Glasspaper AS

Glasspaper sin kjernevirksomhet er kunnskap, og vi har som mål å være i front når ny teknologi introduseres. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment og det gjør at våre kunder kan forholde seg til kun en leverandør når det gjelder opplæring.

Våre instruktører, konsulenter og kompetanserådgivere har lang og bred erfaring innenfor sine respektive fagområder. Ved siden av vår administrasjon og rådgivere er de aller fleste av våre instruktører fast ansatt i Glasspaper og dette gjør oss til en solid partner i større kompetanseløft.

Vi har et mål om at kunder og samarbeidspartnere skal oppfatte Glasspaper som Norges beste og mest attraktive kompetansehus. Glasspaper er i all hovedsak eiet av de ansatte og har hovedkontor og kursfasiliteter på Bryn i Oslo. Glasspaper har også kurs- og sertifiseringslokaler i Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim.

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Advanced Roadmaps for Jira (Cloud)

We provide course about Advanced Roadmaps for Jira (Cloud). This course is ideal for new users of Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Cloud, Especially those with the requirements to plan and project the delivery of software projects run by agile teams.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 1 day 9.900 kr  

Advanced Roadmaps for Jira (Cloud) - virtual

We provide virtual course about Advanced Roadmaps for Jira (Cloud). This course is ideal for new users of Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Cloud, Especially those with the requirements to plan and project the delivery of software projects run by agile teams.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 day 9.900 kr  

Agile with Jira Software Essentials (Cloud)

We provide course about Agile with Jira Software Essentials (Cloud). Agile with Jira Essentials. Learn project management within Jira. Optional 2-day course when combined with Jira Software Administration.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 1 day 9.900 kr  

Agile with Jira Software Essentials (Cloud) - virtual

We provide virtual course about Agile with Jira Software Essentials (Cloud). Agile with Jira Essentials. Learn project management within Jira. Optional 2-day course when combined with Jira Software Administration.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 day 9.900 kr  


We provide course about AgileSHIFT®. Most organizations know that they need to transform, and work in a more agile way. Yet a frequent problem is the creation of isolated agile delivery teams unsupported by a wider organizational engagement initiative.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 2 days 16.900 kr  

AgileSHIFT® - virtual

We provide virtual course about AgileSHIFT®. Most organizations know that they need to transform, and work in a more agile way. Yet a frequent problem is the creation of isolated agile delivery teams unsupported by a wider organizational engagement initiative.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days 16.900 kr  

ArchiMate® 3.2 Training course - combined level 1 and 2

We provide ArchiMate® 3.2 training course level 1 and 2. The ArchiMate Specification is a modelling language that enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyse and visualize relationships among architecture domains using easy to understand visuals representations.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 dager 22.000 kr  

ArchiMate® 3.2 Training course - combined level 1 and 2 - virtual

We provide virtual ArchiMate® 3.2 training course level 1 and 2. The ArchiMate Specification is a modelling language that enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyse and visualize relationships among architecture domains using easy to understand visuals representations.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 dager 22.000 kr  
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