Yoga Strength, tirsdager - Kurs - Vinter 2025

Kursarrangør: Pranahuset
Sted: Akershus, Bærum / Sandvika
Kursadresse: Slependveien 48, 1341 Slependen (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Tirsdager kl 17.30-18.45
Varighet: 8 uker
Pris: 2080
Neste kurs: 07.01.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

This class is a great combination of bodyweight strength training and a full-body workout that stretches you from head to toe. An important part of the class is detoxification, which is achieved through deep twists and the activation of major lymphatic organs.

Yoga Strenght

This class is a great combination of bodyweight strength training and a full-body workout that stretches you from head to toe. The bodyweight training method is gentle on the joints, and the active stretching poses help tone the muscles. In addition to working all major muscle groups, an important part of the class is detoxification, which is achieved through deep twists and the activation of major lymphatic organs.

Anita Barabas

Denne klassen passer for alle som liker å trene hele kroppen, kjenne at pulsen gires litt opp og at varmen sprer seg. Denne timen gir også god fleksibilitet og ro i kroppen.

10% rabatt på kurs:
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