The course is designed for adult immigrants in Norway that wants to take the Samfunnskunnskapsprøven - Civics Test. It is mandatory for non-EU/EFTA applicants seeking permanent residency in Norway and provides insight into Norwegian society and social conditions.
Join Norwegian - small group classes in the classroom in Oslo or online. All levels. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo eller online. Alle nivåer. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
Join Norwegian - small group classes in classrooms in Oslo, Akershus or online. All levels. A0, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Bli med på Norsk - små gruppeklasser i klasserom i Oslo, Akershus eller online. Alle nivåer. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
This engaging B2 Norwegian course takes your skills to the next level, allowing for more in-depth conversations. It empowers you to express yourself confidently in both everyday and more complex situations, enhancing your fluency and comprehension across a variety of contexts.
This immersive A2 Norwegian course is ideal for building on your basics. It quickly enhances communication skills, helping you engage in everyday conversations and handle more complex situations confidently.
The Norwegian: Social Studies course is designed for adult immigrants who have recently arrived in Norway or have lived in Norway for a maximum of five years. The course is available in both Norwegian and English.
Kurset er for voksne innvandrere i Norge. Det er obligatorisk for de utenfor EU/EFTA som søker permanent opphold i Norge og gir innsikt i norske samfunnsforhold.