Glasspaper AS

Glasspaper sin kjernevirksomhet er kunnskap, og vi har som mål å være i front når ny teknologi introduseres. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment og det gjør at våre kunder kan forholde seg til kun en leverandør når det gjelder opplæring.

Våre instruktører, konsulenter og kompetanserådgivere har lang og bred erfaring innenfor sine respektive fagområder. Ved siden av vår administrasjon og rådgivere er de aller fleste av våre instruktører fast ansatt i Glasspaper og dette gjør oss til en solid partner i større kompetanseløft.

Vi har et mål om at kunder og samarbeidspartnere skal oppfatte Glasspaper som Norges beste og mest attraktive kompetansehus. Glasspaper er i all hovedsak eiet av de ansatte og har hovedkontor og kursfasiliteter på Bryn i Oslo. Glasspaper har også kurs- og sertifiseringslokaler i Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim.

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VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage (V8.10)

We provide course about VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage (V8.10). During this 5-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and managing VMware Aria Automation 8.10™ on-premises systems.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 41.000 kr  

VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Configure, Manage (V5.0)

We provide course about VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Configure, Manage (V5.0). This 5-day course includes instruction on the capabilities of VMware Cloud Foundation™ and how to successfully plan, deploy, manage, and operate hybrid and cloud infrastructures, including customization.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 41.500 kr  

VMware HCX: Deploy, Configure, Manage

We provide course about VMware HCX: Deploy, Configure, Manage. This 3-day training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence with VMware HCX.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 25.000 kr  

VMware NSX: Design (V4.x)

We provide course about VMware NSX: Design (V4.x). This 5-day course provides comprehensive training on considerations and practices to design a VMware NSX® environment as part of a software-defined data center strategy.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 45.000 kr  

VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage (V4.0)

We provide course about VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage (V4.0). This 5-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX® environment.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 39.900 kr  

VMware NSX: Troubleshooting and Operations (V4.x)

We provide course about VMware NSX: Troubleshooting and Operations (V4.x). This 5-day, hands-on training course provides the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX infrastructure.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 45.000 kr  

VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage (V3.2)

We provide course about VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage (V3.2). This 5-day, fast-paced course provides comprehensive training on how to install, configure, and manage a VMware NSX-T™ Data Center environment.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 39.900 kr  

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage

We provide course about VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage. During this course, you focus on installing VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ on a VMware vSphere® environment and then provisioning and managing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 4 days 34.000 kr  
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