This immersive C1 German course is ideal for learners with a strong B2 foundation. It refines advanced conversational skills and equips you to navigate complex discussions, academic settings, and professional challenges with confidence.
This immersive C2 German course is ideal for learners with a strong C1 foundation. It hones expert-level conversational skills and prepares you to excel in nuanced discussions, advanced academic contexts, and professional environments with precision and confidence.
This immersive German intensive course at the A0-A1 level is perfect for absolute beginners. Whether you are just starting your language journey or adapting to life in a German-speaking environment, this course is designed to quickly enhance your German skills.
This immersive A2 German course is ideal for learners who have a basic understanding of the language and are eager to develop their skills further. Designed to enhance your conversational abilities, the course will empower you to engage in everyday discussions and manage more complex situations.
This immersive B1 German course is perfect for learners with a solid A2 foundation who are ready to advance their skills. Designed to strengthen your conversational abilities, the course will equip you to confidently participate in everyday discussions and handle more challenging scenarios.
This immersive B2 German course is ideal for learners with a strong B1 foundation. It strengthens conversational skills and prepares you to confidently handle complex discussions and real-life challenges.
På NLS Norwegian Language School tilbyr vi skreddersydd én-til-én tyskundervisning tilpasset dine spesifikke behov og mål. Med dedikerte instruktører, fleksible leksjoner og umiddelbar tilbakemelding, sikrer våre privattimer raskere fremgang, kulturell innsikt og et komfortabelt læringsmiljø.
At NLS Norwegian Language School, we offer personalized one-on-one German tutoring tailored to your specific needs and goals. With dedicated instructors, flexible lessons, and immediate feedback, our private sessions ensure faster progress, cultural insights, and a comfortable learning environment.
Vi tilbyr intensivt språkkurs i tysk for næringslivet for bedrifter. Total immersion-kurset hjelper deg og dine ansatte med å oppnå dine språklige mål på rekordtid. I løpet av kun én ukes kurs er du garantert å oppnå dine læringsmål med kursinnhold som er tilpasset dine spesifikke behov.