Her finner du alt av kurs og opplæring innen industriell shipping og maritimt miljø. Her finner du både nødvendig sertifisering for å manøvrere båter og skip av forskjellige art, samt nødvendige sikkerhetskurs for arbeid på sjøen.
We provide e-learning course about ISO 14001 In-depth in english. Obtain a detailed understanding of the key terms, definitions, and requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and how the standard can help your organization to become more environmentally friendly.
We provide e-learning course about ISO 22000 In-depth in english. Get an understanding of your company´s Food Safety Management obligations and responsibilities. Get the skills necessary to start the implementation process of the Food Safety Management System in your company.
We provide e-learning course about ISO 45001 In-depth in english. With our “ISO 45001:2018 In-depth” course, you will discover in detail the clauses, sections, terms, definitions, requirements and High Level Structure of ISO 45001:2018.
We provide e-learning course about ISO 45001 overview in english. Our recorded virtual classroom is an ideal alternative to the typical classroom setting for professionals who do not have the budget or time for travel, or just prefer the convenience of attending a course online.
We provide e-learning course about ISO 9001 In-depth in english. With our “ISO 9001:2015 In-depth” course, you will discover the clauses, sections, terms, definitions, requirements and High Level Structure of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
We provide online course about MDR and ISO 13485 for distributors, importers and authorized representatives in english. MDR sets clear requirements for distributors, importers and authorized representatives, and the regulation describes the requirements from the manufacturer to the supplier.
We provide online course about MDR and ISO 13485 for subcontractors in english. The MDR requirements for manufacturers have increased, and manufacturers have to take responsibility for controlling their subcontractors.
We provide online course about MDR, ISO 13485 and quality management system requirements in english. The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) set requirements for the manufacturer´s quality management system (QMS) as well as for the products.
We provide online course about MDR, ISO 13485 and the post marketing feedback Requirements in english. MDR requirements for the technical documentation have been tightened up. The technical documentation is a prerequisite for the CE marking of medical devices.
We provide online course about MDR, ISO 13485 and the technical documentation in english. The classification of medical devices has been changed to a higher class for some medical devices. It places new demands on manufacturers and their product documentation.
Vi tilbyder kurser om Østersøaftalen (MOU) som e-learning. E-learningen om MoU gør dig i stand til at vurdere, om en farligt gods forsendelse er lovlig, og hvilke oplysninger, der skal gives til rederiet. Derved undgår du og din virksomhed forsinkelser ifølge med farligt gods forsendelserne.
We provide virtual course about Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a driving force in today’s technology landscape. Its application has spanned across numerous sectors.
We provide virtual course about CISM: Certified Information Security Manager. This Official ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) training course focuses on the construction, development, and governance of information security operations.
We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Foundation. As an international standard for Business Continuity Management System, the ISO 22301 is designed to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.
We provide virtual course about ISO 22301 Lead Implementer. ISO 22301 Lead Implementer training course enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301.
We provide virtual course about ISO 27005 Risk Manager. ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager training enables you to develop the competence to master the risk management process related to all assets of relevance for Information Security using the ISO/IEC 27005 standard as a reference framework.
We provide virtual course about ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager. The training course helps participants develop their competences to support an organization create and protect value by managing risks, making decisions, and improving performance using the ISO 31000 guidelines.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation. ISO/IEC 27001 provides requirements for organizations seeking to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an information security management system.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor. ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to perform an Information Security Management System (ISMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and techniques.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Implementer. The training enables you to develop the necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing, managing and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001.
We provide virtual course about ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Auditor. The ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Auditor training course enables you to develop the necessary skills to perform a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) audit by applying widely recognized audit principles, procedures and techniques.
E-læringskurset «Makroalgedyrking» fra Val FoU og Norges Vel sikrer grunnleggende kunnskap innen makroalgedyrking der det legges vekt på hele verdikjeden fra dyrking til forretningsidé.
E-læringskurset «Sjømathygiene» fra SjømatNorge sikrer nødvendig teoretisk kunnskap om grunnleggende hygiene i en sjømatbedrift. Med e-læring får man en motiverende, rimelig og miljøvennlig opplæring via Internett. Kurset inneholder fagstoff med videoer, tale, bilder, oppgaver, tester og eksamen.
Vi tilbyr kurs om farlig gods for bedrifter. Lær å kjenne igjen hva som er farlig gods og hvordan du skal reagere hvis uhellet er ute.
Vi tilbyr kurs om ISPS for bedrifter. Avarn Security-skolen gir deg opplæring som gjør deg i stand til å ivareta dine oppgaver knyttet til sikkerheten ved havneanlegg som omfattes av ISPS regelverket.
Vi arrangerer Short Range Certificate (SRC) kurs på Senja. SRC erstatter ROC som krav til radiosertifikat for førere av lasteskip under 24 meter og fiskefartøy under 15 meter.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs om farlig gods, awareness. Grunnlaget for riktig behandling av farlig gods legges av produsenter og vareeiere, men de er avhengig av at transportøren tydelig angir hvilke krav som stilles for transport.
Vi tilbyr nettkurs i arbeid i høyden. Dette kurset sikrer at folk som utfører arbeider i høyden har dokumentert opplæring innenfor dette området, og gjør at de med ansvar kan følge de forskrifter og bestemmelser som kreves. Kurset er spesielt tilpasset for industrien med bilder og innhold.
Vi tilbyr ISPS/havnesikringkurs. Dette kurset gir deg som skal ha adgang til en ISPS-havn, nødvendig generell informasjon om det havnesikringssystemet du blir en del av. Du som utfører arbeid på havneområdet skal gjøre deg kjent med sikkerhetsreglementet som gjelder for området der du skal jobbe.
Revisjon er det viktigste verktøyet for å verifisere at systemer og standarder etterleves og for å avdekke forbedringsområder. NS-EN ISO 19011, en av de mest brukte veiledningene fra ISO, ble utgitt i 2002, revidert i 2011 og revidert igjen i 2018. ISO 19011 er generisk
Vi tilbyr e-læringskurs i NS-EN ISO 9001 Ledelsessystemer for kvalitet. Få en innføring i kravene i ISO 9001 Ledelsessystemer for kvalitet slik at du kan bygge opp, drifte og/eller vedlikeholde et kvalitetsledelsessystem for økt verdiskaping.