To learn the various phases of a drilling operation. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to describe the various phases of a drilling operation. They should be able to identify, state the position and give an account of how drilling equipment is used on a platform.
Vi tilbyr e-læringskurs om IWCF drilling well control - level 3 & 4. Kurset skal gi kursdeltakeren grundig innføring innen brønnkontroll (beregninger, prinsipp og prosedyrer, utstyr og oppgaveløsning). Gjennom dette kurset skal kursdeltakerne forberede seg til sertifiseringstesten.
We provide digital course about IWCF drilling well control - level 3 & 4 in english. The course will be held as digital course by videoconference system (Zoom) with one of our instructors. Simulator test and theoretical test will be done thursday and friday.
Brønnteknikk gir deg god forståelse om hva som foregår på en plattform og de ulike fasene i en boreoperasjon, fra geologi og boreteknologi til oppbygging, produksjon og vedlikehold av en brønn.
This introductory course provides the drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control. Progressing junior staff get a solid background and knowledge of why well control is essential, how well control is maintained, what the indicators are that well control might be lost, and more.