VinyasaFlow og Yoga dance - Gruppetrening torsdager

Kursarrangør: Pranahuset
Sted: Akershus, Bærum / Sandvika
Kursadresse: Slependveien 48, 1341 Slependen (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Torsdager kl 09.30-10.45 Ønskes kursplass etter kursstart, send mail!
Varighet: 6 uker

This class is the result of an exciting and unique blend where the liberating and joyful atmosphere of dance fills the air in the room. The gentle, flowing motions of the body have a calming effect on the mind, helping to quiet our thoughts and release tension. Les mer under..

Vinyasa Flow/Yoga Dance

This class is the result of an exciting and unique blend where the liberating and joyful atmosphere of dance fills the air in the room.

Almost imperceptibly, we develop our concentration, body awareness, and confidence.

This class can help deepen the connection with our bodies. By synchronizing movements with the harmonious rhythm of our breathing, we move the entire body. The gentle, flowing motions of the body have a calming effect on the mind, helping to quiet our thoughts and release tension.

Timen undervises på engelsk, rolig og behagelig!

Anita Barabas

Denne klassen passer for alle som liker å trene hele kroppen og hodet.., kjenne at pulsen gires litt opp og at varmen og gleden sprer seg. Denne timen gir også god fleksibilitet og ro i kroppen & hodet.

10% rabatt på kurs:
Uføretrygdede, familie eller student/ungdom oppfyller denne 10% prosent ordningen.
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På forhånd takk.