Systemutvikling- og databasekurs i Balestrand

Denne kategorien inneholder alle slags IT-kurs innen systemutvikling og database. De mest vanlige omhandler Java, .net, SQL, XML, C programmering osv. Ta kontakt med oss hvis du ikke finner den opplæringen du er på jakt etter.

Prosjektoppstart i Revit basert på IFC - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettkurs om Prosjektoppstart i Revit basert på IFC. I Norge brukes OpenBIM i stor grad. Dette gjør at det kan være mange forskjellige BIM- og modelleringsprogram i et og samme prosjekt. Et eksempel er når arkitekten bruker ArchiCAD. Revit kan ikke lese ArchiCAD-formatet.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 timer 2.190 kr

Revit MEP MagiCAD El Basis 2 - nettkurs

Etter kurset kan du bruke funksjoner i Revit MEP, MagiCAD og NTI Tools. Gjennomføre prosjektoppstart med en sentral fil. Bruk av Revit familier i sammenheng med delte parametere. Lære å utforme elektroinstallasjonstegninger slik at mest mulig informasjon kan utnyttes med hensyn til BIM.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 dager

SAS Advanced Programming Exam for SAS 9

The SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 credential represents the upper echelon of SAS programmers.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Hele landet Hele landet 3 timer 1.500 kr

SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques live web

We arrange the course SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques live web. This course is for those who need to learn data manipulation techniques using the SAS DATA step and procedures to access, transform, and summarize data.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 14 timer 6.735 kr

SAS SQL 1: Essentials - live web

This course teaches you how to process SAS data using Structured Query Language (SQL). You can gain this experience from the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course. No knowledge of SQL is necessary. This course addresses Base SAS software.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 14 timer 12.600 kr

(In)Security in C++ online

We provide online course about (In)Security in C++. The course teaches C++ developers fundamental concepts from Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering, and uses these concepts to demonstrate common vulnerabilities in C++ codebases.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

.NET Core as Cloud Native - online

We provide online course about .NET Core as Cloud Native. This workshop will take advantage of the knowledge you have as an ASP.NET Core developer building world-class web apps.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

101 Google BigQuery from SQL data analytics to creating - online

We provide online course about 101 Google BigQuery from SQL data analytics to creating machine learning models with BigQuery. In this workshop, we’ll first introduce BigQuery.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Advanced and Modern C++ Programming: The Tricky Parts - online

Online - Advanced and Modern C++ Programming: The tricky parts. Whenever I give C++ trainings I run into the same topics of "half knowledge". We use a lot of pretty complicated features (e.g., templates, move semantics, and smart pointers) in our day-to-day programming without full understanding.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Advanced Modern C++ online

We provide online course about advanced modern C++. C++ is a hard and complicated programming language. When used correctly it delivers the best possible performance. Unfortunately, it is often misused which is a source of many problems.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Advanced T-SQL Querying, Programming and Tuning for SQL - online

We provide online course about advanced T-SQL querying, programming and tuning for SQL server 2012, 2014 and 2016. The course focuses on writing and tuning queries and programming with T-SQL in SQL server 2012, 2014 and 2016.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.0 - online

We provide online course about application building with ASP.NET Core 3.0. In this 2-day workshop, Damian from the ASP.NET Core team, will guide you through building multi-tier applications using ASP.NET Core.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - online

We provide online course about Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.1. In this 2-day workshop, Kevin, Scott and Javier from the ASP.NET Core team, will guide you through building multi-tier applications using ASP.NET Core.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Automated testing from 0 to 100 in 2 days - online

We provide online course about automated testing from 0 to 100 in 2 days. This workshop is for both beginners and practitioners of automated testing. The workshop consists of about 45% hands-on exercises, 25% demos, and 30% presentations.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Blazor and the future of .NET web apps - online

We provide online course about Blazor and the future of .NET web apps. The arrival of WebAssembly begins a new era for .NET web developers, allowing client-side applications written in C# to run directly in the browser.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Building a Deployment Pipeline with C# and Cake - online

We provide online course about Building a Deployment Pipeline with C# and Cake. Remember when most web applications were just a website and a SQL database? Yeah, things are different these days.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Building a scalable backend with Akka.NET - online

We provide online course about building a scalable backend with Akka.NET. Have you ever wanted to build a backend system using Akka.NET? Are you curious about the real-world applications of the actor model? Do you love coding a lot more than watching slides?

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Building an Educational Game with .NET 5, Unity and AKS - online

We provide online course about building an Educational Game with .NET 5, Unity and AKS. If you are waiting for a deep dive into the latest version of .NET Core, the Microsoft Compiler Platform (Roslyn), and the Unity game engine this workshop is for you!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Building an event sourced system in C# - online

We provide online course about building an event sourced system in C#. If we only store the current state of our data, as we often do with CRUD-based systems, we’re losing information by default. For instance, there is no way of knowing how the data looked at a certain point in time.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Building Domain-Driven Applications with ASP.NET Core - online

We provide online course about Building Domain-Driven Applications with ASP.NET Core. In this 2-day hands-on workshop you will learn and implement a variety of Domain-Driven Design patterns as you build a small web application using ASP.NET Core and Clean Architecture.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Building modern applications with C# and .NET Core - online

Online course - Right at the centre is Visual Studio and C#. Visual Studio is the tool that allows us to build all the different types of applications, ranging from web applications to cross-platform mobile applications to cloud-based applications.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 days

Building Scalable and Maintainable APIs with ASP.NET Core, online

We provide online workshop about building scalable and maintainable APIs with ASP.NET Core. This workshop is all about implementing a scalable, testable, and robust API solution using ASP.NET Core and C#.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

C++20 in practice - a complete introduction - online

We provide online course about C++20 in practice - a complete introduction. C++20 is the latest new release of C++, now supported by major compilers. C++20 will change the way we program more dramatically than C++11 did.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

CI/CD as Code with C#, Cake and .NET 5.0 - online

We provide online course about CI/CD as Code with C#, Cake and .NET 5.0. Remember when most web applications were just a website and a SQL database? Yeah, things are different these days.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Data Science for Software Engineers - online

We provide online course about data science for software engineers. After 2 years of teaching thousands of Engineers around the world, this training has been rebuilt from the ground up to squeeze in more information, have bigger theories and provide better positioning.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Deep C - a two day course for experienced programmers - online

We provide online course about Deep C - a two day course for experienced programmers. This course is aimed at experienced programmers that would like to further deepen their understanding and knowledge of this blunt and fascinating programming language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Defending Kubernetes Environments: A Hands-On Approach - online

We provide online course about Defending Kubernetes Environments: A Hands-On Approach. The Cloud as we know it is changing. Containers have taken the center stage as the preferred method of developing and deploying software into production.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Developing Applications with .NET and C# - online

We provide online course about Developing Applications with .NET and C#. .NET has evolved quite a lot. From a framework which we could use to build Windows and WebForms, it has evolved into an ecosystem that we can use to build modern, responsive and cloud-ready systems for enterprises.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 days

Developing Machine Learning Applications in C# with ML.NET online

We provide online course about Developing Machine Learning Applications in C# with ML.NET. In this workshop, you will learn how to infuse Machine Learning capabilities into your .NET applications with ML.NET.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Developing with C# - online

We provide online workshop about Developing with C#. This workshop is for developers that have worked in programming for a while, not necessarily C#, but also the C# developers that have not caught up on the latest changes in the language.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Driving Your C# Code with Tests - online

We provide course about driving your C# code with tests. Testing forms an integral part of the modern software development flow. From customer-facing acceptance tests to code-focused unit tests, automated testing is part of the fabric of a modern build process and deployment pipeline.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Driving Your C++ Code with Tests - online

We provide online course about Driving Your C++ Code with Tests. Testing forms an integral part of the modern software development flow. From customer-facing acceptance tests to code-focused unit tests, automated testing is part of the fabric of a modern build process and deployment pipeline.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

From Zero to Hero: Effective testing in C# - online

Testing is an absolute must when building reliable software. It allows us to make code changes with minimal amount of risk and it ensures that bugs or problems within our codebase are caught early, before they can even have any customer impact.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Full Stack Web Dev with SAFE Stack - online

We provide online course about Full Stack Web Dev with SAFE Stack. You´ll leave with the confidence to start create SAFE Stack applications and start reaping the benefits of functional programming across the client and server.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Getting Started with Ports & Adapters Architecture .NET - online

We provide online course about getting started with ports & adapters architecture and .NET. 8 Hour workshop where participants will build a .NET Core book ordering system using the principals of Ports & Adapters.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 day

High Performance .NET Development - online

We provide online course about High Performance .NET Development. .NET 8.0 can be fast. The modern, cross-platform .NET and ASP.NET Core are highly optimised, enabling incredible performance across desktop and web applications.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

High Performance C# Code with Visual Studio's Profiler - online

We provide online course about high performance C# code with visual studio´s profiler. Is your application slow? Do you know where the bottlenecks are? How do you take the guesswork out and start making measurable differences? Visual Studio´s profiler is a killer tool for working out what´s slow.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Identity & Access Control for modern Applications and APIs online

We provide online course about Identity & Access Control for modern Applications and APIs using ASP.NET Core 7. Modern application design has changed quite a bit in recent years. "Mobile-first" and "cloud-ready" are the types of applications you are expected to develop.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 days

Intentional TypeScript - online

We provide online course about Intentional TypeScript. Oh, TypeScript! You bring so much joy, and so much pain! As one of the essential skills in today´s software development, TypeScript can be quite a handful to grasp, especially as it keeps growing to meet ever growing demands.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Introduction to C++20 - online

We provide online course with introduction to C++20. The C++20 is not just yet another incremental update but a profound change to the C++ language and its standard library. With many essential features added this C++ version may impact us even more than C++11 did nearly 10 years ago.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Introduction to Rust - online

We provide online course with introduction to Rust. Rust is a systems language designed to prevent some of the pitfalls encountered in other languages. In this 2 day workshop, we will guide you through the fundamentals of the Rust language..

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

JavaScript for Developers - online

We provide online course about JavaScript for Developers. As Douglas Crockford once said, JavaScript is the world´s most misunderstood programming language. It is also one of the world´s most popular programming languages and one of the cornerstones of a modern web application development.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Learn Numpy and Pandas in one day - online

We provide online course about learn Numpy and Pandas in one day. Two key libraries that aspiring data scientists must know are NumPy and Pandas. NumPy and Pandas allow you to easily manipulate your dataset using the various APIs.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 day

Leisurely React and TypeScript for Thinker-Doers - online

This is a series of half-day online workshops on React in TypeScript at a leisurely pace over a few weeks, to get you started on the right foot for front-end development with a solid understanding of key concepts and a sound mental model.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 8 weeks

Mastering Vue.js - online

We provide online course about Mastering Vue.js. Vue.js is an emerging JavaScript framework. In this workshop you´re going to learn how to master Vue, from creating small widgets in an existing project to building an entire sophisticated enterprise application.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Migrating to React Hooks - online

We provide online course about Migrating to React Hooks. React is continually improving and evolving. React Hooks are a leap forward in how we develop components and manage state in our React applications. Now you can use state and other React features without having to write a class!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Mobile Application Development with React Native - online

We provide online course about mobile application development with react native. In this course you´ll learn how to leverage the power of JavaScript and React to build fully fledged native applications.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 days

Mod(C++) Fundamentals - online

We provide a 2 days online course about Mod(C++) Fundamentals. Mod(C++) Fundamentals is a two day training course. It is ideal for new hires that have little to no experience in C++.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Mod(C++) Fundamentals: Introduction to C++ online

We provide online course about Mod(C++) Fundamentals: Introduction to C++. Mod(C++) Fundamentals is a two day training course. It is ideal for new hires that have little to no experience in C++, but are proficient in an Object Oriented Programming language, like Java or C#.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Mod(C++) Intermediate - online

We provide online course about Mod(C++) Intermediate. Mod(C++) Intermediate is a two day training course. It is ideal for people who have some C++ experience or that have taken Mod(C++) Fundamentals.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Modern C - online

We provide online course about modern C. C as a language has evolved a lot since it was first standardized in 1989, aka C89/C90/ANSI C. Among other things, C99 introduced better support for scientific computing, C11 introduced a new memory model and support for concurrency.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Modern C++ Design Patterns - online

We provide online course about Modern C++ Design Patterns. Design patterns have proven themselves invaluable over several decades and thus knowledge about them is essential to design robust, decoupled systems.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Modern distributed systems with gRPC in ASP.NET Core 6 - online

We provide a 2 day online course about modern distributed systems with gRPC in ASP.NET Core 6. gRPC is a high-performance, cross-platform framework for building distributed systems and APIs.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Modern Web Application Development for .NET Developers - online

We provide online course about Modern Web Application Development for .NET Developers. In this course, developers will get a solid understanding of modern ways to build web applications.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days

More Concurrent Thinking in C++: Beyond the Basics - online

We provide online course about More Concurrent Thinking in C++: Beyond the Basics. The workshop will cover the new multithreading facilities being introduced to upcoming versions of the C++ Standard and how they will simplify the life of a library or application developer.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Moving to C++ - online

We provide online course about moving to C++. A quick-start for the programmer who is interested in moving to C++ from C or another language. My classes are highly interactive. Come prepared to discuss and do group exercises!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

OAuth, OpenID Connect and .NET - the Good Parts - online

We provide online course about OAuth, OpenID Connect and .NET - the Good Parts. OAuth has been around for more than 10 years now, and has become the standard protocol for token-based security.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 dag 700 USD kr

Off on the Right Foot for React and TypeScript - online

We offer online course, off on the Right Foot for React and TypeScript. An easy but profound introduction to React with TypeScript, with a bias towards understanding the key concepts, and building a clear and sound mental model, to set you up properly for the exciting world of front-end development.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

OpenAI & ChatGPT: Mastering AI- Language Models in C# - online

We provide online course about OpenAI & ChatGPT: Mastering AI- Language Models in C#. Generative models produced by OpenAPI, like ChatGPT, have rapidly advanced AI development and the ability to incorporate intelligence into C# and .NET applications.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Practical Applications of Complexity in Software & Digital online

We provide online course about Practical Applications of Complexity in Software & Digital Products Development. These unusual times, of sudden change and uncertainty, remind of the relevance of Complexity in the modern organisations and work environment.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Practical Clean Architecture with .NET 8 - online

We provide online course about practical clean architecture with .NET 8. The explosive growth of web frameworks and the demands of users have changed the approach to building enterprise applications. Many challenges exist and just getting started can be a daunting prospect. Let´s change that now.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Program with GUTs in C - online

We provide online course about program with GUTs in C. One of the greatest shifts in modern programming practices has been how programmers across many different domains and languages have embraced unit testing.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 1 day

React workshop - online

We provide online workshop about React. React is a JavaScript library for creating high-performing, maintainable JavaScript applications and brings a fresh approach to thinking into the JavaScript community.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 2 days

Running Containers in Development and Production - online

We provide online course about Running Containers in Development and Production with Docker and Kubernetes. Docker has changed the way that systems can be isolated, secured and deployed at scale.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Rust for the C++ Developer - online

We provide online course about Rust for the C++ Developer. Rust is a systems language designed to prevent some of the pitfalls encountered in other languages. In this 2 day workshop, we will guide you through the fundamentals of the Rust language. Tailored for C++ developers.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Test-driven Development in JavaScript Workshop - online

We provide online workshop about test-driven development in JavaScript. Test-driven development is one of these practices that seem deceptivly simple, and yet have a profound effect on how you build software and approach problems.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

TypeScript Power Users - online

We provide online course about TypeScript power users. An action-packed workshop to boost TypeScript skills for the questioning, hungry and passionate minds. If you think TypeScript is easy peasy because you already know language X, it probably isn´t!

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Upgrading Your C# Skills in .NET 7

We provide online course about upgrading Your C# Skills in .NET 7. Are your C# skills up to date? It is easy to get focused on what you need to know to get the job done, but have you rounded out your skills with the latest C# features?

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie

Databaser - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettkurs om databaser. Du er omgitt av data hver dag. I dette nettbaserte emnet lærer du å jobbe med data og databaser. Data er overalt, og mye av dataene lagres i databaser. Hvis du skal jobbe med informasjonsteknologi, er sjansen stor for at du vil jobbe med databaser.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Tilgang til læringsportal 18 månede... 11.950 kr

Delivering successful projects - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i delivering successful projects. Dette kurset gir deg kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse til å styre prosjekter ved hjelp av integrerte konsepter, verktøy og teknikker.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 15.500 kr

Innføring i kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring - nettkurs

Vi tilbyr innføring i kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring som nettbasert kurs. Skaff deg praktisk, dokumenterbar kompetanse i kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring. Du vil få en god, overoverordnet forståelse for dette teknologiområdet

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 18 måneder 7.750 kr

PRINCE2® Foundation (6th edition) - e-læring

Vi tilbyr kurs i PRINCE2® Foundation (6th edition) som e-læring. Denne grunnleggende sertifiseringen passer for alle som jobber med prosjekter eller har ønske om å få prosjektansvar. Sertifiseringen danner grunnlag for videre utdanningsløp med PRINCE2®.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Tilgang til kurset i 12 måneder 9.900 kr

PRINCE2® Foundation + Practitioner (6th edition) - e-læring

Vi tilbyr kurs i PRINCE2® Foundation + Practitioner (6th edition) som e-læring. Denne kurs-pakken gir deg tilgang til både PRINCE2® Foundation og Practitioner sertifiseringene.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Tilgang til kurset i 12 måneder 15.900 kr

nLogic Webinar: FTTx CPE/ONT, WiFi 6 & 7 Mesh fra Icotera

I samarbeid med Icotera inviterer vi til webinar 12. april kl 09:00-10:30. Vi presenterer FTTx CPE/ONT, WiFi 6 & 7 MESH Aksesspunkt samt ICONS for overvåking og provisjonering.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Ta kontakt kr

nLogic webinar: Optimize and improve your infrastructure

Vi inviterer til webinar i samarbeid med Kentik den 5. april der vi ser nærmere på hvordan Kentik tilbyr avanserte løsninger for nettverksanalyse.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Ta kontakt kr

nLogic webinar: XaaS cloud platform – tjenestesalg

nLogic webinar: XaaS cloud platform – tjenestesalg for Service Providers Vi inviterer til webinar tirsdag 9. april kl 09:00 – 10:00 der vi presenterer vår tjenesteportal for service providers. Med en tjenesteportal kan service providers videreselge sine tjenester til bedriftskunder.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie Ta kontakt kr

Programmeringskurs - Bedriftsinternt / Større grupper

TISIP kan tilby ulike kurs og seminarer av ulik lengde - både noen timer, heldagskurs og 2-3 dager intensivkurs. I noen av kursene reiser vi ut, mens i andre kurs kommer kursdeltakerne til Trondheim.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Hele landet Hele landet Timer - 1 dag - 2-3 dager Avtales kr

HoltePortalen grunnkurs - Nettkurs

Ønsker du å jobbe mer effektivt i HoltePortalen? Her lærer du grunnleggende funksjoner for å komme i gang på web og app og få full kontroll med hva som skjer både inne og ute.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 timer 3.490 kr

HoltePortalen Videregående kurs -Nettkurs

Her får du bedre innsikt i hvordan du bruker HoltePortalen for å jobbe i dybden med kvalitetssikring og HMS i dine prosjekter. For deg som har brukt HoltePortalen aktivt en stund, vil dette påbyggingskurset gi deg svar på spørsmål som kan ha dukket opp.

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Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 timer 3.490 kr

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