I kategorien lederkurs og lederutvikling finner du kurs for ledere over hele landet. Alle vet at god ledelse er avgjørende for en velfungerende virksomhet. Temaene og valgmulighetene for slike kurs er derfor mange. Her finner du ledelseskurs som for eksempel; lyttekurs for ledere, teamutviklingskurs, møteledelse, strategisk lederskap, lederkurs i DISK modellen, personalledelse, lederkurs for frivillige organisasjoner, toppledertrening, ledelseskurs for kvinner osv. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at kurs i Lederstiler og lederroller og Lederkurs for nye ledere har egne kategorier. Ta kontakt hvis du ikke finner noe som passer for deg.
Vi tilbyr lederkurs om samspill og roller for bedrifter. Dette er et ledelseskurs med fokus på å øke effektiviteten av lederskapet og motivasjonen til medarbeiderne. Gjennom et godt samspill og klare roller, kan det bli lettere for begge parter å en flott arbeidsplass som når sine mål.
Vi tilbyr bedriftsinterne kurs i selvledelse og transformasjonsledelse. Tydeligere og tydeligere ser vi at ledelse ikke lenger bare skal appellere til det intellektuelle i mennesket, men også med tydelighet appellere til følelser og menneskets dypere behov.
Hva betyr ditt kroppsspråk og bevegelsesmønster? Hvordan kan det lære deg mer om ditt og andres tanke-, reaksjons- og prosessmønster? Og hvordan kan denne kunnskapen brukes til å utvikle deg selv og skape bedre relasjoner?
We offer course about Agile Project Management - Foundation. Agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development are becoming increasingly mainstream.
Vi offer coure about Agile Project Management - Foundation And Practitioner. Agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development are becoming increasingly mainstream.
This course covers how to operate in such an Agile fashion within an overall project framework. It is based on the DSDM Agile Project Framework. This is an APMG accredited course.
AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools Course Overview This IBM AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools training course is designed to give delegates practical experience using a range of AIX tools to manipulate text and incorporate them into AIX shell scripts.
AIX Korn Shell Programming Course Overview IBM AIX Korn Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in developing and writing shell scripts.
AIX Shell Programming Course Overview This IBM AIX Korn Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience using a range of AIX tools to manipulate text and incorporate them into AIX shell scripts.
Angular Development Course Overview The Angular Development course focuses on using modern Angular to develop Single-Page Applications (SPAs).
This 3-day BCS Foundation course covers the range of concepts, approaches and techniques that are applicable to Business Analysis. Candidates are required to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of these aspects of Business Analysis.
Analyze your business today and map the path to tomorrow. In this course, you´ll learn to model business processes as they are currently enacted, assess the quality of those business processes, and collaborate with the stakeholders to identify improvements.
This 2-day course highlights the concepts, models and key definitions of the COBIT framework and helps prepare learners to take the COBIT 2019 Foundation Exam.
In this course, you´ll learn how to bring people together to create an optimal employee experience that enables your organization to improve productivity, develop empathetic leadership, and transform how employees feel about their work.
This two-day course introduces Agile values, principles, mindset and techniques of leading Agile methods including Scrum, Kanban Lean and XP.
The ICAgile Product Management course is one of two knowledge-based certifications on ICAgile´s Product Management Track that will equip you with the skills you need to ensure that your products remain in the sustain mode
ICAgile Project And Delivery Management (ICP-APM) is one of two knowledge-based certifications on the Delivery Management track.
This course provides participants with a thorough understanding of the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) programme management methodology, providing the skills needed to confidently use MSP to manage programmes in line with strategic aims of a business and its day to day running.
MSP® is a best-practice guide from the Home Office, describing a structured approach for managing programmes. It has been developed using the collective expertise and practical experience of some of the leading practitioners in the field.
This course teaches you the administrative skills needed to install, configure, manage, and upgrade three different Nutanix storage solution products: Nutanix Files, Nutanix Volumes and Nutanix Objects.
This course teaches you the skills needed to install, configure, and operate Nutanix Era for the purpose of managing databases. The installation and management of databases themselves is not part of this course.
If you already have experience with administering a Nutanix environment, this course will extend, deepen, and broaden your knowledge as you grow in your career as a Nutanix administrator.
The Nutanix Hybrid Cloud Fundamentals course introduces you to the products, capabilities, and technologies that serve as the foundation of Nutanix´s Hybrid Cloud solution.
Vi offer course about Nutanix Advanced Administration and Performance. If you are an experienced Nutanix administrator, this course will serve as a deep dive that gives you a rich, nuanced understanding of the Nutanix platform, and will help you get the most out of your Nutanix solutions.
We provide virtual course about Change Management Foundation. The Change Management Foundation course provides participants with a basic but solid grounding in the Principles of Change Management, as they are summarized in the reference literature.
We provide virtual course about Change Management Foundation and Pracitioner Combined. The Change Management Practitioner course provides participants with a thorough grounding in the Principles of Change Management, as they are summarized in the reference literature.
We provide virtual course about Change Management Practitioner. The Change Management Practitioner course provides participants with a thorough grounding in the Principles of Change Management, as they are summarized in the reference literature.
We provide virtual course about Managing Benefits™ Foundation. This 3-day foundation course discusses Managing Benefits guidance at a foundation level, ensuring that the candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the principles, practices and techniques of this domain.
We provide virtual course about Managing Benefits™ Foundation and Practitioner Combined. Course description: This course combinds the 2 courses: Managing Benefits™ Foundation and Managing Benefits™ Practitioner.
We provide virtual course about Managing Benefits™ Practitioner. This 2-day Practitioner level course enables delegates to apply and understand how to tailor the Managing Benefits methodology effectively.
Vi tilbyr kurs om kommunikasjon i ledelse som e-læring.
Vi tilbyr kurs om lede virtuelt som e-læring. De virtuelle øktene gir deltakerne en meget engasjerende opplevelse som inkluderer instruksjon, tilbakemeldinger, refleksjons- og gruppeoppgaver og trene på disse nye ferdighetene i en trygg treningssetting.
Vi tilbyr utdanning som sertifisert butikksjef som onlinekurs. Butikksjefen har en nøkkelrolle når det gjelder drift, utvikling og sikring av kundeopplevelsen i butikken. Det handler om å navigere på en profesjonell måte mellom lønnsomhet, butikkdrift, ansatte og kunder.
Er du interessert i å drive forretningsrettet og strategisk HR i en rolle som rådgiver for ledere og bedriftsledere? Lokkes du av stort personlig ansvar, være åpen for egen utvikling og jobbe fleksibelt på tvers av avdelinger med stadige forbedringer i eget arbeid og som støtte for andre?
Blir du tiltrukket av ansvaret for å støtte og lede sjefer? Ønsker du å engasjere og motivere i din rolle som en del av ledergruppen, være drivende og aktiv som en forretningsorientert arbeidspartner til toppledelsen i næringslivet?
Bruken av autonome team øker kraftig. Autonome team er avhengig av å raskt finne en arbeidsform som fungerer. Dette kurset hjelper deg som leder andre med å finne nøkkelen til det produktive teamet.