Glasspaper AS

Glasspaper sin kjernevirksomhet er kunnskap, og vi har som mål å være i front når ny teknologi introduseres. Vi tilbyr markedets bredeste kurssortiment og det gjør at våre kunder kan forholde seg til kun en leverandør når det gjelder opplæring.

Våre instruktører, konsulenter og kompetanserådgivere har lang og bred erfaring innenfor sine respektive fagområder. Ved siden av vår administrasjon og rådgivere er de aller fleste av våre instruktører fast ansatt i Glasspaper og dette gjør oss til en solid partner i større kompetanseløft.

Vi har et mål om at kunder og samarbeidspartnere skal oppfatte Glasspaper som Norges beste og mest attraktive kompetansehus. Glasspaper er i all hovedsak eiet av de ansatte og har hovedkontor og kursfasiliteter på Bryn i Oslo. Glasspaper har også kurs- og sertifiseringslokaler i Bergen, Stavanger og Trondheim.

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C# 12 Advanced Development - virtual

We provide virtual course about C# 12 Advanced Development. Once you´ve mastered the core features of C# as a programming language, you´re ready to take the next step. The .NET platform offers an incredibly rich and diverse set of APIs that cover all aspects of contemporary development.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 4 days 25.500 kr  

C# 12 Development and .NET 8

We provide course about C# 12 Development and .NET 8. This course takes a detailed look at the C# programming language and the .NET library. You will learn how to write efficient and effective code in C#, making use of the latest techniques and language features.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 25.900 kr  

C# 12 Development and .NET 8 - virtual

We provide virtual course about C# 12 Development and .NET 8. This course takes a detailed look at the C# programming language and the .NET library. You will learn how to write efficient and effective code in C#, making use of the latest techniques and language features.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days 25.900 kr  

C++ Design and Best Practices

We provide course about C++ Design and Best Practices. C++ is an exquisitely rich language, packed with fascinating language features and extensive library capabilities. Learning the syntax and STL nuances is a task in itself.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 3 days 22.900 kr  

C++ Design and Best Practices - virtual

We provide virtual course about C++ Design and Best Practices. C++ is an exquisitely rich language, packed with fascinating language features and extensive library capabilities. Learning the syntax and STL nuances is a task in itself.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 3 days 22.900 kr  

C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on

We provide course about C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on. This course is aimed at students who need to get up to speed in C++. The course introduces Object-oriented concepts and shows how they are implemented in C++.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 5 days 26.900 kr  

C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on - virtual

We provide virtual course about C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on. This course is aimed at students who need to get up to speed in C++. The course introduces Object-oriented concepts and shows how they are implemented in C++.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days 26.900 kr  

C++ Test-Driven Development

We provide course about C++ Test-Driven Development. All developers want to build good quality software but not all developers test their software as they go along. Why not? A common explanation is "I don´t have time to write tests!" The more pressure they feel, the fewer tests they write.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Helsfyr Oslo, Helsfyr 2 days 16.900 kr  
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