Maersk Training Norway AS

Maersk Training Norway AS, tidligere Petcon IPC, er Norges eldste kursleverandør til offshoreindustrien. Vårt hovedmarked er i Norge, samt tilstøtende land rundt Nordsjøbassenget. Selskapet er et godkjent opplæringssenter for bore- og brønnservicepersonell med avsluttende IWCF-test (International Well Control Forum). I tillegg er vi agent for John M. Campbell sine kurs, G-2 Overview of Gas Processing og G-4 Gas Conditioning and Processsing og Aspentech sine Hysys og Flarenet kurs.

Vårt kurssortiment er nyansert og tilpasset ulike grupper personell fra innføringsnivå og opp til spesialkurs for ingeniører og høyskoleutdannet personell. Ved hjelp av egne ressurser og fast stab av instruktører fra inn og utland tilbyr vi målrettet opplæring for petroleumsindustrien.

I tillegg til tradisjonell kursvirksomhet, kan vi tilby hele eller deler av Teknisk Fagskole som nettbasert undervisning.

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IADC WellSharp Driller Level

The purpose of this course is to submit the understanding of well control techniques for surface and subsea BOP installations at driller level according to new International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) WellSharp standards..

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 10.03.2025 5 dager10.03.2025 18.900 kr  

Introduction to Completion & Well Maintenance

To gain a basic knowledge of the most common well problems. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to give an account of the production process of oil and gas.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 2 dager ta konakt kr  

Introduction to Drilling Technology

To learn the various phases of a drilling operation. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to describe the various phases of a drilling operation. They should be able to identify, state the position and give an account of how drilling equipment is used on a platform.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Sandnes Sandnes 1 dag 5.590 kr  

Introduction to General Platform Operations

To gain a basic knowledge of production equipment and processing. Apply the Column Targeting tool to improve energy utilization and efficiency. Use NQ Curves to optimize the feed location and number of stages. Improve distillation model stability and accuracy.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Sandnes Sandnes 2 dager 10.485 kr  

Introduction to General Platform Operations

To gain a basic knowledge of production equipment and processing. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to give an account of the production process of oil and gas.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 2 dager 10.485 kr  

IWCF Drilling Well Control (Level 2)

This introductory course provides the drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control. Progressing junior staff get a solid background and knowledge of why well control is essential, how well control is maintained, what the indicators are that well control might be lost, and more.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 4 dager 17.695 kr  

IWCF Drilling Well Control L3&4 (BL) – English

To submit the understanding of well control techniques for surface or subsea BOP installations at driller level according to International Well Control Forum standards.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 5 dager 18.900 kr  

IWCF Drilling Well Control L3&4 (BL) – Norwegian

To submit the understanding of well control techniques for surface or subsea BOP installations at supervisor level according to International Well Control Forum standards.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Stavanger Stavanger 10.03.2025 (+3) 5 dager10.03.2025 (+3) 18.900 kr  
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