Glasspaper AS

Glasspaper sin kjernevirksomhet er kunnskap, og vi har som mål å være i front når ny teknologi introduseres. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment og det gjør at våre kunder kan forholde seg til kun en leverandør når det gjelder opplæring.

Våre instruktører, konsulenter og kompetanserådgivere har lang og bred erfaring innenfor sine respektive fagområder. Ved siden av vår administrasjon og rådgivere er de aller fleste av våre instruktører fast ansatt i Glasspaper og dette gjør oss til en solid partner i større kompetanseløft.

Vi har et mål om at kunder og samarbeidspartnere skal oppfatte Glasspaper som Norges beste og mest attraktive kompetansehus. Glasspaper er i all hovedsak eiet av de ansatte og har hovedkontor og kursfasiliteter på Bryn i Oslo. Glasspaper har også kurs- og sertifiseringslokaler i Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim.

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Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer

We provide course about Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a driving force in today’s technology landscape. Its application has spanned across numerous sectors.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 27.900 kr  

Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer - virtual

We provide virtual course about Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a driving force in today’s technology landscape. Its application has spanned across numerous sectors.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days 27.900 kr  

CISM: Certified Information Security Manager - virtual

We provide virtual course about CISM: Certified Information Security Manager. This Official ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) training course focuses on the construction, development, and governance of information security operations.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 03.03.2025 (+1) 4 days03.03.2025 (+1) 33.500 kr  

ISO 22301 Foundation

We provide course about ISO 22301 Foundation. As an international standard for Business Continuity Management System, the ISO 22301 is designed to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 2 days 14.900 kr  

ISO 22301 Foundation - virtual

We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Foundation. As an international standard for Business Continuity Management System, the ISO 22301 is designed to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days 14.900 kr  

ISO 22301 Lead Implementer

We provide course about ISO 22301 Lead Implementer. ISO 22301 Lead Implementer training course enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 27.900 kr  

ISO 22301 Lead Implementer - virtual

We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Lead Implementer. ISO 22301 Lead Implementer training course enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days 27.900 kr  

ISO 27005 Risk Manager Course

We provide course about ISO 27005 Risk Manager. ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager training enables you to develop the competence to master the risk management process related to all assets of relevance for Information Security using the ISO/IEC 27005 standard as a reference framework.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 20.900 kr  
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