Herunder ligger språkkurs skreddersydd for næringslivet. Har din organisasjon behov for språkopplæring finnes de som klasseromsundervisning, privatundervisning, og selvstudium språkkurs.
We are offering courses in Chinese Business development. Understanding what consequences increased competition and acquisitions from the Chinese mean for our competitiveness, profits and welfare models is crucial for business leaders to succeed.
Este curso se adapta al horario y nivel de competencia de cada estudiante, ya seas un principiante o estés preparándote para el HSK6. Las clases están disponibles una, dos o tres veces a la semana, lo que te permite alcanzar tus objetivos lingüísticos a tu propio ritmo.
Questo corso è progettato per adattarsi al programma e al livello di competenza di ogni studente. Che tu sia un principiante o stia preparando l´HSK6, puoi raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi linguistici al tuo ritmo, con lezioni offerte una, due o tre volte a settimana.
Ce cours est adapté pour correspondre à l´emploi du temps et au niveau de compétence de tout étudiant, des débutants à la préparation HSK6. Les cours sont proposés une, deux ou trois fois par semaine, vous permettant d´atteindre vos objectifs linguistiques à votre propre rythme.
Ten kurs jest dostosowany do harmonogramu i umiejetnosci kazdego studenta, niezaleznie od tego, czy jestes poczatkujacym, czy przygotowujesz sie do HSK6. Zajecia sa elastyczne, dostepne raz, dwa lub trzy razy w tygodniu, co pozwala na nauke w wlasnym tempie.
Dette kurset er tilpasset for å passe til hvert students timeplan og ferdighetsnivå. Enten du er helt nybegynner eller forbereder deg til HSK6, er våre kurs utformet for å hjelpe deg med å oppnå dine språkmål i ditt eget tempo. Du kan velge å ta timer én, to eller tre ganger per uke.
Deze cursus is ontworpen voor alle niveaus en schema´s. Of je nu een beginner bent of je voorbereidt op HSK6, je kunt je taaldoelen in je eigen tempo bereiken, met lessen beschikbaar één, twee of drie keer per week.
This course tailored to suit every student´s schedule and proficiency level. Whether you are a complete beginner or preparing for HSK6, our courses are designed to help you achieve your language goals at your own pace. You can choose to take classes once, twice, or three times per week.
Ten kurs zaprasza osoby chetne do odkrywania piekna chinskich znaków poprzez kaligrafie, oferujac mozliwosc zanurzenia sie w wielowiekowej tradycji, jednoczesnie rozwijajac umiejetnosci artystyczne i jezykowe.
Welcome to our Beginner Norwegian Course, levels A0-A1! This course is designed for absolute beginners and focuses on building a strong foundation in the Norwegian language. Through engaging lessons and interactive practice, you´ll learn basic vocabulary, essential grammar, and common phrases etc.
Online Norwegian language course to build up your business Norwegian communication skillllls. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business Norwegian and prepare you to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill!