Manuscript - forfatterskole - nettkurs

Kursarrangør: Campus NooA
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Undervisningstid: Når du selv vil
Pris: 4800

Have you reached a dead end half way into a novel? Has your manuscript been returned by a publisher? Do you need input to help you rework it? If this is you, then our Manuscript course is the natural choice. We take our starting point in your manuscript, giving you the tools to rework and improve it

Manuscript er et av kursene på Forfatterskolen.

Course description:

This course has five units which comprise the introductory phases of the manuscript work. They focus on the back cver text, the plot, the characters, the dramatic structure and the novel´s roadmap, before it put all the preporatory work together. In addition to the five units, you may also have three consultations with your writing coach.

Each unit includes some theory, opportunities to share reflections with other students and an assignment for submission. Your teacher will give you personal advice and feedback on you submitted submissions.

You can study at your own pace, when it is convenient for you. You can start whenever you want and then have 180 days to complete the course.

Along with this course you also have access to NooA´s Writers Lounge where you may share your work, comments and questions with peers in our other courses for authors.

Målgruppe for kurset

The course is developed for people who want to publish a novel.

You should have skills and compentences at the same level as if you have finished the first four courses in our program.


All resources are online and included in the tuition fees.

Eksamen / sertifisering

Your assignments and the course will be graded: Completed or More work required. When all required course work is completed, you will automatically receive an online course certificate.