Bouvet tilbyr hele spekteret av tjenester som er nødvendig for å etablere og forvalte gode IT-løsninger. Dette inkluderer teknisk infrastruktur, arkitektur, systemutvikling, integrasjon, databaser og drift. Vi følger systemene gjennom hele livssyklusen fra analyse av forretningsbehov, gjennom utviklingsfase og til en effektiv forvaltning. Bouvet leverer også en rekke kurs innenfor informasjonsteknologi. Dette er alt fra kurs for sluttbrukere til avanserte kurs for programmerere.

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DP-603 Implementing Real Time Analytics with Microsoft F - online

We provide online course about DP-603 Implementing Real Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 09.04.2025 (+1) 1 dag09.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr  
Nettkurs / nettstudie 04.06.2025 1 dag09.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr

DP-604 Implementing a data science and machine learning - online

DP-604 Implementing a data science and machine learning solution for AI with Microsoft Fabric

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 10.04.2025 (+1) 1 dag10.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr  
Nettkurs / nettstudie 05.06.2025 1 dag10.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals - online

We provide online course about DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 04.04.2025 (+1) 1 day04.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr  
Nettkurs / nettstudie 13.06.2025 1 day04.04.2025 (+1) 9.900 kr

E2E040 Manage digital transformation with SAP Solution - online

We provide online course about E2E040 Manage digital transformation with SAP Solution Manager. This course will provide you with an overview of the key value chains and the underlying Application Lifecycle processes of the SAP Solution Manager platform.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 30.06.2025 3 days30.06.2025 26.340 kr  

E2E600 SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for SAP S/4HANA - online

We provide online course about E2E600 SAP Solution Manager 7.2 for SAP S/4HANA Implementations. This course will prepare you to: Learn how SAP Solution Manager 7.2 helps your business to transition to SAP S/4HANA, while ensuring 24/7 system stability.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Nettkurs / nettstudie Nettkurs / nettstudie 5 days 43.900 kr  

Exploratory testing workshop

We provide workshop about exploratory testing. The workshop aims to dispel any misunderstandings people might have with this approach and how it can be applied to both traditional and agile projects. Applications are provided throughout the workshop.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Majorstua Oslo, Majorstua 2 days 13.500 kr  

From user story to test case workshop

We provide from user story to test case workshop. Agile Software Methods is becoming the preferred way of working in most organisations. However testers are often finding it difficult to know how to adapt to the new way of working. It is often difficult to know how to test User Stories.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Majorstua Oslo, Majorstua 2 days Ta kontakt kr  

From Weeks to Hours: Bridging the Gap between Business and IT

We provide course about from weeks to hours: bridging the gap between business and IT. This one-day workshop is designed for both technical and non-technical professionals involved in the software development process.

Sted Dato Varighet Pris
Oslo, Majorstua Oslo, Majorstua 1 day 8.900 kr  
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