Programutvikling AS

Fra oppstarten av kursvirksomheten i 2000 har ProgramUtvikling etablert seg som en av Norges ledende leverandører av kurs for IT-utviklere. Vi tilbyr egenutviklede kurs og Microsoft–kurs, og har både åpne og bedriftsinterne kurs i blant annet UML, XML, SQL, Java og .NET. ProgramUtvikling består av 10 fast ansatte og en rekke erfarne instruktører med høy faglig kompetanse innenfor sine områder. Vi er en rendyrket og uavhengig kursleverandør, og selger ikke andre produkter eller tjenester. Vår motivasjon er å gi kursdeltakerne maksimalt utbytte, slik at de får stor praktisk nytte av opplæringen i sitt daglige arbeid. ProgramUtvikling er en fleksibel samarbeidspartner som alltid setter utviklerne i sentrum.

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EF Core in practice

We provide course about EF Core in practice. ORMs can be tricky. Getting started using them is the easy part, but when your applications grow, they feel like they get out of control and can become a liability to your project.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Git Beyond Push & Pull

We provide course about Git Beyond Push & Pull. Version control, which today is almost synonymous with git, is a centrepiecein the programmer toolkit. It is everywhere, from small solo projects, to infrastructure, to massive code bases with thousands of contributors.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

High Performance .NET Development

We provide course about High Performance .NET Development. .NET 8.0 can be fast. The modern, cross-platform .NET and ASP.NET Core are highly optimised, enabling incredible performance across desktop and web applications.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Identity & Access Control for modern Applications and APIs

We provide course about Identity & Access Control for modern Applications and APIs using ASP.NET Core 8. Modern application design has changed quite a bit in recent years. "Mobile-first" and "cloud-ready" are the types of applications you are expected to develop.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Kubernetes Hands-on Workshop

Kubernetes is how you run Docker in production. Bring your laptop with Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac installed. We´ll walk through getting a K8s cluster fired up on Docker-Desktop, Podman, or Minikube, and on Azure. You´ll be hosting Docker containers in development and production in no time.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Let's build that glorious monolith, Monolithic Application Design

We provide course about Let´s build that glorious monolith - The Art of Monolithic Application Design. Monoliths often get a bad rap. However, when designed with care and strategy, a monolithic architecture can not only be efficient but also ´glorious.´

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Mastering Test-Driven Development (TDD) in C#

We provide course about Mastering Test-Driven Development (TDD) in C#. Test-Driven Development changed the way I write code. Have you been around Test-Driven Development (TDD) practitioners? So, you have heard this before.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  

Modern Front End Fundamentals

We provide course about Modern Front End Fundamentals. What does a modern front end actually look like? It´s one that built using semantic HTML, the layouts are built with modern CSS and no frameworks.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Sentrum Oslo, Sentrum 2 days 12.990 kr  
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