Operativsystemet Linux er et resultat av en åpen kildekodedugnad med flere tusen utviklere som gjennom tiden har bidratt til å skape det systemet vi kjenner i dag. Nettopp på grunn av de åpne kildekoden har Linux blitt et svært populært operativsystem blant de vi i dagligtale omtaler som nerder. Motivene varierer, men ofte nevnes fleksibiliteten, muligheten til å påvirke, lave kostnader og det å unnvike Microsofts agenda. Flere større bedrifter benytter også i dag Linux, da det av mange ansees å være et mer stabilt og sikrere system enn Microsoft sine operativsystemer.
We provide virtual course about CL110: Red Hat OpenStack Administration 1: Core Operations for Cloud Operators. Introduction to Red Hat OpenStack Platform and the deployment of virtual cloud servers and applications.
We provide virtual course about CL210: Red Hat OpenStack Administration 2: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators. This course will help build advanced skills for performing Red Hat OpenStack Platform day 2 operations and management of hybrid cloud infrastructure.
We provide virtual course about RH124: Red Hat System Administration 1 - Linux (RHEL9). The first of two courses covering the core system administration tasks needed to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.
We provide course about RH134: Red Hat System Administration 2 - Linux (RHEL9). This course focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator. It serves as the second part of the RHCSA training track for IT professionals who have taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124).
We provide virtual course about RH199: RHCSA Rapid Track Course - Linux (RHEL9). Learn essential Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 tasks and methods in a condensed format! This course is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration.
We provide virtual course about RH294: Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible. Learn how to automate Linux system administration tasks with Ansible! This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 9 and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2.
We provide virtual course about RH342: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and troubleshooting. This course provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues.
We provide virtual course about RH415: Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud. This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, Red Hat Satellite 6.3, Red Hat Ansible® Engine 2.5, Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2, and Red Hat Insights.
Linux Advanced System Administration (LPI) Course Overview This instructor led Linux Advanced System Administration (LPI) training course is designed to teach the advanced administration,security,networking and performance tasks required on a Linux Enterprise system.
Linux Automation with Ansible Course Overview This highly practical instructor led Linux Automation with Ansible training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in the concepts and use of Linux Ansible Automation.
Linux Fundamentals Course Overview This Linux Operating System and Bash Shell Programming training course introduces the delegate to the main concepts of the LINUX Operating System
Linux Introduction Course Overview This Linux Operating System training course introduces the delegate to the main concepts of the LINUX Operating System. The most commonly used commands and utilities are described in detail as are the command line wildcard and redirection facilities.
Linux Networking Course Overview This highly practical instructor led Linux Networking course introduces the delegate to the main concepts of Linux networking and TCP/IP.
Linux System Administration (LPI & SCA) Course Overview This instructor led Linux System Administration (LPI & SCA) training course is designed to teach the key administration,security,networking and performance tasks required on a Linux Enterprise system.
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has established itself as the standard for distribution independent Linux certification.
Oracle Linux 9 Administration Course Overview This highly practical instructor led Oracle Linux 9 Administration training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in the advanced concepts and use of Linux Administration.
This instructor led SUSE Linux Advanced System Administration training course is designed to teach the advanced administration,security,networking and performance tasks required on a SUSE Linux Enterprise system.
This instructor led SUSE Linux System Administration training course is designed to teach the key administration,security,networking and performance tasks required on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).
We offer online course - hardware interfacing with embedded Linux. Many of the things around you have Linux embedded inside: WiFi routers, smart thermostats, smart door bells. When writing code for these devices you have to be aware of the techniques available to access the hardware at a low level.
We provide online course about Linux security and isolation APIs fundamentals. This workshop provides an introduction to the low-level Linux features - set-UID/set-GID programs, capabilities, and namespaces, cgroups (control groups).
This 2-day online workshop provides a solid understanding of the operating system architecture and low-level interfaces (principally, system calls and library functions) that are required to build system-level applications on Linux (and UNIX) systems.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om installasjon og konfigurering av en Linux Server. Kurset gir en innføring i administrasjon av en Linux-server, Vi bruker Ubuntu server-utgaven i kurset, men andre server-distroer (Suse, Red Hat/Centos e.l.) kan også brukes etter ønske.
Kurset passer for deg som vil lære om administrasjon av Linux-servere – inkludert installasjon, konfigurering, overvåking, håndtering av brukere, prosesser, tjenester, filer, filsystemer, nettverk og sikkerhet.
Kurset passer for deg som har en del erfaring med installasjon og drift av Linux, men aldri har fått formell opplæring i mer avansert funksjonalitet. Vi bruker RedHat-baserte distroer til kurset, men mye av innholdet kan også lett tilpasses Debian-basert distroer.
Bli en terminal-ninja og lær å bruke funksjonaliteten i Linux Bash - skallet til vanlige oppgaver, systemadministrasjon, utvikling og data science.
Kurset gir en innføring i administrasjon av en Linux-server og dekker de vanligste oppgavene og problemene knyttet til installasjon, drift, monitorering osv. Vi bruker Red Hat/Centos server til kurset, men andre server-distroer (Ubuntu ,Suse e.l.) kan også brukes etter ønske.
Kurset er en naturlig fortsettelse av Linux Sysadmin, trinn 1, og er beregnet for deltakere med erfaring med Linux som operativsystem. Vi går dypere inn i konfigurering og administrasjon av Linux-servere, og bruker RedHat / Centos / Rocky til øvelsene. Kurset kan også tilpasses til Debian/Ubuntu.
Dette er en to-dagers workshop hvor vi lærer de mest brukte kommandoene som er tilgjengelige fra kommandolinjen i Linux-terminaler for å bli mer effektive i bruk av Linux som operativsystem.