Her finner du kurs i webutvikling slik at du kan lære å lage din egen hjemmeside. Med kurs webdesign og webutvikling får du kompetansen du trenger til å utforme hjemmesiden slik at du presenterer deg og bedriften din på en profesjonell måte. Et kurs i søkemotoroptimalisering vil lære deg å gjøre hjemmesiden din synlig på internett. De mer viderekomne kan ta kurs i programmer som Photoshop eller Flash, eller du kan prøve deg på 3D modellering og animasjon. Du vil også finne kurs innen grafisk design, skilt og reklame. Hvis du ikke finner kurset du leter etter, oppfordrer vi deg til å ta kontakt med oss, så finner vi det for deg.
After the 3DEXPERIENCE Introduction Onboarding you have set up your 3DEXPERIENCE platform and learnt how to navigate and the key elements to getting started.
Vi tilbyr SolidWorks Advanced Part Modeling kurs. To enable you to build more complicated shapes and to understand settings, benefits and limitations in advanced commands such as Sweep and Loft.
To give you an walkthrough of the essentials in SolidWorks Electrical 3D. You will learn how to build projects with integrated electrical details.
To provide you with an insight to the basic principles and methods of SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic. You will learn how to use the software to optimize both drawings and design in your electrical projects.
To further develop your SOLIDWORKS Simulation skills how to set up and preform fluid flow and/or thermal analysis.
To give you an overview of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Administration Tool.
To further develop your SOLIDWORKS Simulation skills to enable you to perform nonlinear simulations.
To overview Dynamics in SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium.
To further develop your SOLIDWORKS Simulation skills for analysing problems other than static load cases.
Goal for this course: Get a thorough insight into the news in SOLIDWORKS.
Vi tilbyr kurs i SolidWorks Advanced Part Modeling. To enable you to build more complicated shapes and to understand settings, benefits and limitations in advanced commands such as Sweep and Loft.
To equip you to take advantage of the possibilities of modeling in assemblies. To enable you to use the different features available in assembly modeling and get a basic methodology for working with large assemblies.
Goal for the course: To teach you to efficiently use the tools in SOLIDWORKS for creating complete mold tools from basic models.
To showcase the tools in SOLIDWORKS Motion for analyzing your design with respect to: movements, forces, accelerations, effects, and more.
To provide you with a tool to avoid assembly problems, by inserting pipes and hoses at an early stage in the design. You will also understand how all design data is collected in the same CAD program.
To provide you a tool for including cabling in the design and to easily document it down to the smallest detail. You will also learn how to use wiring in images for assembly instructions and user manuals.
To enable you to work efficiently with sheet metal design in SOLIDWORKS. To give you the knowledge for utilizing the advantages of sheet metal tools for designing sheet metal parts in SOLIDWORKS.
To provide you the basics for calculation of mechanical strength in SOLIDWORKS and FEM in general. After the training, you will be able to use SOLIDWORKS Simulation as a design and optimization tool.
Vi tilbyr Solidworks Surface Modeling som nettkurs. To be able you to use SOLIDWORKS various surface tools to create the geometries needed in your design.
To enable you to use SOLIDWORKS Visualize to create photorealistic product images.
Goal for this course: To enable you to use the SolidWorks module for beam and pipe construction, streamline welded constructions.
På 2 dager vil du lære hvordan du skal gjennomføre en Design Sprint med ditt team. Det vil ikke være et tung teoretisk kurs, men en praktisk og team-basert workshop. Vi gjør fortiden våre sprinter online. Snart vil vi tilby online kurs i workshop design og fasilitering. Mer info om dette kommer.
Vi tilbyr kurset Lyssetting for video. Dere har kanskje kjøpt lysutstyr til opptak i studio eller ute på location, men så blir ikke resultatet slik der hadde tenkt? Selv med bra utstyr kan resultatet bli skuffende dårlig.
Vi tilbyr kurset Universell Utforming for Video. Universell utforming av video er lovpålagt for offentlige aktører og anbefalt for private, og dette medfører krav til blant annet teksting, lesbarhet, taletydelighet og synstolkning.
Vi tilbyr kurs i AutoCad som nettbasert studie. AutoCad er programvare for dataassistert konstruksjon (computer-aided design - CAD) som arkitekter, ingeniører og fagfolk innen byggebransjen benytter seg av for å lage presise 2D- og 3D-tegninger.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert tegnekurs i ArchiCad. Dette er utdanningen for deg som ønsker å beherske et Cad-verktøy for tegning av hus. Kurset egner seg som innføring i ArchiCAD for fagskoler, arkitekt - ingeniørstudenter, samt elever og lærere i videregående skole.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert studie som teknisk tegner bygg. En utdanning for deg som ønsker å arbeide innenfor byggenæringens fire vegger. Enten du er nyutdannet, eller kun ønsker å tilegne deg bruken av Revit, så vel som byggeteknikk og bruk av teknisk forskrift, er dette kurset riktig sted å begynne.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert studie i webutvikling - digital markedsføring. Websiden er gjerne hjertet i enhver virksomhets digitale markedsføringsstrategi, og i dette kurset lærer du hvordan du raskt og enkelt kan etablere en attraktiv og synlig tilstedeværelse på nettet.
Dette er den andre introteksten simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industri. Dette er for nettkurset.
Do you want to learn C programming in a modern way? Do you want to feel confident with your C programming skills? Complex problems will look easy after this course. With Super Tek Kurs you will learn C programming at a fabulous quality with the best price!
Do you want to learn C programming in a modern way and with a focus on electric vehicle and energy industry? Do you want to feel confident with your C programming skills and improve your chances in job market? Complex problems will look easy after this course and it will give your CV a nice boost.
Do you want to write sophisticated C++ programs that are fast and perform amazingly? Are you tired of bugs in your C++ programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an enjoyable and easy learning process to help you build your confidence as a programmer and learn C++ at a fabulous quality with the best price.
Do you want to write sophisticated C++ programs that are fast and perform amazingly? Are you tired of bugs in your C++ programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an exciting C++ course which not only teaches you C++, but also helps you get familiar with electric vehicle and also energy industries.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an easy and enjoyable process with individual attention and highest level of care for each student. It helps you learn faster and better.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an enjoyable process with examples that focus on energy industry and electric vehicles industry to improve your chances in job market.
Do you want to gain a deep knowledge of Python in just 4 days? Do you want to write efficient Python programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an enjoyable and easy learning process to help you build your confidence as a programmer and learn Python at a fabulous quality with the best price!
Expand your automation skills with our expert-led PLC and HMI programming courses using state-of-the-art Beckhoff technology. Our courses offer hands-on training, giving you practical experience and the ability to apply your skills to real-world automation scenarios.
Learn the basics and advance your skills in Beckhoff PLC programming. This PLC programming course provides a thorough introduction to PLC programming, emphasizing essential concepts and hands-on skills.
Tilgjengelighet og gode opplevelser er viktige for alle i reiselivs- og opplevelsesbedrifter. Innføringskurset i universell utforming gir reiselivs- og opplevelsesbedrifter kompetanse til: kvalitetsheving, økt markedspotensial, økt konkurransekraft, bærekraftig utvikling og gode opplevelser.