Meet Dr.Kimo: Founder of "Anti-Nicotine Craving" Aid My name is Kimo, I specialize in helping smokers overcome nicotine addiction, fight temptations, and become fully nicotine free. ?Whether you are a smoker, or you have quit already but find it hard to fight temptations or to be as efficient as you’d like! You’re not alone. As a coach and consultant, my passion is to partner with my clients to provide guidance, aid, and skills to help them achieve transformative results. When abstinence symptoms harden, obstacles mount, and outcomes feel uncertain, I empower my clients with necessary aid and new opportunities to overcome, grow and succeed in achieving their ultimate result.

Dr. Kimo's Pakke mot røykfristelser og nikotintrang

Sette og medisiner vil bidra til å dempe røykesuget og lette abstinenssymptomene. I tillegg vil du få tilgang til en omfattende veiledning og støtte som hjelpe deg gjennom hele prosessen. Ta det første skrittet mot en sunnere livsstil med denne praktiske og pålitelige løsningen.

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Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 uker 790 kr