IT drifting tar stadig mer tid og ressurser både på arbeidsplassen og hjemme på datarommet. Her finner du kurs og opplæring i innen IT-sikkerhet inne områder som for eksempel nettverk og systemadministrasjon. Typiske temaer er; brannmur, antivirus, datagjennvinning, intranett, IT-strategi, TCP/IP osv. Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis du ønsker et skreddersydd tilbud for din bedrift.
We provide course about (In)Secure C++: Sec Edition. Gain essential knowledge, and hands-on experience, in effective vulnerability detection tools and techniques, and how these vulnerabilities are wielded in exploitation of C++ and C applications.
We provide online course about (In)Security in C++. The course teaches C++ developers fundamental concepts from Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering, and uses these concepts to demonstrate common vulnerabilities in C++ codebases.
We provide online course about a builder’s guide to single page application security. Frontend JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React disrupt the traditional web security landscape, and finding reliable security advice is hard.
Securing modern web applications is hard, really hard. Not only do you have to make the right architectural security decisions, but you also have to be aware of various implementation vulnerabilities in both frontend apps and APIs.
We provide a 2-day online course about Attack and Defense: API and Web Application Security. The major cause of webservice and web application insecurity is insecure software development practices.
We provide online course about build your own application security program. As much as we wish it would, secure software doesn’t happen overnight. There’s no single action you can take or technology you can deploy that will solve this complex problem for you.
We provide online course about Building Secure API´s and Web Applications. The major cause of webservice, microservice, and web application insecurity is insecure software development practices.
We provide course about bulletproof APIs: Hands-On API Security. As APIs become a big part of our tech world, making sure they´re secure is key. The 2023 version of the OWASP API Security top 10 shows us that API security needs our attention.
We provide online course about Hack Yourself First: How to go on the Cyber-Offence. Cyber-attacks have become a reality of running software on the web today. We find ourselves under a constant barrage of malicious activity from hacktivists, online criminals and increasingly, nation states.
We provide online course about High Security OAuth. Since its publication in RFC 6749 and RFC 6750, OAuth 2.0 has gotten massive traction in the market.
We provide online course about Keynote: securing the future. Laura Bell Main graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence before that was a thing you could get a job in. It wasn’t her finest piece of planning.
We provide online course about Linux security and isolation APIs fundamentals. This workshop provides an introduction to the low-level Linux features - set-UID/set-GID programs, capabilities, and namespaces, cgroups (control groups).