Her finner du en oversikt over Norskkurs. Finn et kurs nær deg. Søk gratis i Norges største og mest komplette kursoversikt.
Speechdesigner er et kurs som hjelper deg å forbedre din uttale. God uttale er viktig. Hvordan vi snakker er like viktig som hva vi sier for å bli forstått, og god uttale bidrar til flere muligheter og bedre kommunikasjon
Kurset er på nett og heter Norspluss. Du lærer norsk grammatikk og nytt vokabular. Du leser tekster, gjør oppgaver, lytter og ser videoer. Du snakker også med en lærer. Alle møtene med lærer er på nett. Vi har mange flinke lærere som hjelper deg med å lære norsk.
Helsenorsk er et kurs på nett som fokuserer på temaer relatert til helsefag. Kurset inneholder også oppgaver i grammatikk, og skriveoppgaver. Dette kurset kombinerer norsk språk og kunnskap du trenger for å jobbe i helsesektoren.
Kurset er på nett og heter Min Vei. Du lærer norsk grammatikk og vokabular. Du leser tekster, gjør oppgaver, lytter og ser videoer. Du snakker også med en lærer. Alle møtene med lærer er på nett.
Global Workings tjenester for helseinstitusjoner. Vi forbereder spanske sykepleiere for den norske helsesektoren Les videre for mer iformasjon til bemanningsbyråer og norske kommuner
Norsk A2 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk B1 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk B2 bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk.
Norsk C1 er ett av våre norskkurs som bygger på det felles europeiske rammeverket for språk. Vi har også nettkurs i Norsk A2, Norsk B1 og Norsk B2.
We provide online course in norwegian at level A1 - A2. Would you like to learn norwegian? Being able to communicate in the local language is essential for understanding the society and culture in the country you live in.
Speak Norsk´s A0 level online course represents the first step in your journey of mastering Norwegian language. With the help of your most-popular teachers, you will learn the basics of grammar vocabulary.
The ultimate new beginner deal A0+A1+A2 level online course package is focused on helping them reach a basic understanding of the language for general use. (includes A0, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)
Education is the only investment you can never lose!A1 level online course at Speak Norsk will get you started on the way of learning Norwegian confidently and at your own pace and according to your availability!(includes A1.1 and A1.2)
The perfect package for new beginners who would like to get started with their Norwegian learning!(includes A1.1, A1.2, A2.1 and A2.2)
A2 level online course is the final part of our beginner package and will guide you further in your ability to converse in Norwegian through our vast collection of foundational grammar, conversation, pronunciation and writing lessons. (includes A2.1 and A2.2)
The A2 + B1 course package is a continuation of the learning program for those interested in becoming fluent speakers in Norwegian.(includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1 and B1.2)
The A2+B1+B2 level online course package is designed for YOU who have previously completed the new beginner level A1 and want to continue your journey of learning the language in-depth and become fluent speakers in the process. (The package includes A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)
B1 level online course by Speak Norsk is a combination of interactive conversation, pronunciation, writing and in-depth grammar lessons that will make you fully dive into the Norwegian culture (includes B1.1 and B1.2)
The B1 + B2 online level course package is a comprehensive Norwegian learning program through which beginner speakers can take their skills to the next level - intermediate to fluent.(includes B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 and B2.2)
From intermediate to fluent with our all-inclusive B2+C1 course package!(includes B2.1, B2.2, C1.1 and C1.2)
Speak Norsk´s online B2 level online course is the ultimate programme when it comes to boosting your Norwegian learning and reach fluency. (includes B2.1 and B2.2)
Express yourself with confidence in Norwegian! Want to transform your writing from dull to exciting and craft perfectly structured sentences and texts that will impress any native speaker?
Dreaming of passing Bergentest? (written and oral test) With Speak Norsk, it has never been easier! Learn and practice together with our teachers for Bergenstest and reach a professional level in Norwegian!
Complete Bergenstest package (preparation course with C1.1 and C1.2 levels package) with teacher guidance. The C1 course will emerge the student into the more complex parts of the language - from political debates, understanding of dialects to formal and poetic writing.
With our complete online Norskprøve A2-B1: preparation course with A0-A2 levels package, speaking and expressing yourself in Norwegian will become easier day by day. ?(Norskprøve A2-B1 preparation course with A0, A1 and A2 levels package)
The complete Norskprøve B1-B2: preparation course with B1-B2 levels package was carefully for those who want to reach a more independent level in Norwegian, both in speech and in writing.
Norwegian Norskprøve Online Norskprøve A2-B1 and B1-B2 preparation course package with teacher guidance. In this course, you will be using our Norskprøve preparation e-books, written by teacher Maria. All e-books are included in the package.
One-Year Program is an all-inclusive intensive online course comprising all levels in Norwegian, from A0 basic to C1 proficient. It aims to give students the Norwegian language proficiency required for adjusting to social, cultural, and professional life in Norway.
Online Norwegian language course to build up your business Norwegian communication skillllls. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business Norwegian and prepare you to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill!
The ultimate course to start speaking like a native. We created the one-of-a-kind and first on the Norwegian market native course for speaking and writing, designed to teach you how to immerse yourself in the authentic Norwegian language and culture.
Unlimited Norwegian Courses: All levels from A0 to C1 (includes Norskprøve and Bergenstest preparation and all other upcoming courses) with teacher guidance
Viking Offer (A0 to B2) Complete Norwegian Package from beginner to advanced with teacher guidance. Learning Norwegian has never been easier with our most-popular, all-inclusive Viking package.
Norwegian Viking Offer for Beginners Plus (A0-B2) with teacher guidance. One of its kind, the Viking Offer Plus includes all Speak Norsk courses ever released that will prepare you to fully emerge into the Norwegian way of life!
Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1) Plus with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE and Bergentest preparation course package that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time! .
Norwegian Viking Offer for Intermediate (B1-C1)) with teacher guidance. THREE LEVEL INTENSIVE COURSE PACKAGE that will take you from intermediate (B1) to proficient (C1) speaker in a concise period of time!.
Online social studies course (Samfunnskunnskap) + citizenship (Statsborgersprøven) with teacher guidance. This course is all you need to prepare for social studies or citizenship test, required to apply for either permanent residency or citizenship.
Dette kurset er for deg som kan lite eller ingen norsk fra før. Målet er å lære grunnleggende norsk slik at du kan forstå og bruke vanlige ord og uttrykk i hverdagen. Du vil også lære å delta i enkle samtaler hvis personen du snakker med, snakker sakte og tydelig.
The Norwegian A1-A2 course is designed to help learners build a solid foundation in Norwegian through a structured online learning experience. By focusing on essential grammar, vocabulary, and real-life applications, this course is an ideal starting point for beginners.
Spanskkurs for Nybegynnere (A1) Vi tilbyr et spanskkurs på nybegynnernivå (A1). Kurset er laget for å gjøre det enkelt og gøy å lære spansk. Vi bruker forskjellige metoder for å holde deg motivert og engasjert.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert privatundervisning i norsk grunnskolen. Kompetansen som opparbeides i grunnskolen er ikke bare fundamentet for videre utdanning, vi får kunnskap vi drar nytte av resten av livet.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert privatundervisning i norsk VGS. På videregående legges fundamentet for høyere utdanning eller praksis / fagbrev. Det er mange fag man skal igjennom, mange prøver og mange eksamener. For mange er videregående tungt og vanskelig.