Vi tilbyr workshop om Praktisk React med Typescript. React er et av de mest populære rammeverkene som benyttes for webutvikling i dag. Gjennom dette kurset skal vi lære hvordan React fungerer.
We provide online course about Intentional TypeScript. Oh, TypeScript! You bring so much joy, and so much pain! As one of the essential skills in today´s software development, TypeScript can be quite a handful to grasp, especially as it keeps growing to meet ever growing demands.
This is a series of half-day online workshops on React in TypeScript at a leisurely pace over a few weeks, to get you started on the right foot for front-end development with a solid understanding of key concepts and a sound mental model.
We offer online course, off on the Right Foot for React and TypeScript. An easy but profound introduction to React with TypeScript, with a bias towards understanding the key concepts, and building a clear and sound mental model, to set you up properly for the exciting world of front-end development.
We provide online course about TypeScript power users. An action-packed workshop to boost TypeScript skills for the questioning, hungry and passionate minds. If you think TypeScript is easy peasy because you already know language X, it probably isn´t!