Språkkurs i Polen

Her finner du alt fra språkkurs som klasseromsundervisning, privatundervisning, og selvstudium språkkurs. Hva med å ta et engelskkurs, tyskkurs eller spanskkurs online. Lær engelsk, fransk, spansk, tysk, norsk eller det språket du ønsker mens du sitter på trikken, kjører bil eller slapper av hjemme i godstolen. Å lære språk er ikke så vanskelig som du kanskje tror. Meld deg på et språkkurs i dag! Hvis du ikke finner kurset du leter etter, oppfordrer vi deg til å ta kontakt med oss, så finner vi det for deg.

Polskkurs i Polen - 3 timer daglig

School of Polish was founded in 2003, and is located in the picturesque town of Lebork. A family-run school, welcomes students of all ages and nationalities, and provides a comfortable and flexible environment for learning, where each student receives personal attention and care.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Polen Polen 150 euros kr

Polskkurs i Polen - 4 timer daglig

School of Polish was founded in 2003, and is located in the picturesque town of Lebork. A family-run school, welcomes students of all ages and nationalities, and provides a comfortable and flexible environment for learning, where each student receives personal attention and care.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Polen Polen 200 euros kr

Polskkurs i Polen - 5 timer daglig

School of Polish was founded in 2003, and is located in the picturesque town of Lebork. A family-run school, welcomes students of all ages and nationalities, and provides a comfortable and flexible environment for learning, where each student receives personal attention and care.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Polen Polen 250 euro kr

Privattimer i polsk i Polen

School of Polish was founded in 2003, and is located in the picturesque town of Lebork. A family-run school, welcomes students of all ages and nationalities, and provides a comfortable and flexible environment for learning, where each student receives personal attention and care.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Polen Polen

