursy szybko poprawiaja Twoje umiejetnosci norweskiego.
NLS Norwegian Language School oferuje kurs norweskiego dla poczatkujacych przeznaczony dla profesjonalistów biznesowych, skupiajac sie na niezbednym slownictwie i zwrotach zwiazanych z miejscem pracy, umozliwiajacych skuteczna komunikacje.
Start speaking Norwegian quickly with our Quickstart Norwegian for Beginners course! Ideal for complete beginners, this course focuses on practical communication for daily life. Attend in person in Oslo or online and build your language skills from day one.
Start å snakke norsk raskt med vårt Quickstart Norsk for Nybegynnere-kurs! Dette kurset er ideelt for helt ferske språkstudenter og fokuserer på praktisk kommunikasjon i hverdagen. Delta personlig i Oslo eller på nettet og bygg språkkunnskapene dine fra første dag.
Kurset er for voksne innvandrere i Norge. Det er obligatorisk for de utenfor EU/EFTA som søker permanent opphold i Norge og gir innsikt i norske samfunnsforhold.
Social Studies Course (Samfunnskunnskapsprøven) is designed for adult immigrants who have recently arrived in Norway or have lived in Norway for a maximum of five years. The course is available in both Norwegian and English.
Zacznij mówic po norwesku z kursem "Szybki Start w Norweskim dla Poczatkujacych"! Idealny dla poczatkujacych, koncentruje sie na praktycznej komunikacji. Uczestnicz w Oslo lub online i rozwijaj swoje umiejetnosci od pierwszego dnia.
Rozpocznij swoja norweska podróz z naszym kursem A0 dla poczatkujacych. Ciesz sie elastycznym harmonogramem i angazujacymi lekcjami we wlasnym tempie, budujac solidne podstawy w codziennej komunikacji. Dolacz do nas i zacznij pewnie mówic po norwesku!
Podnies swoje umiejetnosci norweskiego z naszymi zajeciami online na poziomie B2! Te elastyczne lekcje pomoga Ci plynnie mówic i rozumiec zaawansowane rozmowy. Angazuj sie w praktyczne cwiczenia i badz gotowy na rzeczywiste sytuacje, wyrazajac sie pewnie!
Zacznij uczyc sie norweskiego z naszym kursem A0 dla poczatkujacych. Ciesz sie elastycznym harmonogramem i angazujacymi lekcjami w wlasnym tempie, budujac solidne podstawy w codziennej komunikacji. Dolacz do nas i zrób pierwszy krok do pewnego mówienia po norwesku!
Nauka norweskiego online: elastyczne zajecia A1 to idealny kurs dla poczatkujacych, oferujacy dogodne godziny zajec oraz angazujace lekcje. Ucz sie we wlasnym tempie i zwieksz swoja pewnosc siebie w codziennej komunikacji.
Naucz sie norweskiego online: Elastyczne zajecia A2 oferuja latwy sposób na rozwijanie umiejetnosci jezykowych dzieki przyjemnym lekcjom i harmonogramowi dopasowanemu do Twojego zycia. Ucz sie we wlasnym tempie i zwieksz swoja pewnosc w mówieniu oraz rozumieniu codziennego norweskiego!
NLS Noorse Taal School biedt een Noors cursus op beginnersniveau voor zakelijke professionals, met de nadruk op essentiële vocabulaire en zinnen voor effectieve communicatie op de werkplek.
Dolacz do NLS Norweskiej Szkoly Jezykowej na naszym zaawansowanym kursie norweskiego dla profesjonalistów biznesowych. Udoskonal swoje umiejetnosci jezykowe, uczac sie zaawansowanego slownictwa i skomplikowanych struktur.
JDolacz do NLS Norwegian Language School na naszym zaawansowanym kursie norweskiego dla profesjonalistów biznesowych. Rozwin swoje umiejetnosci jezykowe, przyswajajac zaawansowane slownictwo i zlozone struktury.
Norskkurset er for deg som tar norskprøve A2/B1 i perioden 10. - 14. mars. Du kan velge kun muntlig del eller skriftlig del eller ta begge deler. Vi har ledige plasser!
Practice speaking Norwegian online and prepare for the oral Norwegian exam A1/A2. - A small group up to 8 students - Break - out groups in Zoom - Everyone will speak!
Timene holdes vanligvis i en gruppe på 5 - 8 deltakere. Vi verdsetter din tid, og sørger derfor for at opplæringsmaterialet er variert og interessant. Gjennom engasjerende gruppeoppgaver og dagsaktuell undervisning vil man lære alt fra korrekt grammatikk til riktig uttale.
Vi tilbyr også individuell undervisning. Her vil eleven få maksimalt med støtte og oppfølgning fra våre lærere. Dette anbefales spesielt for folk som ønsker intensiv læring. Vi verdsetter din tid, og sørger derfor for at opplæringsmaterialet er variert og interessant.
Kurset holdes i en gruppe på 4 - 8 deltakere. Vi verdsetter din tid, og sørger derfor for at opplæringsmaterialet er variert og interessant. Gjennom engasjerende gruppeoppgaver og dagsaktuell undervisning vil man lære alt fra korrekt grammatikk til varierende språkbruk.
- Small group - up to 8 students. - Applicable for permanent residency. - Fast Track with a teacher.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We offer norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.
We offer norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.
Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Our A0 - A2 full-package best-deal norwegian online course for beginners consists of 24h access to e-learning program and meetings in a virtual classroom with a real teacher in Zoom.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A2. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0 in the evening. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian online course at beginner level A1. Join part 2 of basic norwegian beginner level A1 online course. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1 in the evening. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2 in the evening. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic Norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s Norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1 in the evening. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2 in the evening. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide norwegian exam preparation online course level A1 - A2. Are you planning to take norskprøve level A1 - A2? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses on A2-level before taking this course.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.
We offer norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate - level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced Norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1 + virtual classroom. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1 in the evening. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1 in the evening. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide intensive standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4 in the evening. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
The A1 level Norwegian course is perfect for beginners who have started learning Norwegian basics. In this course, you´ll learn to:
The first part of the Norwegian class for beginners (level A1) is perfect for those who want to begin learning Norwegian online. In your online live course, you´ll learn to:
The second part of the beginner´s Norwegian online course (level A1) is great for students who have already begun learning Norwegian basics. In this part, you´ll learn to:
This online course not only prepares you to handle various conversational topics but also provides a deeper understanding of Norwegian culture and society. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, you will quickly move from knowing basic phrases to engaging in meaningful dialogues.
In the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary. In this course, students will improve how:
In the first and second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.
In the first module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students will be able to consolidate everything they have learnt so far into more complex conversations and interactions in social and private contexts.
In the second module of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to build up their Norwegian communication skills with more complex interactions. In the lessons the students will learn more about how:
In the third and forth modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.
In the third modules of the B1 intermediate Norwegian course, students continue to work with all the content learnt in terms of grammar and vocabulary to express themselves with more complexity and richer Norwegian vocabulary.
In the last module of the B1 intermediate level students will learn more about Norwegian society, while consolidating and improving their communication in Norwegian. In the course students will discuss topics such as: