Her finner du kurs i webdesign og webutvikling slik at du kan lære å lage hjemmesider og web applikasjoner. Du finner kurs både for nybegynnere og viderekomne. Du finner kurs i dreamweaver og annen programvare brukt til design og utvikling for web. Webutvikling er ikke så vanskelig med dagens programvare, og du vil antageligvis bli overasket over hvor bra hjemmesider du klarer å lage etter et webdesignkurs.
We provide virtual course about Advanced Python Development. The course assumes you are happy with core Python concepts and syntax. This course aims to extend and solidify your Python experience by exploring structural techniques and common Python APIs.
We provide virtual course about AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution (Updated with Azure Open AI). This course is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure Cognitive Services.
We provide virtual course about Applied Domain-Driven Design. Domain-Driven Design has attracted quite a lot of attention in recent years. This course explains the concepts of DDD, and explores how it can help us model complex software systems.
Virtual course. This course teaches Azure Solution Architects how to design infrastructure solutions. Course topics cover governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, and migrations.
We provide virtual course about beginning Python. Many people find it helpful to learn a scripting language these days. Python is one of the more mature ones out there, with a strong tradition, a helpful community, and a massive set of ready-to-use modules.
We provide virtual course about C++ Design and Best Practices. C++ is an exquisitely rich language, packed with fascinating language features and extensive library capabilities. Learning the syntax and STL nuances is a task in itself.
We provide virtual course about Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (UX) - Foundation Level (CPUX-F). This course is based on content from the International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB).
We provide virtual course about Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert R81.10 (CCTE). The course provides advanced troubleshooting skills to investigate and resolve more complex issues that may occur while managing your Check Point security environment.
We provide virtual course about Check Point Certified VSX Specialist (CCVS) R81.1. The Check Point Certified VSX Specialist course is intended to provide you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot the Check Point VSX environment.
We provide virtual course about CompTIA Cloud+. Today´s job market demands individuals with demonstrable skills, and the information and activities in this course can help you build your cloud sysadmin skill set so that you can confidently perform your duties in any cloud administrator role.
We provide virtual course about CTIA: Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst. The CTIA lab environment consists of the latest operating systems including Windows 10 and Kali Linux for planning, collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating threat intelligence.
We provide virtual course about ECDE: Certified DevSecOps Engineer. This course is a hands-on, instructor-led comprehensive DevSecOps certification program that helps professionals build the essential skills needed to design, develop, and maintain secure applications and infrastructure.
We provide virtual course about Event-Driven Design. The course describes the concepts and terminology of Event Driven Design, discusses the architectural choices and patterns available, and shows how to put it into practice with worked examples and exercises.
We provide virtual course about Flutter (hands-on). This comprehensive course covers everything from Dart, Flutter´s programming language, to advanced topics like state management and networking.
We provide virtual course about Implementing REST Services using Web API. REST has emerged in recent years as a tremendously important vehicle for creating flexible and standards-based distributed systems and microservice architectures.
We provide virtual course with introduction to Git and GitHub. Throughout most of the tech world, Git and GitHub are the de facto tools used for version control and collaboration. However, they can seem difficult to use at first glance.
We provide virtual course with introduction to OpenID Connect and OAuth. OpenID Connect is the de-facto standard we should use for handling authentication and authorization in modern applications.
We provide virtual course about Kubernetes. Kubernetes´ architecture brings the first real way of operating docker containers in production. This solution was first developed by Google, and TCP Cloud was the world´s first real-world testing enterprise deployment experience.
We provide virtual course about Kubernetes & Kubernetes Advanced Combined. Kubernetes has evolved over the years into a comprehensive solution for container orchestration with plenty of integration practices.
We provide virtual course about Machine Learning Fundamentals. This 3-day training is designed to provide IT professionals and developers with some experience in Python with a basic knowledge and experience on how to do machine learning.
We provide virtual course about Modern Angular with Signals (Hands-on). This course provides an interactive learning experience, enabling you to deepen your understanding and retention through hands-on exercises that transform passive learning into an engaging, active journey.
We provide virtual course about Practical Data Science with Amazon SageMaker. You will learn how to solve a real-world use case with Machine Learning (ML) and produce actionable results using Amazon SageMaker.
We provide virtual course about Professional Diploma UX Design Programme (PDUX). Build your UX career with a globally recognised, industry-approved qualification. Get the mindset, the confidence and the skills that make UX designers so valuable.
Python has emerged as a popular and effective language in the world of data science. The dynamic nature of the language, the relative simplicity of the syntax, and the abundance of fast and powerful libraries have all been important contributory factors in this growth.
We provide virtual course about Python for Data Analysts & Quants in english. Use Python and its statistical computing libraries to analyse and visualise your financial data and to gather some actionable insights.
We provide virtual course about Python Programming in english. Python is a powerful and popular object-oriented scripting language. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the core syntax and functions provided by Python, including full coverage of its object-oriented features.
We provide virtual course about Rust Programming in english. Rust is an intriguing language. Syntactically similar to C++, it offers higher-order language features to simplify important tasks such as memory management, concurrent execution, and safe vs. unsafe execution.
We provide virtual course about Splunk Enterprise Data Administration. This training provides the fundamental knowledge of Splunk forwarders and methods to get remote data into Splunk indexers.
We provide virtual course about Splunk Enterprise System Administration. This training is designed for system administrators who are responsible for managing the Splunk Enterprise environment.
We provide virtual course about Splunk Power User Fast Start (POWER-U). This Power User "Fast Start" course covers over 60 commands, functions, and knowledge objects to provide users with actionable information about searching best practices and knowledge management.
We provide virtual course about Spring Boot Development. This course takes a detailed look at how to use Spring Boot to create sophisticated applications rapidly, according to best practices and contemporary enterprise application patterns.
We provide virtual course about Veeam Backup & Replication v12: Configure, Manage and Recover. This is a 4-day technical course focused on teaching IT professionals the skills to configure, manage and support a Veeam Backup & Replication v12.1 solution.
The 2-day, Veeam® Backup & Replication™ v11: Architecture and Design training course, is focused on teaching IT professionals how to effectively architect a Veeam solution through attaining technical excellence following the Veeam Architecture Methodology used by Veeam’s own Solution Architects.
We offer virtual course about Vue.js, Vuex & Router. This course takes a thorough look at the progressive Vue.js framework. Vue.js is known as the most approachable JavaScript Framework while still being performant and maintainable. This course will cover all major parts with examples and exercises.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an easy and enjoyable process with individual attention and highest level of care for each student. It helps you learn faster and better.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an enjoyable process with examples that focus on energy industry and electric vehicles industry to improve your chances in job market.
Vi tilbyr digitalt kurs i design thinking del 1. Har buzz-ordet design thinking pirret interessen din? Drømmer du om å skape den første norske Google eller Tesla? Eller bare fikse det kundene dine stadig vekk klager på? Da bør du sette brukeren i sentrum for alt du utvikler.
Vi tilbyr digitalt kurs i design thinking del 2. Har buzz-ordet design thinking pirret interessen din? Drømmer du om å skape den første norske Google eller Tesla? Eller bare fikse det kundene dine stadig vekk klager på? Da bør du begynne med å sette brukeren i sentrum for alt du utvikler.
Vi tilbyr digitalt kurs med innføring i No-Code med Appfarm. No-code er en gruppe teknologier som lar deg lage applikasjoner, integrasjoner og prosesstøtte uten å programmere.
Vi tilbyr digital undervisning om nytt og nyttig i Google Workspace. Det har kommet en rekke store oppdateringer i Google det siste året, men hvilke? Og hva kan de gjøre for deg? I dette kurset lærer du om de aller viktigste, og hvordan du kan jobbe med dem.
Vi tilbyr digital undervisning om prosessautomatisering og lavkode-applikasjoner. I løpet av 12 leksjoner vil vi se på ulike aspekter av prosessautomatisering, hyperautomatisering, lavkode programvareutvikling, bruk av borgerutviklere, innovasjon og mer effektiv bruk av hjemmekontor.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i Mobile Movie Making.Smarttelefonen har revolusjonert måten vi innhenter og formidler informasjon på, og i dette emnet lærer du hvordan du kan produsere og publisere filmer utelukkende ved hjelp av en smarttelefon.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert studie i webutvikling - digital markedsføring. Websiden er gjerne hjertet i enhver virksomhets digitale markedsføringsstrategi, og i dette kurset lærer du hvordan du raskt og enkelt kan etablere en attraktiv og synlig tilstedeværelse på nettet.
På 2 dager vil du lære hvordan du skal gjennomføre en Design Sprint med ditt team. Det vil ikke være et tung teoretisk kurs, men en praktisk og team-basert workshop. Vi gjør fortiden våre sprinter online. Snart vil vi tilby online kurs i workshop design og fasilitering. Mer info om dette kommer.