Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Firewall: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) på engelsk over 10 dager. Kurset dekker det grunnleggende man må vite for å forstå Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation FireWall.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Firewall: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) på engelsk. Kurset dekker det grunnleggende man må vite for å forstå Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation FireWall.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Palo Alto Networks: Firewall Troubleshooting (EDU-330) på engelsk. Lær hvordan feilsøke problemer relatert til brannmuren. På dette kurset vil du lære alt om hvordan man konfigurerer Next Generation Firewall, og hva man skal gjøre dersom alt ikke fungerer som det skal.
Vi tilbyr 5-dagers nettkurs om Palo Alto Networks: Firewall Troubleshooting (EDU-330) på engelsk. Lær hvordan feilsøke problemer relatert til brannmuren. På dette kurset vil du lære alt om hvordan man konfigurerer Next Generation Firewall, og hva man skal gjøre dersom alt ikke fungerer som det skal.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om Panorama: Managing Firewalls at Scale (EDU-220) på engelsk. Dette er et spesialisert kurs for Panorama management løsningen hvor man kan administrere brannmurer sentralt i stor skala.
This instructor-led training enables you to prevent attacks on your endpoints. After an overview of the Cortex XDR components, the training introduces the Cortex XDR management console and demonstrates how to install agents on your endpoints and how to create Security profiles and policies.
This instructor-led course teaches you how to use the Incidents pages of the Cortex XDR management console to investigate attacks. It explains causality chains, detectors in the Analytics Engine, alerts versus logs, log stitching, and the concepts of causality and analytics.
The Cortex™ XSOAR 6.8: Automation and Orchestration (EDU-380) course is four days of instructor-led training
We offer course about Palo Alto Networks: Firewall 10.2 Essentials: Configuration and Management (EDU-210).
This course should help students gain in-depth knowledge about configuring and managing a Palo Alto Networks Panorama management server. Administrators that complete this course should become familiar with the Panorama management server´s role in managing and securing the overall network.
Cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure are becoming more common, complex, and creative. Life, property, and the environment are at stake. This course is designed to prepare you to prevent and contain cyber-attacks by building fundamental awareness across your organization.
A cyber-attack often targets an organization’s users first. Make sure they are prepared. This one-day training ensures that each employee fully understands the nature and importance of information security and is able to identify common threats.
To ensure a harmonized and higher level of cyber security across the EU countries, The NIS2 Directive leads to new security requirements for the companies involved, this entails a minimum set of security controls and reporting measures of security incidents.