Operativsystemet Linux er et resultat av en åpen kildekodedugnad med flere tusen utviklere som gjennom tiden har bidratt til å skape det systemet vi kjenner i dag. Nettopp på grunn av de åpne kildekoden har Linux blitt et svært populært operativsystem blant de vi i dagligtale omtaler som nerder. Motivene varierer, men ofte nevnes fleksibiliteten, muligheten til å påvirke, lave kostnader og det å unnvike Microsofts agenda. Flere større bedrifter benytter også i dag Linux, da det av mange ansees å være et mer stabilt og sikrere system enn Microsoft sine operativsystemer.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs om installasjon og konfigurering av en Linux Server. Kurset gir en innføring i administrasjon av en Linux-server, Vi bruker Ubuntu server-utgaven i kurset, men andre server-distroer (Suse, Red Hat/Centos e.l.) kan også brukes etter ønske.
We provide virtual course about CL110: Red Hat OpenStack Administration 1: Core Operations for Cloud Operators. Introduction to Red Hat OpenStack Platform and the deployment of virtual cloud servers and applications.
We provide virtual course about CL210: Red Hat OpenStack Administration 2: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators. This course will help build advanced skills for performing Red Hat OpenStack Platform day 2 operations and management of hybrid cloud infrastructure.
We provide virtual course about RH124: Red Hat System Administration 1 - Linux (RHEL9). The first of two courses covering the core system administration tasks needed to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.
We provide course about RH134: Red Hat System Administration 2 - Linux (RHEL9). This course focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full-time Linux administrator. It serves as the second part of the RHCSA training track for IT professionals who have taken Red Hat System Administration I (RH124).
We provide virtual course about RH199: RHCSA Rapid Track Course - Linux (RHEL9). Learn essential Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 tasks and methods in a condensed format! This course is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration.
We provide virtual course about RH294: Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation with Ansible. Learn how to automate Linux system administration tasks with Ansible! This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 9 and Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2.
We provide virtual course about RH342: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and troubleshooting. This course provides system administrators with the tools and techniques they need to successfully diagnose, and fix, a variety of potential issues.
We provide virtual course about RH415: Red Hat Security: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud. This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, Red Hat Satellite 6.3, Red Hat Ansible® Engine 2.5, Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2, and Red Hat Insights.
We offer online course - hardware interfacing with embedded Linux. Many of the things around you have Linux embedded inside: WiFi routers, smart thermostats, smart door bells. When writing code for these devices you have to be aware of the techniques available to access the hardware at a low level.
We provide online course about Linux security and isolation APIs fundamentals. This workshop provides an introduction to the low-level Linux features - set-UID/set-GID programs, capabilities, and namespaces, cgroups (control groups).
This 2-day online workshop provides a solid understanding of the operating system architecture and low-level interfaces (principally, system calls and library functions) that are required to build system-level applications on Linux (and UNIX) systems.
Kurset gir en innføring i administrasjon av en Linux-server og dekker de vanligste oppgavene og problemene knyttet til installasjon, drift, monitorering osv. Vi bruker Red Hat/Centos server til kurset, men andre server-distroer (Ubuntu ,Suse e.l.) kan også brukes etter ønske.
Dette er en to-dagers workshop hvor vi lærer de mest brukte kommandoene som er tilgjengelige fra kommandolinjen i Linux-terminaler for å bli mer effektive i bruk av Linux som operativsystem.