Her finner du alt fra språkkurs som klasseromsundervisning, privatundervisning, og selvstudium språkkurs. Hva med å ta et engelskkurs, tyskkurs eller spanskkurs online. Lær engelsk, fransk, spansk, tysk, norsk eller det språket du ønsker mens du sitter på trikken, kjører bil eller slapper av hjemme i godstolen. Å lære språk er ikke så vanskelig som du kanskje tror. Meld deg på et språkkurs i dag! Hvis du ikke finner kurset du leter etter, oppfordrer vi deg til å ta kontakt med oss, så finner vi det for deg.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian online course at advanced level C1. After completing the course, you will have increased knowledge of stylistic nuances and will be able to vary your word choices to a greater degree.
We offer norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.
We offer norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A1. Benefit from our online norwegian course consisting of 32 lesson hours of ZOOM-based interactive teaching. You have full 24/7 access to digital resources and full flexibilty in using all material and excercises within the program.
Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Our A0 - A2 full-package best-deal norwegian online course for beginners consists of 24h access to e-learning program and meetings in a virtual classroom with a real teacher in Zoom.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A0 - A2. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at level A0 in the evening. Off to a good start on your learning journey to fluent norwegian with this entry-level norwegian course. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian , fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian online course at beginner level A1. Join part 2 of basic norwegian beginner level A1 online course. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A1 in the evening. Learn foundational norwegian expressions and grammar. Learn beginner-level norwegian purely in norwegian, fast and efficiently, from day 1.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2 in the evening. This is third beginner-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. This course continues from our A0 - A1 norwegian course for beginners.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic Norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s Norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at beginner level A2.1 in the evening. You have mastered basic norwegian vocabulary and sentences. Continue your path to success with the second level of beginner’s norwegian. This course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide norwegian online standard course at beginner level A2.2 in the evening. You will benefit from thoroughly updated and revised teaching material, with a focus on pronunciation and applying norwegian both at work and in everyday situations.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian conversation online course - level A2 - B1. The course is suitable for those who already speak norwegian relatively well but wish to further develop their conversational skills.
We provide 16 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide 4 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide 8 sessions norwegian online conversation course at intermediate level B2 - C1. Give your spoken norwegian skills its finishing touches with this advanced-level virtual classroom group course.
We provide norwegian exam preparation online course level A1 - A2. Are you planning to take norskprøve level A1 - A2? Ideally, you should have completed standard or intensive courses on A2-level before taking this course.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.
We offer norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2. Get proficient in the whole higher-intermediate level of norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 64 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate - level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1. Higher-level norwegian with a focus on argumentative communication. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.1 + B2.2. You will become even more proficient in norwegian grammar and continue to focus on pronunciation and active use of norwegian. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced Norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.2. Progress further into advanced norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. With this course, you will complete part B2.2 of the B2 level.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3. Expand upon your knowledge of higher-level norwegian. The course consists of 16 lesson hours. This is the third high intermediate-level norwegian language course at Alfaskolen.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.3 + B2.4. This is the higher-intermediate-level of norwegian at Alfaskolen. This course is included in our unlimited norwegian lessons offer.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at high intermediate level B2.4. This is the fourth and last high intermediate-level Norwegian language course at Alfaskolen. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1 + virtual classroom. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1 in the evening. Master the whole B1 level of norwegian online with real time video meetings and interactive e-learning materials.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.1 in the evening. Consolidate your foundational knowledge of norwegian with this first of four intermediate-level norwegian online group courses. E-learning program combine with teacher-led video sessions.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.2. Learn how to communicate effectively with part 2 of this mid-level Norwegian course at our renowned language school based in Oslo, Norway. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian intensive online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.3. You are well on your way to becoming a proficient user of norwegian. Keep learning quickly and efficiently at excellent value. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide intensive standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
We provide norwegian standard online course at intermediate level B1.4 in the evening. Give your intermediary Norwegian its finishing touches by completing the last mini course on this B1 level. E-learning program combined with teacher-led video sessions. The course consists of 16 lesson hours.
Vi tilbyr gratis online prøve av spansk språkkurs for nordmenn på nybegynner BASIC nivå. Du får du full tilgang på samme måten som om du hadde kjøpt kurset men du betaler ingenting før du har prøvd kurset i to uker. Vil du ikke fortsette, er det helt ok og vi er like blide, bare gi beskjed.
Vi tilbyr gratis online prøve av spansk språkkurs for nordmenn på nybegynner PLUSS nivå. Du får du full tilgang på samme måten som om du hadde kjøpt kurset men du betaler ingenting før du har prøvd kurset i to uker. Vil du ikke fortsette, er det helt ok og vi er like blide, bare gi beskjed.
Vi tilbyr online språkkurs i spansk for nordmenn på nybegynner basic nivå. Du vil lære både grammatikk, få et godt nok ordforråd for å kunne lage gode setninger i vanlige samtaler i hverdagen. Det blir 2 videoleksjoner + oppgaver hver uke.
Vi tilbyr online språkkurs i spansk for nordmenn på nybegynner pluss nivå. Et kurs for deg som ønsker å lære spansk for hverdagen effektivt og ønsker å gjøre en innsats for å lære. 4-8 videoleksjoner + oppgaver hver uke
Vi tilbyr online språkkurs i spansk for nordmenn på nybegynner super pluss nivå. Et kurs for deg som ønsker å lære masse spansk. Kanskje drømmer du øm å snakke flytende spansk? 8-14 videoleksjoner + oppgaver hver uke
Vi tilbyr webinar om oppdagende skriving og lese- og skrivevansker. Under konferansen «Spesialundervisning som virker» i januar foreleste Mari Lura Elvedahl over temaet Meningsfull skriving som nøkkel til leseopplæring.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs i norsk på nivå B1 - B2 (mellomnivå / selvstendig bruker) er for deg som har kunnskaper tilsvarende A2-nivå, og som ønsker å bli en mer selvstendig språkbruker som behersker tale og tekst fra kjente emner på norsk. Kurset vil forberede deg til å gjennomføre norskprøven.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs i norsk på nivå C1 (høyere nivå / avansert bruker) er for deg som har kunnskaper tilsvarende B2-nivå og som ønsker å bli en mer effektiv og avansert språkbruker som behersker kompleks tale og tekst på norsk. Kurset vil forberede deg til å gjennomføre norskprøven.
We provide online course in norwegian at level A1 - A2. Learn norwegian online when and where you want! Our experienced teachers will give you feedback and guidance while you learn to speak and write norwegian.
Have you reached a dead end half way into a novel? Has your manuscript been returned by a publisher? Do you need input to help you rework it? If this is you, then our Manuscript course is the natural choice. We take our starting point in your manuscript, giving you the tools to rework and improve it
The Masterclass course is geared toward the more seasoned language user, writer, or author, with a good grasp of language who still requires an introduction to techniques and tools that are useful in larger projects. The course includes collections of short stories, novels and larger prose texts.
If you are not so concerned with detailed criticism, and you are looking for a writing course where the joy of writing and inspiration are at the core, then our narration angles course is the natural choice.
Norsk A2 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk B1 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk B2 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk C1 er ett av våre norskkurs som bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk. Vi har også nettkurs i Norsk A2, Norsk B1 og Norsk B2.
The course units concentrate on developing the natural language and writing skills that we all, in one way or another, possess. We look at both theory and practice in relation to the ´melody´ of language, personal style and artistic means employed by authors and other artists.
Writing course 2 builds on Writing course 1 and develops the natural language and writing skills further.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i engelsk vg1 som nettstudie. Du lærer å skrive og snakke engelsk, og får god innsikt i samfunn og kultur i både Storbritannia og USA. Engelsk er et av fagene du må ha for å få generell studiekompetanse. Du kan også velge faget for å forbedre karakteren din.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nybegynner nivå A1 - A2 som nettstudie. Dette kurset har fokus på deltakernes behov for språkopplæring. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 3 måneder.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk på nybegynner nivå A1 - A2 som nettstudie. Dette kurset har fokus på deltakernes behov for språkopplæring. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 6 måneder.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk for viderekomne nivå A2 - B1 som nettstudie. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Norskkurs på mellomnivå er for deg som allerede har basiskunnskaper i språket. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 3 måneder.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk for viderekomne nivå A2 - B1 som nettstudie. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Norskkurs på mellomnivå er for deg som allerede har basiskunnskaper i språket. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 6 måneder.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk for viderekomne nivå B1 - B2 som nettstudie. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Norskkurs på øvet mellomnivå for deg som allerede har basiskunnskaper i språket. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 6 måneder.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i norsk for viderekomne nivå B1 - B2 som nettstudie. Lær norsk på en morsom og engasjerende måte. Norskkurs på øvet mellomnivå for deg som allerede har basiskunnskaper i språket. Du får det du trenger for å fungere språklig godt i Norge. Tilgang til portalen i 3 måneder.
We provide online norwegian course level A1 - B1. This course is designed for beginners, and includes level A1, A2 and B2. Our educational institute is approved by HK-dir and UDI, so that this course provides hours towards your permanent residency.
Vi tilbyr språkkurs i engelsk for nybegynnere som nettbasert undervisning. Vil du lære deg engelsk fra grunnen eller bare oppfriske dine «gamle» kunnskaper? Vil du ta eksamen eller reise til utlandet?
Vi tilbyr online intensivkurs i spansk. Spanskskolen Habla Español er en privat institusjon etablert i 2003 av Silvia Soto og Ángel Velázquez, to erfarne lærere med mange års praksis innen spanskundervisning i Norge og Spania.
Vi tilbyr private Spansk nettkurs. Morsomt, visuelt og lærerikt kurs. Spanskskolen Habla Español er en privat institusjon etablert i 2003 av Silvia Soto og Ángel Velázquez, to erfarne lærere med mange års praksis innen spanskundervisning i Norge og Spania.
Vi tilbyr online prøvetime i spansk. Spanskskolen Habla Español er en privat institusjon etablert i 2003 av Silvia Soto og Ángel Velázquez, to erfarne lærere med mange års praksis innen spanskundervisning i Norge og Spania.