Her finner du kurs i webdesign og webutvikling slik at du kan lære å lage hjemmesider og web applikasjoner. Du finner kurs både for nybegynnere og viderekomne. Du finner kurs i dreamweaver og annen programvare brukt til design og utvikling for web. Webutvikling er ikke så vanskelig med dagens programvare, og du vil antageligvis bli overasket over hvor bra hjemmesider du klarer å lage etter et webdesignkurs.
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem.
Developing Applications with Java EE Course Overview The Developing Applications with Java EE course introduces delegates to the Java Enterprise Edition API,up to version 7. It explains the core JEE technologies and how they can be used to build large scale web based applications.
Developing Node.js Web Applications Course Overview This Developing Node.js Web Applications course is for developers who wish to use JavaScript to create network applications.
This course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless platform.
DevOps Engineering on AWS demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on AWS.
The DevOps Foundation course provides a baseline understanding of key DevOps terminology to ensure everyone is talking the same language and highlights the benefits of DevOps to support organizational success.
The DevOps Leader course is a unique and practical experience for participants who want to take a transformational leadership approach and make an impact within their organization by implementing DevOps.
This course explains how DevOps security practices differ from other approaches then delivers the education needed to apply changes to your organization. Participants learn the purpose, benefits, concepts, vocabulary and applications of DevSecOps. Most importantly, students learn how DevSecOps roles
The DevsecOps Practitioner course introduces more advanced ways to explore DevSecOps in your organization. Each section covers practical maturity guides, and then discusses how people, process and technology can be combined to improve outcomes.
In this course, you´ll learn how to create and manage individual containers using the Docker Engine. We´ll cover best practices in container image design and container deployment and auditing, as well as an introduction to single-node container networking and storage.
Front-end Web Developer Course Overview HTML,CSS,and JavaScript are the core languages of front-end web development. This course is designed to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and deploy stylish,dynamic websites/web apps that look good on any device.
Learn the value of Google Cloud Platform. This one-day instructor-led class provides an overview of Google Cloud Platform products and services.
HP-UX Posix Shell Programming Course Overview This Hewlett Packard HP-UX Posix Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in developing and writing shell scripts.
HP-UX System Administration Course Overview This Hewlett Packard HP-UX System Administration training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in the administration of an HP-UX UNIX System.
Introduction to HTML & CSS Course Overview HTML & CSS are the fundamental building blocks of the web. This course is designed to provide delegates with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to build simple web pages.
Introduction to Programming – Java Course Overview The Introduction to Programming – Java course comprises sessions dealing with variables,expressions,conditional statements,collections,iterative statements,functions,objects,compilation and execution,and best practices.
Introduction to Programming – JavaScript Course Overview The Introduction to Programming – JavaScript course comprises sessions dealing with variables,expressions,conditional statements,collections,iterative statements,functions,objects,compilation and execution,and best practices.
Introduction to Programming – Python Course Overview The Introduction to Programming – Python course comprises sessions dealing with variables,expressions,conditional statements,collections,iterative statements,functions,objects,compilation and execution,and best practices.
This course aims to provide the delegate with the skills needed to build object-oriented apps using Java that exploit all of the fundamental elements of the language.
Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Course Overview. Modern Java code extends well beyond object orientation and the associated principles.
Whether your focus is on developing containerized applications or managing a container-centric infrastructure, CN120 introduces Kubernetes container orchestration for everyone involved in the software development life cycle.
This Kubernets CKA Professional course is a Kubernetes Fundamentals and CKA exam theory training.
Modern,Responsive Websites with HTML & CSS Course Overview HTML & CSS are the fundamental building blocks of the web. This course is designed to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and deploy stylish,accessible websites that look good on any device.
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Course Overview The Object Oriented Analysis & Design course focuses on the fundamental concepts of Object Orientation and UML as part of the Software Development Life Cycle.
Perl Programming Course Overview The Perl Programming course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop/maintain Perl scripts. Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
The Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) course is designed to equip you with fundamental skills in Python programming.
This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required to create applications using the C# language.
R Programming Course Overview This R Programming course aims to give delegates the knowledge to use effective programming principles and to write code in R.
Ruby on Rails Course Overview Ruby is a high level Interpreted,Object Oriented,rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world.
Ruby Programming & Ruby on Rails Course Overview Ruby is a high level Interpreted,Object Oriented,rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world.
This Ruby Programming course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop and maintain Ruby applications.
This is a deep dive course on security operations: vulnerability management, anomalies detection, discovery of industry attacks and threats, understanding how compromised system or solution looks like, defining the indicators of the attack, incident handling also daily servicing on SIEM platform.
The Web Development 1 with HTML,CSS and JavaScript course comprises sessions dealing with HTML,CSS and JavaScript – the three core languages of web development.
På 2 dager vil du lære hvordan du skal gjennomføre en Design Sprint med ditt team. Det vil ikke være et tung teoretisk kurs, men en praktisk og team-basert workshop. Vi gjør fortiden våre sprinter online. Snart vil vi tilby online kurs i workshop design og fasilitering. Mer info om dette kommer.
I dette kurset lærer du CSS fra scratch til viderekommen. Kurset dekker alt du hadde lært om CSS i løpet av en moderne teknologiutdanning, og når du er ferdig med kurset vil du kunne tilpasse eksisterende CSS-kode eller skrive din egen.
Dette er første del av læringsstien «Frontend-utvikler» hvor vi skal lære deg alle ferdighetene du trenger for å lage raske og moderne nettsider. Vi går ut i fra at du ikke kan noe HTML, CSS og JavaScript fra før av, og at du ønsker å lære alt fra scratch.
JavaScript er et av verdens mest brukte programmeringsspråk som, sammen med HTML og CSS, utgjør grunnsteinene i moderne webutvikling. Selv om språket opprinnelig ble utviklet for bruk på nettet, har det de siste årene både blitt populært som server-språk og som programmeringsspråk for enkeltstående
Magento er verdens mest populære nettbutikksystem. Programvaren ble opprinnelig utviklet av Roy Rubin og første versjon ble lansert 31. mars 2008. Fire år senere ble nettbutikksystemet Magento kjøpt opp av eBay. I dag brukes Magento i nettbutikker til internasjonalt kjente merkevarer som: Coca Cola,
WordPress er verdens desidert mest brukte publiseringssystem. Alt fra små firma til store konsern bruker WordPress til å drive sine nettsider. Faktisk driver WordPress 50 til 60 % av alle nettsider i hele verden. Det er jo ganske imponerende. Du kan derfor trygt velge dette systemet, uten noe videre
Vi tilbyr kurs om HTML og CSS som webinar. HTML og CSS for å kode et nettsted er ikke bare for nerder, men for alle som jobber med web. Enten du er designer, redaktør, eller skal oppdatere innhold, er forståelse av HTML viktig.
Vi tilbyr kurs i interaksjonsdesign som webinar. Skap god interaksjonsdesign og lær deg hvilke tanker og idéer som ligger til grunn for å designe gode brukeropplevelser. Du lærer om brukervennlighet, brukertesting, design-prinsipper for Interaksjonsdesign og UX-design for nettsider.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert studie i webutvikling - digital markedsføring. Websiden er gjerne hjertet i enhver virksomhets digitale markedsføringsstrategi, og i dette kurset lærer du hvordan du raskt og enkelt kan etablere en attraktiv og synlig tilstedeværelse på nettet.
Ønsker du å lære hvordan du kan bygge innholdsrike og levende, nettsider og applikasjoner? Da er JavaScript et naturlig valg.