Negle design - Ta kontakt for avtale - Engelsk eller polsk

Kursarrangør: Vippen AS
Sted: Kurset holdes i våre lokaler sentralt på Forus.
          Rogaland, Stavanger
Kursadresse: Svanholmen 2, 4033 Stavanger (kart)
Type:Bedriftsinternt / Større grupper
Undervisningstid: Hele året, ta kontakt for avtale
Varighet: 5 timer
Pris: 5.500

Vil du lære av en internasjonal mester i negler? Vår kursholder har vunnet en rekke verdensomspennende mesterskap i negler. Inkluderer: Oppfølging og ettertraktet diplom Språk: Engelsk eller polsk

The course is designed for individuals who:
• Have no experience in nail art.
• Do not know how to replace a French manicure.
• Want to create their own designs.
• Want to impress clients with creativity.
• Want to earn extra money.
• Want to decorate nails quickly and effectively.
• Want to learn how to make hand-paint designs.
• Want to stand out with an interesting style.

In the course, you will learn:
• Techniques rather than predefined designs.
• Designing patterns based on trends.
• Analyzing colors.
• Analyzing effects.
• Designing interesting backgrounds.
• Mixing colors.
• Selecting universal products and brushes.
• Precise and long-lasting application.
• Creative thinking.

Training Schedule:
• Product and tool overview – selection based on needs: powders, pigments, gel paints, paints, glitters, spider gel, and stickers.
• Planning and color analysis of patterns.
• Distinguishing styles and selecting suitable ones for clients.
• Planning backgrounds and decoration elements in a combined technique.
• Demonstration, analysis, and discussion of specific patterns using the acquired knowledge for personal projects.
• Training on nail tips.
• Independent work for credit.

Courses are held in small groups, up to 4 people in nail art techniques.
Each student receives a certificate supported by an Instructor’s license upon completion of the course. Certificate is valid.
Courses are conducted in English or Polish, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM or 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
You will be provided with all necessary tools and products. You can always bring your favorite brush to work with. The option to borrow necessary tools for practice, such as a practice hand, is available

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