RelyOn Nutec

RelyOn Nutec er Norges største leverandør innen kurs og rådgiving innen sikkerhet og beredskap. Målet er å kunne forebygge, håndtere og lære av kritiske situasjoner.

Med over 30 års erfaring fra olje- og maritim industri, har RelyOn Nutec opparbeidet seg kompetanse som etterspørres internasjonalt.

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GWO: BST Fire awareness (blended: e-learning + practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) - fire awareness (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical). The aim of fire awareness training is to teach delegates to support and care for themselves and others working in the industry by possessing fire awareness knowledge and skills.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST Fire awareness refresher (blended: e-learning+practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) refresher - fire awareness (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST First aid - refresher (e-learning + practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) refresher - first aid (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST Manual handling (blended: e-learning + practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) - manual handling (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST refresher - onshore (blended: e-learning + practical)

We provide course about GWO: Basic Safety Training (BST) refresher - onshore (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical). The objective of GWO basic safety training refresher is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills from BST through theoretical and practical training.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 2 1/2 days + online fra 16.625 kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 2 1/2 days + online fra 16.625 kr  

GWO: BST Refresher - sea survival (blended: e-learning+practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) refresher - sea survival (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST Refresher manual handling (blended: elearning+practical)

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) refresher - manual handling (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1/2 day + online Ta kontakt kr  

GWO: BST Refresher working at height blended e-learning practical

We provide course about GWO: basic safety training (BST) refresher - working at height (blended with adaptive e-learning + practical).

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Kristiansand Kristiansand 1 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
Trondheim Trondheim 1 day + online Ta kontakt kr  
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