Herunder ligger språkkurs skreddersydd for næringslivet. Har din organisasjon behov for språkopplæring finnes de som klasseromsundervisning, privatundervisning, og selvstudium språkkurs.
Welcome to our Beginner Norwegian Course, levels A0-A1! This course is designed for absolute beginners and focuses on building a strong foundation in the Norwegian language. Through engaging lessons and interactive practice, you´ll learn basic vocabulary, essential grammar, and common phrases etc.
Course to develop the confidence and skills needed to present your academic work. Our experienced instructors give students the tools to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging way, while also tailoring their presentations to key audiences.
Course to develop proficiency in academic writing skills. Our experienced instructors focus on clarity, cohesion, style and flow, elevating students’ writing to their target level.
Business English for busy professionals!
Business Norwegian is a course that combines live-lessons and digital learning resources in Norwegian language and culture curated for the business sector.
Our most recommended course for the public sector and companies that need to ensure clear and effective communication with the general public.
Workshops for organisations that require a more intensive training approach. Perfect your employees’ telephone, email and other everyday communication skills in just a few days.
Dette er et kurs der jeg lager personlige tilpasset MODULER – med min veiledning – for deltakerne. Hver modul består av 8 uker. Etter at du er ferdig med en modul kan du fortsette med flere moduler, ta en pause eller slutte.
Vi arrangerer norskkurs for alle yrkesgrupper, fra ufaglærte til universitets- og høyskoleutdannede. I Norskkurs på jobben brenner vi for at alle våre deltakere skal mestre sitt nye liv i Norge. Derfor gir vi dem norskundervisning av høy pedagogisk og språkfaglig kvalitet.
Online Norwegian language course to build up your business Norwegian communication skillllls. Our goal is to teach natural and effective business Norwegian and prepare you to face different business and work situations with confidence and skill!