Writing course 2 - forfatterskole - nettkurs

Kursarrangør: Campus NooA
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Undervisningstid: Når du selv vil
Pris: 2900

Writing course 2 builds on Writing course 1 and develops the natural language and writing skills further.

Course description:

This course is building on Writing course I. It has six units which consist of readings, tasks and shared reflections. In each unit, there is an assignment you must submit. Your teacher will give you feedback and good advice on your submissions.

Along with this course you have access to NooA´s Writers Lounge where you may share your work, comments and questions with peers in the other writing courses.

The first unit focuses on rhythm and melody in the language. The assignment theme is: Alone at night, and you are urged to think of structure, punctuations and repetitive words.

Unit two introduces how the language can conjure vividness and empathy. In the assignment you will use a web cam as an inspiration for a Mexican walk.

Unit three presents an embarrassing incident and you are encouraged to write a real life embarrassing incident.

In unit four, the terms base and parabase are introduced and you will introduce a parabase in one of your previous submissions.

Unit five revolves around repetitions, repeting words and phrases. In the assignment you will use this from a prophet’s point of view.

The final unit introduces poems and urges you to write one yourself.

Teacher: Annemette Fogh

Målgruppe for kurset

The course is developed for people who want to improve their language and writing skills.

The course builds on Writing course 1.


All resources are online and included in the tuition fees.

Eksamen / sertifisering

Your assignments and the course will be graded: Completed or More work required. When all required course work is completed, you will automatically receive an online course certificate.