Glasspaper AS

Glasspaper sin kjernevirksomhet er kunnskap, og vi har som mål å være i front når ny teknologi introduseres. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment og det gjør at våre kunder kan forholde seg til kun en leverandør når det gjelder opplæring.

Våre instruktører, konsulenter og kompetanserådgivere har lang og bred erfaring innenfor sine respektive fagområder. Ved siden av vår administrasjon og rådgivere er de aller fleste av våre instruktører fast ansatt i Glasspaper og dette gjør oss til en solid partner i større kompetanseløft.

Vi har et mål om at kunder og samarbeidspartnere skal oppfatte Glasspaper som Norges beste og mest attraktive kompetansehus. Glasspaper er i all hovedsak eiet av de ansatte og har hovedkontor og kursfasiliteter på Bryn i Oslo. Glasspaper har også kurs- og sertifiseringslokaler i Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim.

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CTIA: Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst

We provide course about CTIA: Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst. The CTIA lab environment consists of the latest operating systems including Windows 10 and Kali Linux for planning, collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating threat intelligence.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 25.000 kr  

ECDE: Certified DevSecOps Engineer

We provide course about ECDE: Certified DevSecOps Engineer. This course is a hands-on, instructor-led comprehensive DevSecOps certification program that helps professionals build the essential skills needed to design, develop, and maintain secure applications and infrastructure.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 29.500 kr  

Event-Driven Design

We provide course about Event-Driven Design. The course describes the concepts and terminology of Event Driven Design, discusses the architectural choices and patterns available, and shows how to put it into practice with worked examples and exercises.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 20.900 kr  

Flutter (hands-on)

We provide course about Flutter (hands-on). This comprehensive course covers everything from Dart, Flutter´s programming language, to advanced topics like state management and networking.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 4 days 23.900 kr  

Implementing REST Services using Web API

We provide course about Implementing REST Services using Web API. REST has emerged in recent years as a tremendously important vehicle for creating flexible and standards-based distributed systems and microservice architectures.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 20.900 kr  

Introduction to Git and GitHub

We provide course with introduction to Git and GitHub. Throughout most of the tech world, Git and GitHub are the de facto tools used for version control and collaboration. However, they can seem difficult to use at first glance.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 2 days 16.900 kr  

Introduction to OpenID Connect and OAuth

We provide course with introduction to OpenID Connect and OAuth. OpenID Connect is the de-facto standard we should use for handling authentication and authorization in modern applications.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 1 day 9.900 kr  


We provide course about Kubernetes. Kubernetes´ architecture brings the first real way of operating docker containers in production. This solution was first developed by Google, and TCP Cloud was the world´s first real-world testing enterprise deployment experience.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 2 days 16.900 kr  
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