Her finner du kurs i steppdans for både nybegynnere og viderekomne. Stepp er en samlebetegnelse for danser der fotarbeidet er viktigere enn bevegelsene med overkroppen. Meld deg på et steppkurs i dag.
Vi tilbyr kurs i steppdans for nybegynnere og videregående. Som steppdanser kan du være både danser og musiker på en gang! Kurset fokuserer på teknikk og musikalitet samtidig som det formidles om historie og tradisjon fra begynnelsen fram til i dag.
We provide dance course in tap dance for advanced level (nye/litt øvet 1). Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "Steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician. We move gracefully while making rhythms with our feet.
We provide advanced course in tap dance - second highest level at tickle toes. Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician. We move gracefully while making rhythms with our feet.
We provide dance course in tap dance for beginners. Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "Steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician. We move gracefully while making rhythms with our feet.
We provide dance course in tap dance for you who have good fundamental technique and experience. Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "Steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician.
We offer dance course in tap dance for you who have good fundamental technique. Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "Steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician. We move gracefully while making rhythms with our feet.
We provide masterclass in tap dance for you who are on the highest level repertoire & technique. Tap dance is an art form with many names. In Norway we call it "Steppdans", but the original name is tap dance. A tap dancer is both a dancer and a musician.
Vi tilbyr dansekurset street kidz for barn fra 1 - 3 klasse. Tøff dans for kule kids!