Vi gjør oppmerksom på at det er en egen kategori for kurs i datakortet. Ring 417 65 300 hvis du ikke finner kurset du leter etter, så finner vi det for deg.
E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i operativsystemet Windows 10. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye funksjonene. E-læringskurset inneholder 35 opplæringsvideoer.
This 5–day course is considered essential for anyone who would like to expand knowledge about Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in Microsoft technologies.
This is a deep dive course on infrastructure services configuration, increasing their level of security and windows internals. It is a must–go for enterprise administrators, security officers and architects.
We offer virtual course in Windows Client. In this course, students will learn how to support and configure Windows 10 desktops in an organizational environment. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems.
This is a 5-day ILT course that is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to support and troubleshoot Windows 11 PCs and devices in an on-premises Windows Server Active Directory domain environment.