Bureau Veritas

Since 1828, Bureau Veritas has been a part of the maritime and offshore industry. A few years later, more than 10,000 ships were registered in our ship register, and we had established offices in all major ports in the world. Today we are one of the largest global actors with offices in 140 countries, where we offer a wide range of services.

We offer: Classification and inspection of ships, approval of maritime and offshore equipment, Design review and plan approval services, oil and gas services and training courses.

We help ship owners, shipbuilders, shipyards, equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, brokers and flag states to ensure compliance with the international rules and regulations regarding quality, safety, environment and work environment.

FSMS ISO 22000:2018 Lead Auditor fødevaresikkerhed (CQI and IRCA)

Vi tilbyder kurser om FSMS ISO 22000:2018 Lead Auditor fødevaresikkerhed (CQI and IRCA-certificeret). Kurset udbydes af: Bureau Veritas Certification Denmark A/S. Undervisningens varighed: 5 dage.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Danmark, Severin Kursu... Danmark 5 dager 25.500 kr  
Danmark, Sinatur Hotel... Danmark 5 dager 25.500 kr